Police brutality is one of several forms of police misconduct which involves undue violence by police officers. This is a problem, it is very dangerous and is also becoming more of an issue as time goes on. Police brutality can sometimes lead to deaths or someone being seriously injured. Some officers use extremely too much force when is not needed. It exists in many countries and territories, even those that prosecute it. It seems as if they target young African Americans more than any other race. Once a young black teen is killed it’s like nobody seems to care or as if it’s not a big deal but if it was the other way around then the cop would most likely be fired on the spot without any say so. “Often police officers build up negative feelings towards certain races, sexes, or religions. Officers tend to get the idea that if one or a few people treat them with disrespect, then other people of that same sex or creed will behave the same. Race consistently plays a key role in police brutality in the United States.”
There are so many causes of police brutality as of today. So many people wonder why police brutality is still going on. Many police departments don’t provide the officers with the right amount of training on how to prevent police brutality if they were ever in a situation which would cause the officers to use a little force therefore they feel as if they can handle the situation on their own and it gets out of hand. Also police subculture can be another reason why
Police brutality is a very widespread topic through all religions, all kinds of different cultures and all races. People believe that police officers use their powers and their badge to hold them to a higher standard then the average civilian. I belief that its all up to interpretation and the many experiences we go through that define a bad cop from a good one. If we judge all police officers from one bad cop how do we expect to change? Its a never ending cycle that has to change and heres some examples on how we can do so.
The song Cows with Guns was written by Dana Lyons in 1996. The song came 2nd on the Australian country charts, and became popular because of his tours all around the world. There are lots of underlying messages, but the main ones are about slaughterhouses and battery farms, and how they are morally wrong and animals get mistreated. The song raises important issues about humanitarian treatment of animals and the industrial production of meat. The song also has a long historical connection to protest songs that expose wrongs in society.
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict defines police brutality as the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police against the public. Excessive force is explained to be any behavior or force beyond what is reasonably necessary in order to control a situation. It is a common misnomer that people believe some police use excessive force more often than not. What’s more concerning is most of the time people believe that this excessive force is usually focused upon the African American men, women, and children. This misnomer is typically found to be found in city settings where the population consists of mostly African Americans. The population make up causes the common belief to seem more true than it may otherwise appear.
The guilt aspect is evident and can be viewed from another perspective that Lady Macbeth is coward because she is unable to kill Duncan but her goal is pressuring Macbeth (Echeruo 448). However, Lady Macbeth presents an excuse for not killing saying “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done" (II, ii, 16-17). Lady Macbeth can be stated as being scared not to commit the crime or she did not want to feel the subsequent guilt. Lady Macbeth is guilty because she coerced Macbeth to commit the crime. The guiltiness is attributed to her action such as changing Macbeth into a killing machine.
Whether you are an avid pro football fan or a casual weekend watcher by now we have all heard about the NFL’s protesting players. These high profile football players are generating media attention by kneeling during the National Anthem to protest police brutality. As Americans, we all benefit from the freedom to exercise our Constitutional rights, which are ensured and protected by our military’s service men and women. This single act of both defiance and solidarity has had a negative and a positive ripple effect on our nation.
There is a major issue with police brutality within the confinements of the United States of America, within society in general. The problem of police brutality is not just a problem with African American, it is spread throughout all the races. “Mr. Castellani who is 20 years old, yelling and pointing at officers, who are posted down the street, after his ejection from an Atlantic City casino for being underage. Four officers rush him, take him down and begin beating him -- a fifth officer soon joins in.”(The Baltimore,Leonard Pitts Jr.). It just so happened that this man was black and had been brutally attacked by police because he said something they didn't like it. It isn't always African Americans that are attacked thought, in 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the hospital by police men claiming Duran was intoxicated and hallucinating. He was brutally attacked because of what he believed in, it didn't have anything to do with his skin color, as he was attacked by white police man and Duran turned out to be a Caucasian man with a family and a job. All of that was taken away from him the moment the cops dragged him into the hospital claiming he wasn't right in the head and the cops found him like that. In 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the
Police brutality is the lavish physical assault or verbal assault during police procedures which can involve interrogating or apprehending a suspect. Police brutality originated from the labor worker strikes in the 1800’s through the 1900’s. The violent brutal act of these officers usually formed around the lower socioeconomic class. Since then police brutality has hit an all-time high in the 21st century. In New York alone there has been reportedly over 72 police brutality reports some reports even ended in the deaf of a citizen. There’s been claim of police officers violently choking citizens at traffics stops and beating citizen up in public. There’s been new technology such as body cameras which are used by most police but not all.
Police brutality has been a major issue since slavery. In slavery people, mainly whites, were able to do anything to black people without having to deal without dealing with the consequences. Families were destroyed, people died, babies were killed, and many unknown factors still to this day that will never be known. When slavery was abolished, it did not end right away. It took several years and still is not abolished if you look at in a political way. People of power, mainly white, were not happy that a black person could be seen as equals. This is the main reason why they feel it is okay to lash out at black people. There are several major issues that are causing and epidemic in The United States. However, the main issue that seems to be the most discussed is about police brutality in the black community. “Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force well beyond what would be necessary in order to handle a situation. Police brutality can be present in a number of ways. The most obvious form of police brutality is a physical form. Police officers can use nerve gas, batons, pepper spray, and guns in order to physically intimidate or even intentionally hurt civilians. Police brutality can also take the form of false arrests, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, police corruption, racial profiling, political repression and the improper use of Tasers”
"Police brutality is an officer that uses excessive/ unnecessary force when dealing with civilians" (what is police brutality). Police killed 964 people in 2015. Black people were 25% (242) of those that died in the hands of police officers. (Chaney) Black people are two times more likely to be killed than white. Also, in 2015, 70% of those that were killed was unarmed(Chaney). The U.S. Department of Justice shows that 61% of officers do not always report such violence. (The United States Department of Justice)
In the last few years, many would agree that incidents police brutality, especially towards those of the black community, have spiked. There have been countless reports of innocent people being beaten or shot by the police, those who are supposed to serve and protect us. Recently, athletes have been taking a knee to peacefully protest the mistreatment of minorities in America, especially by police. There has been an uproar about why it is wrong and disrespectful. That is not the case. Athletes have the right to take a knee because of how detrimental it is to our society, but also because most people have personal experience with discrimination.
Police officers nowadas are being portrayed as the opposite of their job description and it has been in the media’s attention that police officers in general have been abusing their power in non-violent situations whether it be in a small town or a big city, but today the news is now covering incidents of police brutality within the elementary through high school levels. Nowadays, there are children growing up that are becoming exceptionally defiant and difficult to control in the learning environments. This lead to the point that not even their parents could do anything about. Are Student Resource Officers, “SRO’s”,abusing their power and using them incorrectly? The SRO’s should be used to control any violence and drug use, not to intervene with a situation that a teacher is capable of handling.
This was so because King Tut was just a teenager when he died. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922, the modern world started contemplating on the mysterious circumstances under which he died, with murder being the most probable reason.
Police brutality has been a growing issue in the United States of the past century. The unique thing about police brutality is it does not discriminate. With that said some races have it worse than others. Such as the African American race they are continently in the news for African Americans being shot and killed by the police. Many look at police brutality as a physical abuse, but it is much more than that. Some people have suffered from mental issues to, such as thinking back to a incident with the police or having anxiety everytime they see a police officer. With that in mind if the police are viewed as a threat in the eyes of some of the public it can only get worse.
Police brutality is defined as “excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians,” and this has become more prominent within the United States throughout the years (Danilina). There has many cases where police brutality has been seen via news channels, and it has dismantled the unity of trust between the civilians of the United States and the law enforcement who are supposed to protect the everyday people from harm. The issue is if the law enforcement is actually right within their means of protection, or have they gone too far with using excessive force in any situation that may or may not be harmful to them. There is, also, the question of whether racial profiling is the biggest contributor to police brutality.
Although I should know by now, I cannot help but think that there has been an overwhelming amount of police brutality in recent years. Police brutality can be defined as, when a police officer uses more force than necessary. This issue has spread throughout the United States of America, and is putting the lives of our citizens in great danger. Police brutality is not only physical, but it can also be verbal attacks; and, in most cases, it is caused by false arrest and racial profiling due to police corruption. Police brutality has been and continues to be a major concern in society and it is used very loosely to any and all forms of police misconduct. Whereas, in reality, excessive force of police misconduct is what defines police brutality. The jobs of a police officer are too calmly resolve public disturbance and disputes. Police officers are supposed to protect citizens; instead they are hurting and using excessive force. It is not right and it is unjust for a police officer to hurt a citizen due to an assumption without any actual proof of criminal activity.