
Persuasive Essay On Rape On Campus

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Recently, Rolling Stone had removed an article they released last November that informed of a rape on campus of a Virginia university. Reason for removal was because the girl was lying. People seem to believe that because of one misconception that rape, or any type of sexual assault, never happens on any school’s grounds. There are plenty of truthful, realistic cases of rape and sexual assault on school grounds. It happens all too often, actually, when a woman can be abducted and assaulted by members of a fraternity as an “initiation”. And these assaults don’t only occur on campus. Nonetheless, sexual assault has been faked by many, but it is still all too real.
293,066 men, women, and children (age 12 and over) are raped or sexually assaulted every year. When a case dealing with the subject of rape or sexual assault is brought to the table in a courthouse, most counselors wouldn’t take the case because it’s difficult to prove. When a rapist is arrested and brought to court, the …show more content…

Victim blaming is a huge issue in our society. Most people don’t question why the rapist raped the victim, but instead ask what the victim was wearing, and explain that “she led him on,” and that “she wanted it.” Or, in many opinions, the worst one, “Boys will be boys.” Let’s say someone was robbed of a new iMac that they had in their home. Alright, how ridiculous would it sound if police responded to the report with, “Were you flaunting this item?” The owner would respond with, “It was out in my living room, you could say so.” And the police would say, “And you weren’t home.” Owner, “No.” Police, “So, you were you asking for it to be stolen by having it out in plain sight when you weren’t home?” That illogical argument is used by many officials who are informed of the assault of a student or citizen that reports it. “Were you wearing skimpy clothing? Were you asking for it? Were you

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