The travel ban is an executive order which was put into place by President Donald Trump’s administration on January 27th, 2017. The order was put into place for our national security to “protect the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.” This measure banned travel into the U.S. for 90 days from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This obviously sparked an outcry from social media, which caused a divide among Americans. With a show of hands, how many of you think that the travel ban is actually a ban on Muslim refugees and that it is racist. Recent polls show that 57% of Americans favor the temporary ban while 33% are opposed to it, and 10% are still undecided. Racism, fascism, and Islamophobia; these words have all taunted supporters of President Trump and the travel ban. The one thing people don’t realize is that the travel ban isn’t banning Muslims from America. Who in the room can name the top 5 countries with the most Muslims. They are Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. Not one of these countries are listed in the ban. This ban is only for only ninety days, and is aimed at countries who have sent a large contingency of terrorists to the U.S. The countries selected have active terrorist training camps, and Trump is not the individual who selected the countries on the list. These countries are unstable, with no reliable vetting procedures. We shouldn’t admit people until they can meet our security screening standards.
Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban.
President Trump’s travel ban is a very strategic move by his administration towards taking larger steps in the prevention of terrorism in the United States. Although, I have some doubts about the rationale behind the ban. While the travel ban is said to not target Muslims, the
Donald Trump tried to put in place a travel ban but it is not very effective. The travel ban is only for six countries. Those countries are Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, and Somalia. The travel ban is applied to them because they are considered the major Muslim majority. That is not very effective because Muslims and terrorist do not only live in those 6 countries.
The travel ban restricts the travel of people from eight different nations which included six that are largely Muslim nations. There are different restrictions for each nation, however most include the restriction of immigration to America permanently; some of the nations are not even allowed to visit the country. While it is understood that precautions are being taken to protect our country, we cannot accuse a person of partaking in harmful events and beliefs just because of their
12 billion dollars, that is certainly a lot of money (McFadyen)! On average, that is how much the United States loses each year from border security. In order to stop illegal immigrants and drug smugglers from entering the U.S. from Mexico through the border, a wall must be built.
Starting seven days after President Trump moved into office he signed an order to keep terrorism out of our country. When he signed the order he picked seven countries which were Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Lebanon to be kept out of America. Many people were protesting against this so President Trump decided to take Iraq off. The citizens of these countries were to be kept out of the United States, but there were still some exceptions to this law. Based off of many different things like religion, many people end up having different opinions about the Travel Ban. Some people think President Trump made a good decision while others think he is not being American because most Americans are immigrants from the countries he banned.
On January 2017 the new president of the United States Donald Trump signed the order to ban immigrants, travelers, and even green card holders who were born in one of the following seven Middle Eastern countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, specifically Muslims and Syrians. According to what President Trump was saying, this order is made for the safety of the country, and to limit what is called the “Foreign Terrorism” inside the United States. People who agree with this law believe that banning believers of a specific faith and refugees entering the United State will make them safer. The law states that these seven countries’ citizens are not allowed to enter the United States for 90 days, starting from the day
Did you know there are 8,194,000 children in the United States with at least one immigrant parent? 8,194,000 children whose families are being threatened by the Trump administration's recent changes in immigration policies. Immigration reform has been a topic of controversy for decades. Most Americans blame Mexican immigrants for the United States economic problems and many believe undocumented immigration causes high crime rates. However recent studies have disproved that undocumented immigrants are a threat to American citizens. When people think of immigrants they think of an outdated caricature that doesn't truly represent all of the 11 million undocumented immigrants.
President Trump signed an executive order (1379) to keep refugees from entering the country for 120 days and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim nations out for three months. The countries affected are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia. This ban is commonly known as the travel ban or the Muslim ban mainly because all the 7 countries’ major religion is Islam.
On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an open-minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day (like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on why most people don't. The issue here with not paying
The President’s Travel ban has been criticized even before inception for how well it actually protects national security interests and civil liberties. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may…suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate1. President Trump and his advisors have said time and again that the countries listed on the travel ban, which include, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, were identified by the previous administration
On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order temporarily suspending travel for travelers from 8 countries North Korea, Iran, Syria, Chad, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. The travel ban would affect thousands of immigrants, citizens, and refugees seeking entry into the country. However, hours before setting into effect, two federal court judges deemed the ban unconstitutional. Therefore, unless the courts reach a different consensus, the travel ban will not go through. Though the Trump administration will likely question the rulings, the department of justice has not confirmed their next moves.
Donald Trump has recently made a decision to sign a travel ban, which bans seven countries from entering the United States in a certain amount of days. The travel ban is a very controversial topic. Many news stations write about it, but show bias either defending it or are against it. The news caster’s are “Fox News,” “New York Times,” and a video of John Kelly all show bias towards a side of the controversy.
Terrorism has been a major problem for all people in the 21st century, with so much fear in our lives there have been regulations and rules set by the government to protect its citizens. The US has tried many different ways to prevent terrorism, but perhaps the most controversial are the travel bans. In the last year there have been several executive orders signed by the president banning travel into the United States from specific countries. Many of the previous presidents have placed travel bans for the protection of the country but there have been more objections to the ones of 2017 than ever before. Travel bans have been placed for multiple reasons, but for the most part, all are said to share the goal of protecting the American people. Travel bans disrupt the lives of people all over the world, and in the last year they have caused major upset due to the ban on Muslim majority countries, but even with all the controversy, some people believe that these bans are the best way to combat terrorism.
Many people contemplate if the travel ban helps or if it makes stuff worse. The travel ban is an order that was signed by president Trump to forbid some countries to come to the United States. Many people see the travel ban as something good for the United States because there is less fear about surprise attacks. Many other people do not think it helps the United States, that it makes it worse because not everyone is the same as their family or race and the United States is not respecting it is rights. The travel ban is not helpful for national security, it is racist, and it is unconstitutional.