
Persuasive Essay On The Flag

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The flag and the national anthem represent boundless different ideals within the American people. What I can imagine it means for many Americans however, I don’t approve of whatsoever. Sports players using their public platform to initiate change, should not have to worry about the possibility of being fired when “taking a knee” during the national anthem. I’ll argue passionately that these players are being great Americans by honoring the flag and what it stands for more than anyone else, as they are kneeling for fair and equal treatment - Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Be that as it may, there is such strong emotion on both sides of the argument. It’s not a cut and dry subject. As with everything it’s true for both sides, and maybe the answers lie within the perspective and intention with which a conclusion is derived from. People seem to forget that the flag, the anthem, and the office of presidency are not what is really worth fighting for. That really it is what those things represent. What they represent is liberty and justice for all, not just the middle class and the wealthy Caucasian elite. The flag, the anthem, and the office of presidency have not always reflected or completely represented those values in the history of the country. They have even been built on a foundation that includes the most inhumane and cruel actions of inequality possible, including segregation and even slavery. Government has also misrepresented the flag to the people it

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