
Persuasive Essay On Texting While Driving

Decent Essays

Every citizen that is old enough to drive most likely has a phone, this can and will be a hazard to drivers and nearby pedestrians for many reasons. Cell phones can be distractions as well as cause problems with people in and around the vehicle, many vehicular accidents are caused by cellular use while driving. Cell phone use while driving should be illegal in every state regardless of age or experience in order to protect citizens on and off the road.
Cell phone use while driving can be an immense distraction. Anyone that has been behind the wheel knows that driving takes a huge amount of focus and discipline to do correctly, there are many distractions on the road as it is, and distractions are only going to hurt the driver and the people around them or associated with them. So many distractions can be caused on and off the road and many are not within your control, you can only control if they distract you or not. Texting while driving is one of those things; it’s your choice to pick up the phone, it’s your choice to look away from the road, and finally it’s your choice to put your life at risk. Did you know that every day 11 teens in the United States of America die due to texting while driving; Just take a second and think, that could be you in the ambulance, all because of a simple text message or friend calling you to talk, your life could be changed at the blink of an eye.
Many people are for and against cellular use while driving, many states ban this or have many

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