Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram; social media is one of the biggest fads in this present day. People use these apps to stay up to date on all the latest news and events that their friends are doing. Some might even say that people nowadays are almost obsessed with social media. But, what people don't realize is that one of their pictures could be stored right next to a video of a beheading. The Islamic state’s most powerful weapon in their fight against the western countries is social media. The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria or Isis for short is a radical jihadist group from the middle east. The goal of this group is to convert everyone to an extreme version of Sunni Islam, whether the person wants to or not. Anyone who doesn’t convert …show more content…
But, what is it that is driving these people to travel to a place where they are certain to die? The answer to that question is social media. Isis has developed many working techniques on how to recruit people online. One of these techniques is using popular hashtags. Members of Isis will post pictures with pro Isis messages and then they will tag the pictures with popular picture. So, when someone else posts a picture with the same hashtag if someone clicks on the tag they might see the pro Isis message. This is a very flawed method because if someone who doesn’t support Isis sees it, they could report the picture and get the poster’s account deleted. But, it is worth the risk because it is possible a passive Isis supporter sees the picture and takes up the fight with Isis.Another strategy Isis tries is they try to communicate with people in a very kind way and make Isis seem like a good thing. This exact thing happened to Alex, a 23 year old christian turned Isis member. Alex, was a young woman with a boring life who was interested in trying something new. After a witnessing a beheading video, Alex became interested in Isis. Almost instantly after looking for pro Isis members on twitter, she was being contacted by multiple members of Isis. When talking to these members the conversations were very casual and they used smiley faces and abbreviations to make them seem …show more content…
Beheadings, bombings, parents grieving the death of terror victims, these are just a few of the things you will see. As much as Isis wants to be welcoming to pro Isis, they want to scare people who are anti Isis with death unless they do what they want. They also are trying to make people think that they are not the enemy but, America is the true enemy (Carter ) One example of these is the beheading video of James Foley. During this video Foley talks about how Isis is not his real killer, but America is actually his killer (suspected to be scripted) he then goes to tell his family how America wasn’t thinking of them when they are bombing Iraq. Then Foley is killed (Unknown). Isis also tries to scare us by warning us of possible terror attacks that might happen. For example, last year around the Fourth of July Isis said that they were going to make it a “bloody Friday”. But, they didn’t tell The U.S when, where, or how they were going to attack. in the end they didn’t attack and they were just trying to make the government paranoid or their plans were ruined before anything happened (Dodrill). As previously stated Isis likes to use Twitter as one of its primary type of social media. It is easy to get their message across without giving away their identity. They also used to try and scare Americans. One example of one of these tweets is when it says, “ Don’t come to
They are globally known and use social media as an outlet to gains followers and keep a steady supply of motivated offenders. ISIS motivation for these extreme acts are done because they believe that there is a greater good for them in the afterlife. By associating themselves with this group, it is believed that their family will be better off; with an increase in status, greed satisfaction, and a glorious afterlife. The outcome of offending the appropriate victims also enhances their maximum symbolic, profit-making and political effect. Having sacrifice yourself to target symbolic buildings and kill innocent victims, gives the terrorist the impression that he will have milk and honey in the afterlife along with many wives.
Some terrorism videos are of the terrorists attacking civilians, burning down buildings, shootings or bomb explosions. (Zero Censorship, 2014-2016) These videos can be viewed from most electronic devices and are uncensored. This material inspires, disgust, and frightens people all in one. Terrorists also use digital media to find potential recruits ready to join the life of terrorism. In recruitment videos terrorists put into the minds of their viewers that what they’re doing is good, and whatever they are going against is bad. They spread their ideology and ask people work with them to get a certain point across or just the feeling of accomplishing something. People who watch these videos and feel like it’s their duty to stand up for the movement are willing to die for the cause, join. Mass media capitalizes from terrorists attacks, this kind of news draws the attention of viewers and readers. Terrorists on the other hand use the mass media coverage to send messages to people world wide, showing they’re a force to be reckoned with and taken seriously. Osama bin Laden was the first terrorists that understood the power of media. With the 9/11 attacks Osama captured the undivided attention of people everywhere. He was the first terrorist to do so. Now ISIS has the power of mass media and use it the same way, to send a message to people everywhere. Communicating
Arguably the most famous event that made people aware of the terrorism acts emerging from the Middle East was the infamous 9/11 terrorists attacks carried out by al-Qaeda, which included over 3000 people killed in New York City and Washington D.C. That attracted a substantial amount of media coverage and stimulated the war on terrorism regarding the U.S. and Middle Eastern threats. In late March of last year, ISIS supporters released a list of about 100 names and pictures of U.S. military personnel, and their goal was to kill them and their families. News outlets immediately jumped on the story, even though the author of the list was anonymous. When writing about the threat, news stations informed readers about the common goals of an ultra terrorist group, not knowing that they may have accidentally fueled a “propaganda campaign” help ISIS further carry out their mission of recruitment. Fathali Moghaddam, a terrorism expert and professor of psychology at Georgetown University supports the idea that the coverage of the media has aided in the evolution of ISIS’ “Hollywoody” image (Fryer-Biggs). ISIS isn’t necessarily complaining about the amount of exposure they receive because the media’s news could be considered “add on” almost to their own forms of propaganda in which they are highly skilled with. “It has its own 24-hour channel [with attractive special
Think about it, you’re walking down the street or just sitting at your favorite place to eat. Then the next thing you know half the street is blown up and you’re either dead, injured, or the person next to is. This is what the people of Paris felt like the day ISIS sent suicide bombers to blow up the city. ISIS first started as a group that broke off from al-Qaeda. In 2014, ISIS controlled more than 34,000 square miles in Syria and Iraq, from the Mediterranean coast to south of Baghdad. ISIS believes they are part of a prophecy written 14 hundred years ago and that they are a key part of an apocalypse that is to come. Their goal is to create an Islamic state called the Caliphate across Iraq, Syria and other places across the Middle East. ISIS has became a global threat and we Americans need to do our part. Now let's talk about what they
Although the Nazi regime did not have computers, the social influence of propaganda was still successful. Propaganda is used as a tool to manipulate and provoke behaviors to further the intentions of the group. When people already have pre-existing beliefs, they are enhanced by propaganda, which makes it a useful, but dangerous tool when the intentions of the group are to harm those who have different beliefs. Similar to the Nazis, the intentions of ISIS is to protect the land and, according to the Quran, only Muslims may live in the caliphate while obeying and promoting their government efforts. Many online ISIS supporters will never actually come into contact with ISIS soldiers, but the power of their social media support system is still strong enough to worry the U.S. government that they may have gained followers who reside on American soil and are a significant threat to national
ATLANTA, Ga. – To defeat ISIS and transform the Middle East, the United States and its foreign allies need their own original message that inspires and motivates people. State Department video depicting ISIS executions is not the way to win the hearts and minds of the people. The Department of State admits the coalition cannot agree on messaging and ISIS is winning the war on social media.
Isis uses many ideologies to deceive and recruit others (Sieczkowsk). ISIS uses these false facts to appear larger and stronger than they are. They use false information such as being the most powerful militant group in the world or lying about how much money they have and use (Withnall, Romero). They use false facts to trick/sway people’s minds. ISIS is also known for teaching false Islam. Any “real” Muslim man or woman, will disagree with anything ISIS tries to preach to their followers (Sieczkowsk). ISIS’s leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi has essentially made his own religion but has called it Islam. They use psychological tricks like this to teach people converting to Islam a false version of Islam. Doing this can lead to others believing/doing
ISIS is a terrorist organization that is surprisingly successful at recruiting its members with the use of social media, including: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Social media campaigns allow ISIS to aggressively and effectively recruit people from around the world. Western recruiters voluntarily leave their stable lives, they abandon everything including their culture, as well as, their family and friends. They travel across the world to take part in the global war. There are many different reasons for young people to join ISIS. According to Omar Haque, most appealing to young people is the fact that ISIS provides answers to existential purposes and it “feeds the spiritually hungry” (Haque). False promises about building a new utopian state in Syria and ISIS sophisticated use of social media is an easy and fast way to reach out many lost souls. ISIS targets young people in transitional stages of their life, individuals who are most vulnerable. Young people looking for existential answers including their identity, a purpose for living and their personal significance hope to find all answers in an extremist organization as ISIS that sees things as good and absolute evil. ISIS uses the vulnerable human nature and offers empathy to those who feel alienated, lonely, uncertain or marginalized.
ISIS has promotional videos, a sense of belonging and security, and it appealing to individuals, especially those who have less social and community links. The United States of America used to be referred to as the “Melting Pot”. Since it was developed by European travelers, it focused on monitoring immigration and encouraging assimilation. Being American does not have a certain look, religion, or even language, but it assimilates cultures and immigrants to become an “American.” However, individuals have an innate sense of belonging that must be met. And when American individuals feel unwelcome, ostracized and even persecuted, they will look for belonging elsewhere. Being an immigrant in America is now a challenge. Instead of controlling the amount of immigrants, the United States has become unwelcome to many people, even turning Syrian Christian families away after they enter US airports. Illegal Mexicans may have been paying taxes and working hard, but they now face deportation more than ever. Exclusion creates isolation, isolation creates a need to look elsewhere for belonging, looking elsewhere can lead to hard feelings toward America and even anti-American beliefs. Those individuals who do not have community ties are more likely to accept invitations from ISIS and adopt their views. This takes an effort from the whole nation to accept people based on their character and not their ethnicity, and it can start
In a study, it was revealed that there was a significant amount of active ISIS members through the social media platform of Twitter. According to an article by Jonathon Morgan and J.M. Berger, it was estimated that between September and December in 2014, there was roughly 46,000 Twitter accounts belonged to ISIS supporters (Morgan and Berger). While this might not seem as good news to people from outside the group, for ISIS, it is their main method of communicating themselves with the rest of the world. It is during this stage, the stage prior to the active phase, that group members of ISIS want to grow in order to proceed towards becoming a much more stable institution worldwide. While it might not seem right that ISIS members are broadcasting their messages to their people back home, they are simply following the ever so common characteristic of becoming known from Eric Hoffer’s book of stable
The first thing to know about ISIS is that it originated as an organization not very much like the one we currently know. It emerged in the early 2000’s as a terrorist group known as Jam’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad headed by the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. This group is considered to have its roots in the Iraqi war and is thought to have resistance to the Western occupiers as their primary principle and goal of operation. This is particularly where we find the first difference between other terroristic groups and ISIS as well as the difference between threats represented by both. Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and other organizations, having been created earlier, tried to instill into the population of territories controlled by them values that diverged very much from the Western ones and while they fought the West in more ideological than literal sense, ISIS is quite another pair of shoes. ISIS began as an organization whose goal is not only to deny aggressively western values, but also to force out the western forces from the Middle East. And that the difference – clash in the worldview in the first case and fighting for dominance over certain territory
In 2015, there were many terrorist events happened in America, French, and Libya, and most of the mastermind of terrorist incidents are ISIS. According to “What is 'Islamic State'?” (2015), ISIS is a terrorist organization, and it activities in Syria. ISIS declared to the world that it was an Islamic State in 2014, and ISIS did a lot of cruel things for example, mass killings, abductions and beheadings. Most people think ISIS is an inhuman and evil organization, except people who work for ISIS. ISIS was built in 2004 after America invaded Iraq, and people owed allegiance to Osama bin Laden. ISIS is composed by two anti-government organizations in Syria and terrorist organization in Iraq. ISIS started to fight in Iraq and Syria after Baghdadi
(Hosken, 2015) ISIS is now all over the world. ISIS has become “the most deadly terrorist organization operating today.”(Journal, 2015) They now not only have members in Iraq and Syria where they originated, but members are being recruited all over the world. The Islamic State uses modern means to communicate because they use social media to post videos and recruit members. There have been people even from the United States who have gone to Syria or have tried to go to Syria to join the terrorist organization. The most recent case was when a man was arrested who was trying to leave from Richmond airport to travel to Syria, and a man who had dropped him off was also arrested. (Johnson, 2016) Now ISIS members are located close to home, which is the scary
Remember the events on 9/11/01? What if I told you there was a more powerful group out there besides the 9/11 terrorist, al-Qaeda? ISIS, more powerful than al-Qaeda and a tremendous organization, that is wealthy, powerful, deadly, and poses a threat to lives everyday. ISIS still growing and a bigger threat today than in its’ early years, and people need to inform themselves about ISIS culture, lifestyle, goals, ideas and what they’ve already done. Being important to know, many events and future events can, or will have a grave influence relating to ISIS. ISIS has attacked Americans, French, Innocent civilians, and anybody who won't join them. They don't care about you and depending on how the tables turn you could be the next victim.
They are using the social media as a source of producing a massive audience to their atrocities. This is also a tool for recruiting people who feel insignificant within their society. There have been several documented individuals traveling to Syria to join the Islamic State with the motivational purpose of being a part of something significant. This is something that confuses people who are watching them leave because they did not seem to be radicalized. Analyzing these events while they are happening in real time has been fascinating and educational because the actions are seen from a different perspective. The Islamic State has proven that the use of social and mass media are effective means to influence people into curiosity. That curiosity is then exploited by radicalization to perform the horrific actions this society thrives on. What if they lost their audience? Would they still be as effective at recruiting? These are the questions that could develop solutions to the largest global threat today and create new sociological concepts and theories in the