Tobacco-Free On August 15th, 2015 Southern Connecticut State University became a Tobacco-free campus. By being tobacco-free, Southern promised that all forms of smoking and tobacco use were “prohibited in all facilities and outdoor areas of campus, without exception.” This should be a major triumph, and great leap forward, for the university’s on-going goal to become as eco-friendly as possible. However, there has not been any noticeable enforcement of this policy, even though it was made very clear that “those who violate the policy may be subject to disciplinary action or may be in violation of state law.” Therefore, although this policy is respectable, it is undoubtedly failing due to it not being enforced on campus. Being a successful tobacco-free campus is incredibly important because it is known that cigarette smoking is the most prevalent amongst college students. College is the time where most individuals begin smoking and experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Therefore, if a campus is successfully tobacco free then that makes it much harder for the students to be influenced into smoking. This is because those within the age group of eighteen to twenty-five years …show more content…
It shows their determination to do what is right, and their motivation to ensure it’s executed properly. However, if they do not execute the policy in an effective manner then it can damage the school’s reputation instead of boosting it, and this is what Southern is struggling with. But, in no means is it a lost cause. As long as these steps are taken seriously there is no doubt that Southern will succeed at being a Tobacco-free campus. The only thing everyone involved must understand is that the need to put in their maxium effort: the harder they try the likelier they are to succeed, and be the campus they are striving to
In summary, this investigation revolves around KSU DPS personnel smoking on a private residential street adjacent to campus and if this behavior is a violation of DPS or University policy. In order to produce an applicable conclusion, a review of current DPS and University policies was conducted. To assist in coherent prose, I will address each component of the relevant policies.
The next reason why Bowling Green State University should ban smoking on campus is that it will create a better campus environment. Having a great campus environment for all students should be at the top of the university’s list of goals. By passing this smoking ban, it allows non-smoking students to walk around campus in peace knowing smoke won’t be entering their bodies. Now this is where smokers have the biggest argument. The university must still remember the smokers; this they do by giving the smokers the ability to smoke in designated areas. Of course this will still take away some of the smokers’ rights, but it is a fair trade if it possibly keeps major life changing diseases out of young college students’ bodies. Also doing this helps
Smoking at Ashland University is a problem. However, the problem of smoking has been raging for nearly 200 years. The reason this problem keeps raging is because there is not an easy solution. The problem of smoking and the arguments against it touch almost every aspect of life. There are not only scientific arguments, but ethical, legal, medical, social, and a host of others fronts that can be used for and against tobacco and smoking. At Ashland University it is no different. There are many factors that must be considered before making a decision to ban all smoking on all outdoor areas of Ashland’s campus.
This report provides a study and analysis on the smoke and tobacco-free policy that the University of Alaska Anchorage adopted in 2015 in line with the state program. Specifically, this study aims to discuss:
One of my first memories in the United States was taking a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) class. I was in sixth grade and a top student, as talking about drugs and alcohol and the way they affect us was fascinating to me. This is why, the following year, I volunteered to become a peer educator in Teens Against Tobacco Use (T.A.T.U). For a couple of years, I gave presentations to young students which included facts, demonstrations, and games, to spread the knowledge that tobacco is harmful and that staying away from smoking prolongs life expectancy and increases the quality of life. It should come as no surprise, then, that I consider myself a big proponent of staying tobacco-free and encouraging others to quit smoking as a great way to promote health. I remember watching my mom and sister as they took part in their nightly ritual of smoking a few cigarettes to unwind. “Did you know that a main component of cigarettes is used as rocket fuel?” I would ask them, as I opened the window and they stared back at me blankly. “We know, we know” was the answer every time. I knew that convincing them to quit was no easy task, but I was committed. Day after day, I proudly stated a new fact about the evils of smoking. Finally one day, they quit. At first, they attributed it to the cost. Since we had just immigrated to the United States, the cost of cigarettes was simply not something they could afford. I didn’t believe it. I proudly
In the past 4 months, I have been walking through the Georgia State University courtyard to get to all my classes. Not once have I seen the courtyard not filled with students smoking tobacco. If the courtyard were to be described, it would be described as a cloud of smoke. Although, Calvin Warner states that the university code of conduct does set a rule stating that students are prohibited to smoke within 25 feet of all GSU buildings, and there are signs all over campus saying “Tobacco Free”, students are smoking right in front of the signs. Why are there tobacco free signs around campus, if the university itself is not? If we are a tobacco free campus, then why is the university not implementing it? Smokers on campus are leading nonsmokers into becoming secondhand smokers, which is as harmful as being the original smoker. Smoker or secondhand smoker, what is being harmed is the person’s health, which is affecting an individual’s ability to live a longer and healthier life. It is absolutely great that the school is referring to itself as a tobacco free campus, but they do not seem to quite understand the meaning of it. It is understandable that there are many barriers to really implement this policy but it is not impossible. As many barriers there maybe, there are twice as many benefits. Georgia State University is claiming to be a tobacco free campus. However, they are not implementing to be tobacco free, which is affecting many people’s health indirectly.
The first solution is to start Tobacco-free campus is policies that contain strict rules to prevent any type of tobacco at the campus. It can be throw e-mail announcement, posters at the campus walls, or a meeting with faculties and students to give a statement about the new policy.
On August 25, 2015, Southern announce a tobacco-free environment on campus, which means that smoking or tobacco use is forbidden in all facilities and outdoor areas of campus (include sidewalks, parking lots, and entrance and exit ways). The goal of the program is to promote a clean and healthy environment for all students, employees, and visitors. The program objectives are (a) to decrease smoking rates, (b) to protect the SCSU community from unwanted and involuntary exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke, (c) to reduce campus litter, and (d) to prepare students for careers in tobacco-free work environments (“Tobacco-Free Policy,” n.d.; Rosenthal, 2016).
With the enthusiastic adoption of health information technology tools, there has always been this fear for users – the threat to privacy and security. It is indeed one of the biggest concerns since the advent of new technological record keeping and the electronic health information technology. Healthcare professionals should be aware and very conscious of the fact that healthcare information is very personal. It should also be known that whatsoever transfer of information amongst providers, via any information technology took involves a lot of risks: one of which is the risk of the information getting into the wrong hands. The task of enforcing this privacy and security issue has been given to the office of the national coordinator (ONC) (Hagland, 2011). Their job is to ensure that private information remains private, and also secured. The ONC upheld some regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Mitka, 2013). This regulation seeks to increase the access individuals have to their information and also restrict some certain disclosures of protected health information. The ONC in their bid to enforce and ensure security and privacy, also prohibit the sale of protected health information without the patient authorizing it. This office also demonstrated some methods that could be used to achieve trust among all the entities involved in exchanging medical information.
Smoking, as one knows it, has become a stress-reliever worldwide. One will find a smoker pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up around every corner. Smoking has especially become a growing problem in college campuses. When a college student enters the college campus, they do not only enter a new campus, a new life is also entered. In this new experience, one will find themselves exploring new things. The power of the eye is remarkable in today’s society. When someone has a friend that is doing something, the one looking will eventually want to try as well. This can raise many red flags that can be avoided, simply by banning smoking on all college campuses. Smoking on college campuses should be banned because of nicotine’s negative effect on student’s personalities, academics, and overall health.
Their mission statement is “TO CHALLENGE INDIVIDUALS TO MOVE ABOVE AND BEYOND THEIR ENVIRONMENT AND PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCE TO PREPARE THEMSELVES FOR LIFE-LONG SELF-SUFFICIENCY.”(B) In order to do this they must enforce rules to challenge their residents that live in their facilities. Healthy living is very important in today’s world. Everyone is on a health craze and it’s obvious why. Many Americans suffer from health problems due to smoking, lack of exercise, and stress. To help with these problems many companies are seeing the value in promoting non smoking areas to people. Even the University of Arkansas has had a long standing of non-smoking on campus to aid in healthy living. It is not fair for other students and
Ever since the University launched its ‘Clean Air Policy’ in January, campus officials have seen positive results from the community. According to an article written by Kendra Clark in follow-up to the recent change, she states that the change has positively affected the community. In the article Vice President of Student Affairs, Jill Carr, talks about it being a “community Approach” and that it can only reach its full potential if students are willing to ‘politely enforce’ it outside of the designated smoking zones that have been
The American College Health Association recommends that colleges and universities "Develop a strongly worded tobacco policy that reflects the best practices in tobacco prevention, cessation, and control.” More and more colleges need to push the Tobacco free
Smoking is harmful and dangerous for American University in Cairo (AUC) students. Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year (“Fast Facts”) and this is a large number of smokers that should be decreased. In Egypt, there are 34, 000 deaths each year due smoking, according to the article “Smoking in Egypt | Egypt Independent”. However, the number of smokers in Egypt is increasing every day and especially among youth. AUC took a first step to protect its students from this danger by banning indoor smoking. AUC banned smoking10 feet from classrooms to maintain a healthier environment .However, it did not decrease the number of smokers on campus so AUC should ban smoking on campus.This essay will prove that smoking should be banned on the AUC campus for several reasons. Firstly, the number of smoking youth is increasing every day because Egypt is a smoking culture and they observe their parents smoking with few changes in health. Secondly, AUC should try to provide a healthier environment for the students and the working faculty because it is its responsibility. Thirdly, ban on smoking will set an example in Egypt to quit smoking and prevent others from this dangerous habit. Finally, AUC students are role models for the Egyptian people so they should become healthier to be more productive.
Tobacco ad smoke are not a strange issue in school but Tobacco-free in campus is new and creates a lot of controversial opinion among student and society. Sam Nadler, an engineering student at CSUS said that “banning Tobacco at college is ineffective. The United States is a place where value the freedom of individual, the different was respect, so that choosing uses tobacco is personal right and should not be forbidden”. Everyone have their own perception and responsibility for themselves and we should not impose our values on them. However, every freedom has its own limitation in order to maintain the security of society. If tobacco put other people who do not use it in danger like second hand smoking, it should be barn in college area. Tobacco-free campus also helps reduce the percentage of young smoker and help the study better. Therefore, banning tobacco in campus will bring benefits for society and should be done.