
Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

Decent Essays

School shootings have been a part of our past and unfortunately it’s a part of our present. Unless we find a way to stop the shootings from happening it will be a part of our future too. Although there haven’t been 18 school shooting, there still have been too much for anyone’s liking. You can see it on the news, and on your phone how troubling these situations are to society. There are some things we can’t control such as natural disasters, getting old, and the past. However, there are things we can control like violence in schools. Many people have been hurt and scared by the school shootings. There has been too much trauma. It seems like people don’t really care about the safety of the students and adults at schools because they can keep …show more content…

I do agree with having metal detectors at the entrances along with making the school a friendlier place. They could also have a limited amount of exits and entrances so they can make it harder to enter the school. At the entrances, there could be police officers or some sort of authority that will be ready to stop someone from bringing a weapon into the school. “20 to 30 percent of student above elementary level consistently report seeing a weapon of some kind at school at least one during the year.” This statistic shows how many students are threatened and have a chance of being hurt by a weapon brought to school. Making the school have an encouraging and positive atmosphere does play a big role in stopping violence. “If you devote resources to shutting down bullying, discrimination, and harassment, there is a chance to de-escalate conflict.” This is exactly what administration and faculty need to do at schools. If students are able to unite as an uplifting group, then no one would feel the need to bring a knife, or gun to school. It does require an abundance amount of support and encouragement, but in the long run it will reduce chances of innocent citizens being killed or hurt. The communities need to work together to prevent these catastrophic events from occurring. Teamwork is pivotal in making a

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