
Persuasive Essay On Shelter Dogs

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Every dog is unique regardless their background, but shelter dogs are much more appreciative when given a second chance at a forever home. They have lived through good and bad times, trusted and loved people who have miserably failed them. They have endured a stay in a dirty overcrowded shelter where fear, sickness, and death permeates the air and human contact is brief and limited to cage cleanings, feedings, and the occasional visiting public. They know the feeling of being invisible to people who walk by their cages without acknowledging the barking, whining or pawing at the gate in an effort for attention. They understand that once the visitor has passed another opportunity for a good home, love and affection has also gone by. Theirs …show more content…

Greed, ignorance, and selfishness are to blame. It begins with money. Profit is the primary goal of any business, but imagine a business that strives for that goal in conditions so deplorable that production must be kept from public slight. A business where every opportunity to impregnate a female dog is seized upon. When she can no longer reproduce she is killed. The overhead of such a business is extremely low. It requires very small cages unprotected from the elements often stacked upon one another to save space. The cages are packed with sick and injured dogs that receive no quality human interaction. The cage floors are made of wire so that urine and feces can fall through to the ground. Lucky are the dogs on the top row for they have no urine or excrement raining down upon them. The cost of veterinary care for these dogs? Zero! The damage that's done to their paws from spending their lives standing on wire cage floors, health issues, medical needs and preventative care such as vaccinations and flea and tick preventative's are seldom attended to. The health of the dogs is as deplorable as the conditions in which they live. It is under these unsanitary and horrid circumstances that sickly male dogs are forced to mate with sickly females to produce sick puppies that live in the same filth and squalor without medical care until sold to pet shops. In turn, pet shops sell the puppies

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