
Persuasive Essay On Selective Learning

Decent Essays

Young children are in a state that makes the ready and anxious to learn about the world around them. . While children do not show much discrimination in what information they choose to believe, they are selective in the informants they believe. In most cases, learning is not an individualistic event for infants and children. Humans are social creatures and rely heavily on the people around them to learn basic information about our world. Infants and children who have only a small foundation are particularly dependent and therefore vulnerable to all information that comes their way. However, not are people are equal in quality when it comes to the information they provide. Children exhibit selective learning, which is essential because it allows discrimination between good and bad sources (Brosseau‐Liard & Birch, 2011; Buttelmann, Zmyj, Daum, & Carpenter, 2013; Gweon & Schulz, 2011; Harris & Corriveau, 2011; Lucas, Burdett, Burgess, Wood, McGuigan, & Whiten, 2016; Lane & Harris, 2015; Kim & Harris, 2014; Kim & Harris, 2014b; Koenig & Jaswal, 2011; Kushnir, Vredenburgh, & Schneider, 2013; Turner, Giraldeau, & Flynn, 2017; Vanderbilt, Heyman, & Liu, 2014; Zhao, Baron & Hamlin, 2016; Zmyj, Buttelmann, Carpenter, & Daum, 2010).
When children are choosing a source they will often take their relationship to the informant, preferring someone who has shown them that they are trustworthy in the past. (MAYBE MORE ON TRUSTING FAMILIARITY?) However, their decision in choosing an

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