
Persuasive Essay On Mrs Morloney

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The police were very concerned and came back to the Moloney’s home, they knew that Mrs.Moloney killed her husband that night from the quiver in her voice. Once the police arrive, they questioned Mrs. Moloney and the look on her face was despicable, the policemen soon pushes Mrs. Moloney so hard she confesses to what she had done to her husband that night “Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt anyone but, he hurt me” cried Mary “ You will remain silent if you do, or say anything what you say can be used against you in the court of law You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning If you cannot afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you if you so desire” said the policemen
Mrs. Moloney just cried her whole way to the police headquarters. After about 3 hours she was put up in a cell that she had to stay and until her trial. The day came and Mrs. Moloney was ready for trial, her boyfriend, detective Sanders was there to support her, he tried to give her the best lawyer possible. Mrs. Moloney was sentenced to 8 years in prison for first degree murder with a bond of 78,000 dollars and no possible parole.
“ Mrs. Moloney someone is here to speak to you” yelled the officer. “Ok, I will speak” said Mary softly “ How are you holding up in here” said detective Garrett Sanders
“ I'm ok, but when are you getting me out of here” said Mary
“ Tomorrow I will pay your bond, and the job is done my wife is dead” said

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