School shootings have been a part of our past and unfortunately it’s a part of our present. Unless we find a way to stop the shootings from happening it will be a part of our future too. Although there haven’t been 18 school shooting, there still have been too much for anyone’s liking. You can see it on the news, and on your phone how troubling these situations are to society. There are some things we can’t control such as natural disasters, getting old, and the past. However, there are things we can control like violence in schools. Many people have been hurt and scared by the school shootings. There has been too much trauma. It seems like people don’t really care about the safety of the students and adults at schools because they can keep …show more content…
I do agree with having metal detectors at the entrances along with making the school a friendlier place. They could also have a limited amount of exits and entrances so they can make it harder to enter the school. At the entrances, there could be police officers or some sort of authority that will be ready to stop someone from bringing a weapon into the school. “20 to 30 percent of student above elementary level consistently report seeing a weapon of some kind at school at least one during the year.” This statistic shows how many students are threatened and have a chance of being hurt by a weapon brought to school. Making the school have an encouraging and positive atmosphere does play a big role in stopping violence. “If you devote resources to shutting down bullying, discrimination, and harassment, there is a chance to de-escalate conflict.” This is exactly what administration and faculty need to do at schools. If students are able to unite as an uplifting group, then no one would feel the need to bring a knife, or gun to school. It does require an abundance amount of support and encouragement, but in the long run it will reduce chances of innocent citizens being killed or hurt. The communities need to work together to prevent these catastrophic events from occurring. Teamwork is pivotal in making a
The picture is showing how much we haven’t really changed at all in anything. Everyone has their own way of doing things in there life, their way of saying what is on there mind. But then you have those people who end up getting pushed around every which way the turn their head. One of the main reason behind the shootings is kids feeling like they need to make a point about how people do not listen to what they have to say and the shooting is the only way to (wake up some people or the town itself) According to Dewey G. Cornell and Matthew J. Mayer say on my second journal say “All too often, the response to school violence has centered on simple solutions, such as declaring that schools are gun-free zones or, alternatively, recommending that teachers arm themselves in order to ward off attacks. Perhaps the most simplistic solution has been the widespread adoption of zero-tolerance policies, which have resulted in thousands of students being expelled from school each year.” (1). That’s supposedly helping stop the shootings, expelling them and making them even more angry at the school, maybe at themselves too and wanting to do it even more so. So instead of watching the world go insane, go help others, go be the reason people finally wake up to the one word that is losing its self. There is more to life than watching what everyone else is
Guns have been around for hundreds of years, used as a well – known weapon during war. However, today our world is using them for uncalled violence on others. School shootings are sky rocketing as well as homicides in the United States, and nothing is being done to fix it. In the political documentary “Bowling for Columbine”, Michael Moore was looking for reasons why the horrific Columbine High School attack happened, why America has a high crime rate as well as the high access to guns.
I have been a student in the Thomas County School System ever since I started pre-school. During my time here, I have loved every minute of it, learning and having great experiences with friends and teachers here. Over the last four years of my high school experience, I have noticed that there have been more threats of bombings and shootings around the nation. Even though we do have a safe school and take precautions, there is still room for error. I am proposing that we make school a safer place for kids to learn by installing bulletproof glass as well as door-stoppers in each class.
A very controversial topic throughout the United States and the world is guns. As American citizens, we have a constitutional right to own a fire arm. But why is a gun so important and why is it such a huge part of the United States division of its people? The division starts with people using this Second Amendment to harm people. In recent years, mass shootings have become the norm for the United States and that outcome is not the purpose of the Second Amendment. These mass shooting happen everywhere from movie theatres to concert halls. But the majority of these mass shootings seem to happen at schools with innocent children aging from kindergarten to high school students. With the deaths of children in school rising, the urge to find a solution and develop prevention tactics have become top priority. Not only limiting the access to guns but finding out the reason behind the shootings will help aid in the fight to stop gun violence in schools.
“Former Student Opens Fire at Florida High School, killing 17” According to NBC News, this was the tragic headline after another school shooting. This can’t happen anymore. Something needs to be done about the tragic school shootings. That's why I think teachers should be properly trained and then given a gun.
School should be a place of peace and opportunity, but gaps in the system of gun control threatens the safety of faculty and students. School shootings have killed a total of 297 lives, young and old (Slate Magazine). Gun control has been a continuous nationwide debate for many years. It seems that no one wants to take a stance against guns unless they are personally affected. In order to take control of the matter and prevent more incidents from continuing schools need to change. To achieve a safe environment in schools need to educate faculty, safe and students, heighten security, and assess mental health issues.
Will gun control really put a stop on school shootings or is that just a fluke? A school shooting for anyone who does not know is a form of mass shooting involving a gun attack on an educational institution, such as a school or university. The U.S. Secret service defines them as shootings where schools are "deliberately selected as the location for the attack". The question is, are guns the problem or is it immoral people? Gun control is define as one of the most controversial and emotional issues in many countries, with the debate often centring on whether regulations on an individual's right to arms are an undue restriction on liberty and whether there is a correlation
In 1999, the state of Connecticut passed a gun seizure law allowing judges to confiscate guns from citizens if the police can provide evidence that the person is a threat to society or to themselves. Within two weeks of the seizure, a hearing must be held which will determine if the gun may be returned to the citizen or if the state will be authorized to hold the gun for up to a year. This law was put into place after four killings with a firearm in 1998 by a mentally ill man. The state of Indiana has a similar law, which was passed in 2005, and two other states, California and New Jersey, are now contemplating the enforcement of regulations like those in Connecticut and Indiana after a mass killing in Santa Barbra, California by a mentally
According to President Trump, arming teacher with guns will become the solution to school shootings. Presently, thirty-two mass shooting have taken place all over the states of America since the year 2005. In fact, the most recent occurred the fourteenth of February this year, 2018, in Florida. Nikolas Cruz, the school shooter, previously attended Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and reportedly suffers from mental illnesses which may contribute to his motives.
As of recent almost everyone has heard of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting that took place in Parkland Florida on February 14, 2018. This shooting has sparked much controversy over gun laws and legislation, 17 students were killed with numerous others injured making it the 3rd largest mass school shooting in US history. Anytime someone is shoot and killed it’s tragic, but why so much controversy and media attention you ask? Well many survivors of the shooting are saying Gun Laws are to blame, demanding change. In recent years Sandy Hook Elementary, Northern Illinois University, and the Virginia Tech University Shootings have all taken place but with not nearly as much media attention. Until recently guns where not to blame but the security of the schools and the sanity of the shooter where questioned, but today most want to blame the guns, when guns don’t kill people. Therefore, gun laws shouldn’t change but citizens and public security should change.
“Since at least 1950, all but two public mass shootings in America have taken place where general citizens are banned from carrying guns.” Now, envision being in a mall and you hear a horrible scream immediately after you hear a massive CRACK! You look behind you and you see a man running at you with a gun, you grab for your gun but you remember you have just gave your gun to the government. You would be defenseless because of gun control. Gun control should not be reinforced for the reasons that most mass shootings are in gun free zones. most gun related death are suicides, and these laws wouldn’t apply to criminals.
Around the world, guns are used in various things such as hunting, warfare, shooting ranges, and much more. There is one particular action that has increased drastically within the past decades. This is none other than mass shootings in the United States. Since the spark in mass shootings, people have discussed ways to prevent this from happening, but others do not want the laws to change. Although each argument has their benefits and liabilities, America must do something about the deaths and injuries of thousands of people. Changing the laws would have benefits such as decrease in deaths and injuries of others and reduce the societal costs, but argues against the Constitution.
There has been an average of one school shooting every week in America since the Sandy Hook shooting. On the fourteenth of December, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, 20-year-old Adam Lanza not only killed his mother in her home, but also twenty children and six members of staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This was to be the third deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. The Huffington Post reports that as of 2014, there have been over 200 school shootings. These have resulted in at least 94 deaths and over 156 serious and minor injuries. And, with an issue as emotive and contentious as the murder of school children, the question has been frequently asked: why do school shootings happen?
Unfortunately, the notion of schools being a safe place is no longer a trend across American schools. Disturbing mass shootings in the U.S continue to shock the media. A school shooting is when someone attacks a school using a gun. The Secret Service says these shootings are "deliberately selected as the location for the attack". The reasons massacres occur in schools is because of poor security, violence in video games/media, and bullying. Shockingly the U.S. has the most school shootings than any other country in the world. According to the FBI, mass shootings occur, on average, every 2 weeks in the U.S. While the cause of school shootings are sometimes unpredictable, it is a growing issue and they need to be prevented. Most shooters don’t have mental issues, they have a plan to kill, so there is no singular cause that creates violent people. On April 16th, 2007, the most deadly school massacre occurred. Seung-Hui Cho killed thirty-two students at Virginia-Tech. As Americans, we no longer should turn on the news and witness these gruesome murders. We try to make sense of these murders, but it’s ineffectual. There are measures we can take as a society to help. The number one question in a school massacre is, "why would a person that has a capable sense of mind even do that?” It is our moral responsibility to fix these issues. In order to stop this problem, we need to find its roots.
There are many problems in this world today. One main problem in the United States and all over the world is mass shootings. This problem is a huge one because it involves people killing other people and that is just unacceptable. In the last ten years there have been over 53 mass shootings in the United States, not including the rest of the world (Chris Wilson). In the last thirty-five years there have been seven-hundred and twenty-two and then one thousand one-hundred seventy-seven (Chris Wilson). If you look at the number of people that are killed or being wounded, you will notice that with new devices being introduced. One of the devices that have been introduced is a bump stock. This device is a stock for a semi-automatic rifle that can basically turn your semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic rifle. They are considering making this attachment to a rifle illegal to the public.