Recreational marijuana is illegal in the majority of the United States of America. Everyday 45 seconds, there is a marijuana related arrest in America. Imagine a hard working father of two, who in his free time goes to the bar with his buddies and gets drunk on the weekends. No problem, right? Well what about a hard working father of two that goes to smoke marijuana with his buddies on the weekends. Now we have a problem. He could be potentially arrested and taken away from his job, and most importantly, taken away from his kids. This is important because these arrests should not be happening to these innocent Americans because marijuana should be legal to own and consume. Recreational marijuana should be legal in the United States of America. …show more content…
Cigarettes and alcohol are much more dangerous to humans than marijuana, yet they are legal to purchase and consume (at a certain age). “The effects are generally less severe than those of tobacco and alcohol, which together cause more than 560,000 American deaths annually. Unlike booze, marijuana isn't a neurotoxin, and unlike cigarettes, it has an uncertain connection to lung cancer.” (Barcott, Bruce, and Michael Scherer. "The Great Pot Experiment. (Cover Story)." Time 185.19 (2015): 38-45. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.). This shows that substances that are already legal and available to Americans are much more dangerous than marijuana. This shows that there is no reason for the government to be concerned about it in a health risk point of a view. Marijuana has no reported deaths from overdosing on the drug, because you need to smoke 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes to do that, which is a physically impossible task. Top scientists know that there are no reported deaths from marijuana alone, unlike other substances, but due to their extensive research they were able to find it is technically possible to overdose, but highly unlikely. This shows that the health risks of consuming marijuana are little to non-existent when compared to other legal substances, therefore it should be legal in the United States of America. The fact that marijuana is less harmful than other legal substances proves that is should be
The legalization of marijuana is a very debatable subject, some people think it is bad and should be illegal, and some people think it is good in some ways if used properly. It should be legal because it has few negative effects, it serves other purposes than getting people stoned, and it is better than other drugs.
In a few states including Maine has passed a law making the use of recreational marijuana acceptable. Although marijuana is legal in Maine the use of marijuana is still federally illegal. There already seems like there could be trouble, right? Well this is only one of many problems resulting from the “Yes” vote for the marijuana referendum. Police are servilely impacted when something is legal from a state law but the federal government say it is still not acceptable.
“Weed is addictive and is gateway drug. You shouldn’t smoke it.” This is a common misconception about Marijuana that a variety of people believe. This is because they do not know the history of it and what is in the Marijuana that makes it, what people say is “addictive.” They also probably do not know that there are disadvantages and advantages of using Marijuana. At the end of the day, it is really the choice of the user. But people should become more aware of where Marijuana originated from, what it is made from and the pros and cons of smoking it if they choose to.
There is little doubt that legal cannabis growers across the country are helping to boost local and state economies. However, the industry is under pressure from a growing number of people and organizations to curb power consumption. What's more, heavy competition is driving prices down, which tightens profit margins. Growers are looking for ways to reduce costs while still producing high quality crops. However, the equipment growers use is inherently power hungry, using massive amounts of energy. The cannabis industry is so new that there are no standards for growing methods, leaving growers responsible for capping their own energy use.
The problems that can arise if a politician were to use subjective measures, instead of objective measures, in advocating new laws can result in several, problematic, dilemmas’. Such as, creating laws for their own self benefit, disregarding public opinion for personal enlightenment, unrecognition of present or potential situations, and discrimination against political equality.
Everyone has days that are very stressful or days when they just want to give up on life itself, but sometimes taking a deep breath can help or simply a cigarette can do the trick. However, in today’s society, Marijuana is usually the go to antidepressant even though it is illegal. Many people believe Marijuana should be legal in the United States and there have been rumors rising that the state of Texas may become one of the few states to legalize the drug. Marijuana has been portrayed as better than most legal drugs or alcohol out there. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol actually cause more deaths than Marijuana, about 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning and about 400,000 people die from the use of tobacco. Marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. Although Marijuana does have some health risk, these risks are less severe when compared to other drugs, such as alcohol. Marijuana is the third most popular drug
Cannabis is a drug that is often perceived the wrong way .Throughout history the debate on marijuana has prompted many opposers to question morality and public safety while supporters sermonize cannabis’s healing and relaxing properties .The issue of marijuana use started off in 1930 with the formation of Federal Bureau of Narcotics and its commissioner Harry J. Anslinger ( he headed a campaign that allocated false information to the american people. As well as propaganda to mislead people about the true effects of cannabis .As a result marijuana has been classified as a schedule 1 drug and is illegal throughout the united states with the exception of of a few states who have recently legalized cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. Since marijuana has become illegal it has affected the social life of minorities since they are often prosecuted
Marijuana is derived from the dried flower clusters of a stain of hemp pant called cannabis sativa. So, people ingest to induce euphoria, also to treat the certain medical problems. Use of marijuana is termed is prohibited under federal law, but certain jurisdictions allow regulated use for medical purposes. The legalization of marijuana is considered as a controversial matter prevailing throughout the world. Before, in most ancient cultures did not grow the plant to get high, but as an herbal remedy. The hemp plants of marijuana have low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance accountable for hallucinatory effect. In addition, there is movement to legalize marijuana by supporters for years and able to create momentum across the country. Therefore, Alaska and Oregon has been legally approved to use for any use, however in many states marijuana is allowed for medical use. As the legalization of marijuana can cause crimes, injury, and increase addicted number. However, I strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized as most of the public supports its legalization and it brings billions of dollars in tax revenue and has medicinal values. As, people have been using the marijuana in any manner, and scientifically there is no proven harm to body by it.
Marijuana is arguably the most controversial drug in history. In general, when someone hears the word “drugs” they think of a terrible substance that will destroy the human body. However bringing up marijuana, many people think of different things. Some think of a degenerate hippie, but many Americans simply do not know what to think, and bringing up the legalization of the substance is even more controversial. There is a large group of people that believe the legalization of marijuana is pointless and only serves the purpose of making people unhealthy, but at the same time there are many that believe its legalization will solve many problems in America. Marijuana should be a legal, regulated drug because of its long history, the United
Marijuana in the United States is such a widely conversed topic you will get very different opinions from anyone you talk to. There are those who say it should be legal, and there are those who say it shouldn’t be. Marijuana is widely known throughout the countries and is used whether it is legal or not. Currently in the United States Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Marijuana can be taxed and regulated by the government. Marijuana is said to be safer than recreational alcohol consumption. Marijuana also has several health benefits. Although Marijuana is said to be a drug, it should be legalized.
Marijuana is an addictive substance that many people get affected by. Many people know the negative effects of marijuana but they still continue to smoke weed. The government should not legalize marijuana because it would cause a lot of harm to the user and if they legalize it, more people would start smoking weed. Marijuana affects their education, causes health problems, and it also increases the chance of being schizophrenic. Marijuana should not be legalized resulting in a better lifestyle.
Across the world people are looking for ways to either smuggle marijuana into the United States or find a “plug” to sell drugs to them. Constantly people being arrested for the usage of drugs, the most common being marijuana. In 28 states medical marijuana is allowed, but only 9 states are allowed to use it without a prescription. Marijuana should be legal for medical uses, getting high or stressing off, and we would benefit as a country.
Success in education must be measured through hard work, perseverance, and dedication- not through the deceiving effects of marijuana. From personal experience, I have had many peers throughout high school and post-secondary who have claimed to use marijuana to help them succeed in school. Currently, in the country of Canada, marijuana is an illegal herbal drug used by many students as a personal key to succeed. Marijuana, also known as “weed”, is relatively inexpensive and easy to come by. Therefore, people use marijuana for various reasons: some use the drug as a way to release stress, while others use it as a calming agent. Consequently, many of these students are deceived by the fact that marijuana is potentially harmless. What many do not know- marijuana can actually be harmful, and that it could pose a potential threat to the student’s success in education. Students should consider avoiding marijuana while pursuing their education as they could potentially be limiting their success in school. Many users do not take the time to understand the full effect of the stimulant and they will smoke ridiculous amounts of marijuana to reach that certain high that will lead them to their idea of “success”. These smokers are slowly deconstructing their futures; the feeling of “keeping chill” is not worth affecting their mind, memory, attention span, thinking process, and physical body.
When people think about Marijuana, the first thing that pops in there head is that it’s illegal here in Illinois and the cons that it brings to the people that smoke it. Marijuana has been a hot topic ever since it became illegal nationwide by the Marijuana Tax act of 1937 ( Burnett and Reiman). As we flash forward to now in 2017 we see that 8 states have made Marijuana Legal for recreational use ,and there are 21 states that have it legalized for medical use. Yes, the Marijuana progression has been going good but needs to go Nationwide and show that instead of treating it like a hard drug we can end up benefiting from it even from the people that don’t even use it. How it can benefit us will be my making revenue, show how smoking it can benefit us and make the crime right go down.
The plant marijuana has caused quite a problem in the US for the past few years. The debate on whether the drug should be legalized has split the nation in two. Some argue that the drug only has negative effects; people under its influence are unable to think rationally and act out in dangerous ways, severing ties with their family and potentially losing their jobs. Others argue that while this can be true, more studies should be conducted to learn about marijuana, because past tests have uncovered marijuana has medicinal benefits.