
Persuasive Essay On Racism

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Racism is a issue in America that has been growing, Martin Luther King was a famous black citizen for his bravery of black people equalness. We can respond to and eradicate racism only through a peaceful stand for the love for humanity. The call of Pope Francis to take “ a clear stand for creative and active nonviolence and against all forms of violence” echoes the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of a nation without racism. Inspired by Dr. King’s concept of a creative and constructive tension, I seek the following solutions to the violence caused by racism. Education for children, demonstration, and having the time to get to know one another that are a different culture.

Racism a growing issue in America, there are cases of racism throughout America, like black churches being burned in the Southern regions. However KKK members and white supremacists are blamed, investigators say the burnings have nothing to do with racism. The social media disagrees, since only black Churches are being burned. Another case is a black football player going out to hit, and the crowd was shouting at him, the main thing they shouted was racist jokes. More incidents is graves being tipped over, when graves are being attacked they are more tipped over, the main piece of the graves is being tipped over, most are not in severe damage. Some standing up though have gotten bad damages, unlike the tipped over ones with a few cracks, others have entire corners missing. Most reporters say they hope it's a few kids that got drunk ,but since there are a lot of graves that have been damaged that night investigators are saying it was focused attack, meaning the damage was planned to send a message. Even though the damage is bad it brought a bunch of people together to help clean up the area.

If kids were educated about racism better there might be fewer people that are racists. If kids were educated about this then it will give a clear idea of racism and why it’s a bad thing, this can lead to them not being influenced by others to be racists. When older they can help fight against racism. If kids were to be taught then they should be taught about how all people of different cultures, race. color are the same no

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