
Persuasive Essay On The Impact Of Education In Education

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The other major headache that developed for me working at Griswold was the never-ending set of regulations from the state and Federal government which directly affected our curriculum and more importantly, the way in which we presented our lessons. Beginning in 2001, with the Federal initiative of ‘No Child Left Behind’ which was later replaced by ‘Every Student Succeeds Act’ and ultimately filtered down to ‘Common Core’ at the individual state level, my classroom exhibited less and less teaching and more and more paperwork to justify the attainment of goals, that many times, someone else had set up. Were some of the mandates necessary to help various student groups such as the disadvantaged within the educational system? Absolutely. But, if you asked most teachers, I think they would agree that it was hindering more then helping in the majority of classrooms. As one of my fellow teachers told me before I retired: “You can’t teach if all you’re doing is recording data and filling out forms to justify what you're supposed to be teaching.” In 1993, the program entitled CAPT (Connecticut Academic Performance Test) was initiated. It was set up to be given to students in their sophomore year of high school as a standardized test in mathematics, science, reading, and writing with the goal to have each student meet certain predetermined levels of achievement. Originally designed to measure our students level of competence in the four areas, over the years since its start, the

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