Every dog is unique regardless their background, but shelter dogs are much more appreciative when given a second chance at a forever home. They have lived through good and bad times, trusted and loved people who have miserably failed them. They have endured a stay in a dirty overcrowded shelter where fear, sickness, and death permeates the air and human contact is brief and limited to cage cleanings, feedings, and the occasional visiting public. They know the feeling of being invisible to people who walk by their cages without acknowledging the barking, whining or pawing at the gate in an effort for attention. They understand that once the visitor has passed another opportunity for a good home, love and affection has also gone by. Theirs …show more content…
Greed, ignorance, and selfishness are to blame. It begins with money. Profit is the primary goal of any business, but imagine a business that strives for that goal in conditions so deplorable that production must be kept from public slight. A business where every opportunity to impregnate a female dog is seized upon. When she can no longer reproduce she is killed. The overhead of such a business is extremely low. It requires very small cages unprotected from the elements often stacked upon one another to save space. The cages are packed with sick and injured dogs that receive no quality human interaction. The cage floors are made of wire so that urine and feces can fall through to the ground. Lucky are the dogs on the top row for they have no urine or excrement raining down upon them. The cost of veterinary care for these dogs? Zero! The damage that's done to their paws from spending their lives standing on wire cage floors, health issues, medical needs and preventative care such as vaccinations and flea and tick preventative's are seldom attended to. The health of the dogs is as deplorable as the conditions in which they live. It is under these unsanitary and horrid circumstances that sickly male dogs are forced to mate with sickly females to produce sick puppies that live in the same filth and squalor without medical care until sold to pet shops. In turn, pet shops sell the puppies
“If the fake service dog scam continues to escalate, real service dogs, and the privileges and respect they are entitled to, will be in jeopardy.” (Lichtenberg). Service dogs are needed for people with PTSD, Disabilities, Clinical Depression and GAD. A lot of people rely on these wonderful animals to help them get through the day. For example, people who use dogs to help with depression ,what if they get into a bad mood and attempt suicide, the dog will get someone's attention or can even call 911. Soldiers with PTSD suffer from flashbacks and the dog can calm soldiers down and help them know what is real and not. They are not meant to help people who just want to take their dog into the store or have “stressful” or “bad” days. We all get those. Service dogs are beneficial to the world and save lives, you should not be able to just order a kit off the Internet to “license” your dog to be a service dog. Lives are at risk and its wrong to mock the need of a service dog.
This is a very hard and awful situation for the dog because they are domestic animals. This means that their survival skills are poor and they are almost completely helpless on their own. They are bound to die from starvation, overexposure, or get hit by a car. For the dogs that do not end up being killed, many shelters will take the dogs in, but many of them are overcrowded. The stray dogs that are brought in to local shelters can only stay for a short period of time because of the amount of dogs they are able to take in. In the end, most of the dogs end up not being bought because for every ten dogs in need of a home, only one person will be willing to. It can also cause emotional trauma for the owners when they find out all of the diseases of the dog and have to put the dog
Shouldn’t all animals have the right to live? Dogs could receive and give happiness if they were not put down. Animals do not really have a chance to actually live life.Many places simply do not have enough room for all of the animals, so they resort to euthanasia to control the population. There are many dogs and cats that are euthanized only because they take up room.
Many men, women, families, and roommates have some kind of dog as a pet, but what else can dogs be rather than just a companion? Studies show that when owning a dog it reduces stress. Yes stress! Not only does owning a dog reduce stress but it can prevent heart disease and high blood pressure. It’s healthier for everyone to have a dog because having someone to be there for people gives comfort, prevents sadness or depression and loneliness. Even though dogs can just be pets, they can also have important jobs like guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, and war dogs.
Most of these dogs never got a chance at a home and the ones that did were either abandoned or used. Whenever i see this it truly breaks my heart because i always think to myself “why are animals so mistreated, if all they want to do is be loyal and make you happy”. Mistreating an animal is something I don’t think I’ll ever understand especially because I know of what a dog can do for you. Anything that has to do with animals always has an effect on me because it makes me emotional to think how people disregard the fact that animals too have feelings. When I’ve gone I have also seen many female dogs that show the appearance like if they recently had a litter, a litter anywhere from two to eight puppies that who knows where she had them or if they only kept the puppies and threw her out. This is also a personal matter because I have a dog and I've lived through what a dog can do for you. My dog helped my mom get through depression, and even on my mom's hardest days she helped her get through
At the current moment, American shelters play host to far more animals then they can ever hope to place in a forever home. According to the ASPCA, noted animal rights group, every year, about 6.5 million dogs and
Every animal has their own level of intelligence, take a rat for example, they are extremely intelligent and are capable of learning quickly. All throughout this paper, I will talk about what tools to use and how to train dogs, cats ferrets, rats, and even Monkeys. Most animals that we are able to have as a pet are trainable but not all.
Many animals are sitting in a shelter of some sort this very second and we take our pets for granted ignoring those pets who are less fortunate. Animals should be adopted from shelters to help save their lives and make their lives also better in a number of ways. Many of the animals in shelters get put down or don’t have the funding to care for the animals in the shelters and have to then do anything in their power to get rid of the animal to prevent the idea of killing the animal. Animals don’t get the choice to be in a shelter or not, but I personally see it as in my situation of being in a treatment center for no reason but for a new placement. Animals deserve a second chance to be free again before being killed in a shelter.
Public dog parks should be built in every city in the US. People with dog should know that a dog that is will exercise well be more friendly. In the passage its says that "dogs that dont get exercise can act out by barking and destroying things". this explains alot because you would want to walk in to your home with friends/family while your dog is destroying eveything. Now if the dog reguly exrcised the dog wouldnt do that at all.
Imagine walking in the door after a long day; your furry loving puppy is sprinting towards you so excited to see you after missing you all day. Your puppy is ready to grab your attention and distract you from the terrible day you’ve had, comforting you in the process. Dogs are great pets because of their comforting nature, playfulness and protective tendencies.
For being man’s supposed best friend, humans too often make choices to benefit themselves instead of dogs. People decide what traits make a dog cute and disregard what traits make them healthy. Dog breeding is a harmful practice for dogs both biologically and culturally due to superficial standards. These dogs are bred to be cute, but that cuteness can inadvertently carry a gene that can lead to disease, or even the cuteness itself could be debilitating, such as with the poster pug’s flat face makes breathing significantly more difficult. Dogs are living, breathing creatures and the standards set for their reproduction should factor their well-being into the standard of the dog.
A person is thinking of getting a pet to be his companion and to entertain his kids, but he has encountered a predicament: they choose a mediocre feline or a magnificent canine. While there are many advantages of each option, the dog is a better option for companionship, protection, and loyalty.
For centuries, humankind has enjoyed the unconditional love and companionship of pets. Inclusively, dogs have been stated as “man’s best friends.” By far, pets have become a bigger role in people’s lives. Consequently, pet ownership has turned out to be more popular through the years. Owning a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but there is a fact that many individuals may not know. From what kind of places are people obtaining their pets? The two most presumed options are narrowed down to either buying at a pet store or adopting from a shelter. Even though people can get a pet from either option, there are many reasons why adopting is undoubtedly a smarter choice. Animal shelters serve for a bigger purpose, and that is to help the community and its animals. Prospective pet owners should choose pet adoption because of its health, economic, and life benefits.
Imagine walking into an animal shelter, seeing the dogs and cats locked up behind bars wanting to be adopted. At an animal shelter, homeless animals are continuously looking for a home everywhere. An animal shelter in Ohio is CHA animal shelter, they are a nonprofit organization. They provide temporary care and shelter for cats and dogs and try their best to find them a loving home. Also, they provide surgery to spay or neuter the animal, and give the animal it’s required shots. Adding to, they provide an implanted microchip so the owner can track their animal if it is ever lost. CHA animal shelter has also provided a public website to view pictures of the cats and dogs and a brief background on the animal. They also have an option for donations for emergency situations, food, and supply, etc. The fact that they offer donations is remarkable because some individuals do not want to adopt a pet, but want to be apart of promoting adoption and give support to the organization. Not only does the organization try to make the pet’s life the best at the animal shelter, but CHA also hosts events to get people’s interest and gives the animals time out of the cage. I have adopted a dog from an animal shelter and it has been the best decision ever. Knowing I saved animals live brought more joy and love into my life, and nevertheless, he is the best little jack russel ever. Although I could have got a puppy from Petland, the choice of adopting a dog not only saved me money but also allowed me to save his life as well and improve his quality of life. An individual who adopts a pet is rescuing it from neglect and is giving that precise animal a second chance. In conclusion, I believe that CHA animal shelter is the best place to adopt a pet because it is less expensive than buying an animal from a pet store, it decreases puppy mills, and the individual can pick a dog or cat of any age.
Many may ask, why waste a valuable life? Why kill when you can just save them and adopt? Animals deserve the chance to live just like any person in this world does. Over the past 20 years, animal shelter communities in the United States has been grappling with the overpopulation problem of domestic animals (Rowan). Nationally, around four million animals are killed in animal shelters each year. Of the animals killed, roughly 95% of the shelters animals and treatable and healthy (Winograd). Each year between two to four million animals are euthanized (Winograd). Normally these animals are domestic such as dogs, cats, horses, and so on. Most people like to believe that the animals are being put down because an incurable disease but that is far from the truth. You have to take in account those who are euthanized because there are not enough homes or space to