Each day a total of 1 million new active social media users are added into the virtual que, which can translate to about 12 new users joining each second. The use of the social media has only grown over the years since a website called Six Degrees became the first recognizable social media site to hit the web. This site allowed a user to create a profile and add friends, much like current applications such as Facebook and Instagram. In continuation with that statement, current applications beat its predecessors by adding in blog commentary, comments, likes, and shares to enhance the experience. These applications are what drives people to use social media sites. The reasoning behind this is to indulge and connect with people by the way of instant contact through a virtual interface. In today’s world, people should spend time in social media to stay connected with the others, to participate in one’s community, and to advance a career or hobby. Social media is a powerful tool that extends throughout the world, allowing people to stay connected with others regardless of their proximity to each other. One way this can be seen is through the connectivity of friends and family through social media sites that allow a person to reach out and stay updated of others’ lives. Through an online study that states, “roughly two-thirds (67%) of social media users say that staying in touch with current friends and family members is a major reason they use these social media sites like
Since the Bulletin Board System there has been hundreds, and counting, of social networks created: most notably Twitter, Facebook, Kik, Snapchat, and Instagram. Today there are just over 3 billion active Internet users (45% of the world’s internet users), 2.1 billion of those people have social media accounts (Jeffbullas.com). People use social media for many numerous reasons. Most use social media to stay close to relatives and maintain social ties. Some of people’s most essential daily needs are accounted for by social media: whether it be interacting with friends or coworkers, following politics, or following the latest fashion trend set by the Kardashian
The purpose of this memo is to inform the student body on local news throughout Clemson’s campus. Our intention is to provide accurate information to students and the public through social media platforms like Twitter, so we are able to relate more with our audience. Our goal is to provide the highest level of college news reporting for our readers at Clemson University. This news should represent Clemson University in a way that is honest and accurate for every member of the Clemson family.
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, and Flicker was invented to keep us in touch and keep us closer to our family and friends. But according to How Facebook ruins Friendships “we took our friendship online” (Bernstein). First we began communicating more by email than by phone and then switched to instant messaging or texting. By joining social Medias online
Thesis: Stay in the present moment, don’t let yourself believe you’re going to forget a memory because you didn’t document it through social media.
“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” by Bill Gates. It is making the communities of the world more sociable towards each other. Social media is not making us less communicative considering that it boasts individuals’ self esteem, expands connectedness, and has improved sociability. Not all may agree on it being that allegedly it is makes human beings less social. On the contrary, It develops more friendships.
Social networking is helpful for everyone that knows how to use networking in their everyday life. Social Networking is not only going on nationally, It is a vast group, that’s been going on internationally. People from all over the world take part in it. It has information about anything. Anything new, everything old and whatever the reader wants to know. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are few of the important Social networking sites that are playing an important role, now a day in the life of a person. As of July 2015 there has been a huge increase in the number of people who has started using social networking websites more and more. “76% of American adults online use social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, as of July 2015, up from 26% in 2008”. (Social Networking 2015). This shows how much increase in social networking has in adults, who are relatively new to this. The youngsters are way ahead and around 98% of the young users are found on the websites like Facebook and Twitter.
Today we live a society that is driven by the internet, social media and fame. Ads have changed dramatically; corporations are spending more money on social media every year. You are seeing kids today making money through Facebook, through Instagram, through Twitter, through Snapchat, through youtube, through Tumblr, and through twitch, and that's what the film Generation Like was talking about.
" Did you see what was on Facebook last night about the fight," yes it was such a big scandal I took screenshots," but were you able to finish the essay we had due today for English." oh no I totally forgot."
Social media has been a topic of debate for years. Some people are strongly against any use of it while others like the instant connection it provides. A major concern over social media is the lasting effects it has on teenagers. Social media can affect teenagers through many ways including things like their self-esteem. Cyberbullying is a raging topic of discussion centered around teens social media use. It can also effect their people skills and create a lack of community involvement. Some parents think that watching what their children do on social media is an invasion of privacy but is your concern for their privacy greater than your concern for their safety? Social media poses a great danger to today’s children. It can affect many aspects of their lives.
It is a constant source of news, entertainment, and education for users around the world. Furthermore, technology, and social media did not achieve its popularity until about ten to fifteen years ago, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other similar social media outlets have become the most visited destinations on the internet. They are now accessible at the click of our thumbs. These said websites allow its users to quickly and easily share pictures, send an invite to a party or have a conversation whether it is with pictures or words with other users; theoretically simplifying social interaction. These services, through a combination of accessibility, simplicity, and intuitive design promote positive social behavior by encouraging interaction among our relatives, acquaintances and our colleagues.
Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, just a few of today’s most popular forms of social media. These new outlets for media have grown vastly popular, especially for teenagers. Social media is meant for networking and connecting individuals. It is amazing how social media connects billions of people across the world. However could it be doing more harm socially than good? In today’s world teens and social media are inseparable. Every teen has a smartphone and they are constantly drawn to their screens. Whether at school or at a resturaunt, teens will frequently be seen with their heads down, staring at their phones, snapchatting tweeting etc. Teens feel more comfortable sending a snapchat than carrying a conversation in person. Which is understandable since no in-person confrontation happens through social media. So while social media connects teens online, it also disconnects them from real life. That being said, although communicating through the medium of social media may seem easier, teens should spend more time communicating with people in person in order to better focus, learn people skills, and develop strong relationships with others.
Social media has become a global event and a very important tool of communication among peers, families and all manner of persons. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter,instagram, LinkedIn and mobile instant messaging services (IM) such as WhatsApp, Viber and IMO and video calling services like Skype have become a popular tool of communication in the past few years.social media as “a public web-based service that permits users to create a personal profile, identify other users with whom they can relate to or have a connection with, read and react to posts made by other users on the site, and send and receive messages either privately or publicly.”
How can we make social media unique once again? We define social media as a way to communicate and keep up with today news. Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are the three mainstream media most of us use now for our daily lives. Although many people may disagree about changing the thing and making something new out it. Creating a new social media app that is made for communicating with communities and around the world with a unique feature.
Posting on various social media outlets such as Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram are outlets that the recent generations are prone to using. Being able to post online about yourself and showing the world who you are is the new thing to do. This also comes along with pretending who you are online getting caught in an unrealistic fantasy world. Be able to get away from your real life and going to your online fantasy life is what everyone seems to be doing. Many of these people will hide the ugly truths about what is actually going on in their lives, trying to prove to the world that their lives and who they are are perfect. Doing so, no one really sees the dangerous side to how social media and technology has been affecting our everyday lives. Between editing a picture of yourself to make you look skinnier or to fix your acne to try and fish for compliments from others they don’t even know seems to be okay. Behind the scenes, social media has been an ongoing issue for teens for decades because of one major issue called cyberbullying.
One of the new phenomena of our generation is Facebook, and with four hundred million users, it ranks first in the 2017 “most famous social media site” chart. Personally, I believe a convenient social media should benefit the people on multiple aspects and Facebook successfully fulfills every category to make a social media pleasing. It all initiated in February of 2004, when Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook with the ultimate purpose to create a better communicative and connected world. Not only does Facebook allow its users to create and upload their own profiles with photos, videos, and other information about themselves, but also friends have access to profiles of other friends, allowed to comment on their updated status or write on their profile wall. Facebook successfully meets the criteria of privacy, communication, and keeps the reader informed of current events.