
Persuasive Essay On Refugees

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Due to the influence of the picture of Alan Kurdi and increased publicity about this issue, the refugee crisis has become much more well known among the entire world. Many people have positive responses, especially those in Europe. These groups of people are supportive of their governments to let refugees in. The biggest reason for this encouragement is the humanitarian side of the issue. Refugees are human beings that deserve to be treated just as well as the richest, most credible man in the world. These protestors against anti refugee projects believe that the governments should help those in need. They believe that the world cannot just stand by while these people suffer. Doing so would be considered a tragedy. These supporters have started many protests to help gain support for this issue. …show more content…

For example, recently in Germany, an anti racism and xenophobia protest focused on the refugee crisis took place in Berlin, with over 4,500 people attending. The Catholic and Protestant churches have also taken a positive side on this issue. They are both adamant about helping refugees and providing asylum for all in need. Also, several European countries, such as Germany and Britain, have pledged to start letting refugees in starting this year. Governments are starting to come around to see the importance of the issue and the less fortunate that need their help. The group that is trying to help the refugees the most is the UN. They have continued to provide support in the form of clean water, sanitation, food, and shelter since to anyone seeking asylum since before the 50s. Many other charities, such as the International Red Cross and Save the Children, are doing important work to help the refugees in Europe. These generous charities and groups are doing all they can to help the refugees, but it is still not enough to solve the

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