
Persuasive Essay On Saving Money

Decent Essays

“Money doesn’t grow on trees,” my father asserts to me for the millionth time, “where’s all the money I gave to you yesterday?” Not to offend anyone, but if you’re parents never use a phrase like this, then chances are you're spoiled. Ever since the opportunity to acquire cash became available to me, my parents have looked to cut off my financial givings as much as possible. Although it may seem detrimental having my parents cease from helping me pay for simple expenses like gas, it was one of the best things for me. Without my parents indirect guidance, my financial status may be backwards like many of my fellow students today. Their influence of pushing me toward independently funding my high school fun and necessities has taught me so much about saving money. Approaching a four-year college experience and beginning life on my own, funds are going to be tight. The way I look at it, there will be no pennies to spare. Every child growing up dreams of retaining thousands of their own dollars in the bank. Yet, few do anything to reach this dream during their young days. A trend in adolescents has caused them to lose a sense of the value in saving. Many believe that it won’t establish a difference down the road when the potential to garner larger amounts of currency proves to be higher. It really starts with the lack of value in small amounts of money and personal enjoyment that drives high schoolers away from saving. Students must begin saving money as early as possible, high

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