
Persuasive Essay On The War On Poverty

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President Lyndon Baines Johnson launched the “war on poverty” during his speech at the State of the Union address in 1964. During this address his goal was to encourage everyone to join forces and to believe that ending poverty was possible. The 50th anniversary of this speech has brought various debates whether the plan instilled worked or failed and how much is the governments responsibility. One side feels the war was a success and notes the improvement made for many Americans and what could have transpired if this war was not declared. The other side will state that the war implemented failed although money was invested and that poverty is a social problem. They suggest that poverty and malnutrition existed in the 60s-70s but is not the case today. However, the war has not ended since poverty still exists fifty years later so changes need to be made.

President Johnson stated during his speech, “Our aim is not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it.” His goal was to create programs that would increase self-sufficiency and eliminate the need of government handouts. Fifty years comes along from the day this speech was delivered and many began to criticize, blame or praise the outcome of it. Poverty continues to be a problem that has not been completely resolved and is a hot topic in debates, articles, politics, etc. Those who disagree that this war has not ended but note improvement base their facts on the money invested into

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