In some eyes America has a great retirement program. Pay money into Social Security and then be able to retire at a certain age. Some people believe the Social Security money is going to be nonexistent in the near future. That wouldn’t be bad though. If the government can't help us retire that’s great because we don’t have to rely on them as much. We would have to work for the rest of our lives, which is also great because that would teach us how to appreciate a hard earned dollar. Some people complain that if we have to work for the rest of our lives then the unemployment rate will go up because there would be no new job openings, but hey first come first serve right? Since a few Americans believe this is such a big deal I have come up with a brilliant way to fix our Social Security problem. I'm sure you have heard of the saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." Well, my solution is quite similar, lets just get rid of the elderly people. Of course there would be a certain qualifying age. Now, I have several different wonderful ideas on how to execute this plan. One way to discreetly get rid of them is to send them off to a shuffle-board filled "nursing …show more content…
Well, I have come up with one more genius idea. Why don't we just encourage them to leave on their own? We already know the elderly don't appreciate modern technology like cell phones and earbuds. Why don't we pay young people to go around blasting their rap and vulgar music around the elderly population? We could have telemarketers constantly call and make other similar activities occur.We could then advertise a new secluded community for American citizens over the age of seventy, that doesn't have any advanced technology other than the basics like toilets. Just like the good old days. When the elderly arrive at the secluded community we can ship them off to a small village in Antarctica with no return address, and then BAM. They are no longer America's
I regularly encourage young people to start a 401k plan with their employer as soon as they're eligible. This is extremely beneficial because it allows you to put away money before you get your check and are tempted to do something else with that money! If someone decides to participate in their 401k plan for 20+ years, they may be able to secure themselves in a better position to enjoy their retirement. If they start contributing early before marriage, kids, mortgage, and all the other things life comes with, then they will probably continue to invest. I’m glad I started before my life became more complex. I became more disciplined to live without the extra money and continue to live beneath our means, which allowed more contributions when I got promotions or pay raises. The trend continued as a husband, kid, homes, and everything came along.
Jane Addams, the Hull House co-founder, and peace activist, was seen as one of the most acclaimed first-generation college-educated women. Rejecting certain matriarchal principles such as marriage and motherhood, she devoted herself towards a lifetime commitment to the less fortunate and social activism and reform.
"On a daily basis senior citizens face a choice between buying food, paying the rent, or buying medicine. Senior citizens slice pills into halves because they can't afford
Nikki was a slim and athletic college graduate. However, once she was diagnosed with lupus , she lost her job and health insurance. One day, Nikki collapsed at her home in Tennessee and was rushed to a hospital emergency room, which was required to treat her without payment until her condition stabilized. Unfortunately, she passed away a few months later. We now have a chance to reform this healthcare system. If we let that chance slip away, there will be another Nikki dying every half-hour.
Americas Social Security is running out! According to Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees “Projected long-run program costs for both Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable under currently scheduled financing, and will require legislative modifications if disruptive consequences for beneficiaries and taxpayers are to be avoided.” (Social Security Online). Other evidence shows “After 2022, trust fund assets will be redeemed in amounts that exceed interest earnings until trust fund reserves are exhausted in 2036, one year earlier than was projected last year.” (Social Security Online).
According to the National Foster Youth institute, “More than 23,000 children age out of the US foster care system every year.”() Aging out is the process of a teens transitioning from the legal control of the foster care system, to independent living. Youth aging out of foster care should be given an extension on foster care services after the age of 18, because it provides a stable home for teens, it increases the amount of college graduates and it provides healthcare for those in need.
US health care is one of the most talked about or controversial topics in last few years. We often come across debates, articles or columns relating to this topic. This is a hot topic of this generation. Why everyone should have insurance? Why people should have for something that might not use? These are some of the questions we found ourselves surrounding by. In my opinion US citizens should be required to have insurance. Both men and women have separate needs when it comes to health. More women are facing health issues because of teen pregnancies and child birth, it is important to for everyone to have a health care plan according to their needs. So when the time comes right treatment and medical attention can be provided. In this piece I will be presenting some ideas and arguments supporting my side and also looking at the flip side of the discussion.
A. Social Security is a Federal program where they take a percentage from all of the wages earned by workers in this country.
During the lecture where we talk about the mini mental status exam I was very excite about
Social security, the federal retirement system, is one of the most popular government programs in United State?s history. Today, Social Security benefits are the backbone of the nation's retirement income system. The long road to the successful development of social security began in 1935. Before 1935, very few workers received job pensions. Those workers that were covered never received benefits because they were not guaranteed.
Social Security is a public program designed to provide income and services to individuals in the event of retirement, sickness, disability, death, or unemployment. In the United States, the word social security refers to the programs established in 1935 under the Social Security Act. Societies throughout history have devised ways to support people who cannot support themselves. In 1937 the government began issuing Social Security identification cards to all citizens. Each card had a unique number that the government used to keep track of a person’s earnings and the taxes collected from those earnings that went to finance Social Security benefits. The Social Security Act is an act in which
There are few issues as controversial in politics as the topic of universal health care. While most people consider some sort of health care to be a basic human right, the question remains whether the government holds a moral duty to create a universal healthcare system for its citizens or the free market is expected to provide those services. The idea of universal health care refers to an elaborate type of health care system which allows financial security and health care to all of its citizens. It is designed around providing certain benefits to all members of society with the end goal of improving individual access to health care services. Universal healthcare is not a form of welfare and does not require coverage for all people for everything. It just covers the aspects of certain medicinal services. An individual cannot automatically be deprived of health coverage as long as that individual lives in the country that provides universal health care. I believe that Universal health care is a right. I know many people who have put off important procedures and checkups simply because they could not afford it. I have even experienced this first hand.
When you are young you always hear people saying it is never too early to start saving for retirement, but at that age the last thing you want to do is put your money towards ending the career you are just trying to start. It is hard to imagine a time where you won’t have to go to work on a daily basis, to make a wage, in order to pay your bills, but the ultimate goal is getting to that time in your life where you don’t have to go to work and the bills are already taken care of. The hope for everyone is that the bills are taken care of and you are able to focus on leisurely things you did not have an opportunity for while employed. What we fail to realize is that the longer we wait to save the more we have to be concerned with the pressure of time running out and not enough money saved. Not to mention the sooner you start saving the more time you give your money to grow.
What is marijuana? Marijuana, also known as bud, mary jane, grass, and a variety of other slang terms is a greenish gray mixture of dry flowers of the plant cannabis sativa. This drug is only legal in a few states across the United States. Some see this as a non harmful drug because it comes from a plant but this green plant can do serious damage to a teenage mind and body.
Mandatory retirement is perhaps a necessary evil; as older employees are forced out of the work force, it creates space for new, younger employees. Mandatory retirement is a form of age discrimination, it forces a person to retire because they are a certain age; it does not take into account if that person wants to retire. It also does not take into account the financial standing of the individual, or if they are physically or mentally still capable of doing the job.