
Persuasive Essay On Recreational Marijuana

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Recreational marijuana is illegal in the majority of the United States of America. Everyday 45 seconds, there is a marijuana related arrest in America. Imagine a hard working father of two, who in his free time goes to the bar with his buddies and gets drunk on the weekends. No problem, right? Well what about a hard working father of two that goes to smoke marijuana with his buddies on the weekends. Now we have a problem. He could be potentially arrested and taken away from his job, and most importantly, taken away from his kids. This is important because these arrests should not be happening to these innocent Americans because marijuana should be legal to own and consume. Recreational marijuana should be legal in the United States of America. …show more content…

Cigarettes and alcohol are much more dangerous to humans than marijuana, yet they are legal to purchase and consume (at a certain age). “The effects are generally less severe than those of tobacco and alcohol, which together cause more than 560,000 American deaths annually. Unlike booze, marijuana isn't a neurotoxin, and unlike cigarettes, it has an uncertain connection to lung cancer.” (Barcott, Bruce, and Michael Scherer. "The Great Pot Experiment. (Cover Story)." Time 185.19 (2015): 38-45. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.). This shows that substances that are already legal and available to Americans are much more dangerous than marijuana. This shows that there is no reason for the government to be concerned about it in a health risk point of a view. Marijuana has no reported deaths from overdosing on the drug, because you need to smoke 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes to do that, which is a physically impossible task. Top scientists know that there are no reported deaths from marijuana alone, unlike other substances, but due to their extensive research they were able to find it is technically possible to overdose, but highly unlikely. This shows that the health risks of consuming marijuana are little to non-existent when compared to other legal substances, therefore it should be legal in the United States of America. The fact that marijuana is less harmful than other legal substances proves that is should be

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