Almost 70% of college graduates graduate with student loans. With discipline and determination you can be part of the 30% that does not. You can avoid student loans by simply saying “no” to spending and instead saving for a college fund. If you work for scholarships while you have time and opportunity it will decrease your chances of having student loans. Some may argue it is normal to have debt. That may be true but it is not impossible to be debt free! If you work for scholarships and use your time in high school wisely you won’t have to have student loans. If you save money for college, you can start a college fund that will significantly help you in the long run. In a world where we want everything now, it can be tempting to spend money
College isn’t free unless you win a full ride scholarship, which is really hard to get. To get a full ride scholarship, you have to meet the requirements which include an 800 score on the SAT and/or 36 score on the ACT. Winning a full ride scholarship is one option to stay out of debt while you’re in college. Another way to stay debt free is to start saving up money every week or at least every now and then while you are still in high school. Saving up money, doesn’t have to be boring, get out, offer to help and start planning your future. If saving money is hard for you, try saving at least one dollar everyday, every dollar you’re saving will make a difference. If you ever receive a financial gift, make sure to save up every dollar of it. Most importantly, put all the money you receive in a savings account so that you won’t be tempted to spend it on unnecessary
Do you have money laying around? Would you like to have extra cash to make your dreams come true? Use student loans to pay for college and a college education will pay for its self, with knowledge. A college degree is worth gaining student debt because it will increase one’s potential income, make one successful in life, and make one happier by allowing one to chase one’s dream.
Being debt-free may seem like an impossible dream but with the right information and plan of action, you can eliminate student loan debt and live life the way you've always dreamed of.
The cost of college and how to pay for it is an ongoing struggle and problem for many people around the nation. There are so many aspects of the adventures of college that cost thousands of dollars and leave a big hole in all parts of the financial life. Although getting an education is very expensive, it is essential in most cases to living a successful life and providing for yourself and a family. There are many people willing to help individuals keep track and focus on how to manage money and spend it wisely like Mr. Renzetta, and there are also people making a huge effort and raising awareness to reduce the price of college dramatically in hopes of what they believe is saving our great nation.
Unfortunately, with furthering your education, student loan debt is almost guaranteed. My husband is seven years older than I am, so when I graduated high school and chose to get married instead of going onto college we lived in his small house that he had. Shortly after getting married, we found out that we were expecting our first child. I knew that we would grow out of our first home quickly so we began the process of getting a new home. We found out that no credit is worse than bad credit. We were blessed that by putting down a decent down payment by selling his old house would help us to be able to obtain a loan.
Because of the nation’s national rising debt, student loan forgiveness has been a significant topic of debate because of how much it can affect our nation’s debt and doesn’t always help the student. Student loan debt is one of the highest debt causes, but sometimes we forget that we are the ones that sign the line on the contract to be in years of debt. This is because we value our education. But this does not mean that just because we can’t find an amazing, high paying job right out of college that we should have our loans forgiven. We want the easy way out of something that isn’t easy, so why should the government pay for our debt? Yes, college is very expensive and that is the governments fault, but again we are the ones that signed the line on the loan papers. (Sam Adolphsen, 583)
To have a hope for the future, we first have to start now. Education is vital to success. However, some Americans cannot afford the education they deserve. Some are not even given the opportunity to express their individual rights. The United States as an overall country has great potential, and we should use that to help ourselves as well as other countries.
Student loan has been skyrocketing since 2006, and it keeps increasing each year. To make
President Obama also announces a new program that will lower monthly loan payments for some students graduating next year. The government tries its best to ease the stress off of those paying back debt. Although the government has made programs to help those struggling to pay back their debt, it is also one owns responsibly. When taking out a loan for college one should have a plan as to how he or she plans on paying it back. By getting a side job and managing your money in order to pay off your debt, it will take away a lot of stress. Obviously the best solution to avoid debt right after graduating college is to avoid a student loan or any loans.
College students graduate with an average student loan debt of approximately $37000. Of course, that's not the whole story. Millions of college graduates have student loan debts ranging from $50,000 to over $200,000.
More and more individuals these days are scurrying to find effective ways to ease their financial burdens caused by piled up student loan debts. If you are one of these people seeking financial relief, read on to find out how you can save on your college debt payments.
If you have the opportunity, pay off some of your student loans while you 're in school. Even if you can only pay a little bit on them, the compounding interest on your debts will grow over the next 10-20 years, (the average time it takes to pay off loans) and paying some of that now will save you a ton in interest in the future. Paying on student loans is one of the things that recent college grads say is scary about finances, but taking the initiative to pay now makes a huge
College can be really expensive, so with the help student loans it can be very helpful, but also it can’t. Almost all colleges have a expensive tuition, money is a big thing when it comes to college. Everything is a lot of money, from housing, books, classes, and all the necessities. Student loans can almost take a load off of your back.
Once highschool ends, you will think you are already done with school, and you can finally be free, and you are kind of right. However, your college education should not stop at high school, as high school only teaches you a few things. Going to college will teach things outside of just learning some basic math and writing formats. College will prepare you for life as well. By going to college, you will earn more, be more employable due to your accumulation of knowledge, and you will live a healthier life. College is not for everyone, but if you prefer a secure future then it is suggested to go to college. By pursuing business without a college degree, you could lose all your money and everything you have worked for at any moment if you are not cautious. With a college degree, you can earn a decent salary with a secure job.
The sheer amount of debt that a college student acquires after they finish their schooling is an egregious sum. The average amount that a borrower owes after they graduate is $26,000 (Denhart). These now excessive amounts of debt are thrust upon graduates, both young and old, and could take several years to pay off. Additionally, the national student debt has increased from $80 billion to $500 billion from 1995 to 2011 ("Student debt"). A young adult, fresh out of school, potentially has few approaches to attempt to decrease a debt of such enormity with perhaps a limited income. While less than 1% of people have loans