
Persuasive Essay On Why Students Drop Out Of School

Decent Essays

Every year over thousands of students will not make it to see their graduation day because of the high drop rates in the United States (Miller). Students will become so overwhelmed with the issues they are dealing with they feel it is the right decision to dropout when there are many ways to avoid this situation overall. Many of these students will drop from stress, lack of teacher encouragement, poverty, and other issues going on at the student’s homes. There are many things that the people around these students can do to help encourage them to stay in school and better their education. When students do not attend school and decide to drop it not only effects the student but everyone around them as well. Nowadays many teachers, sadly, do not fulfill their job as an educator causing them to lose interest in school and drop out. This is why students need to be supported by their educators to do well in school so the can succeed in their academic careers. When students drop out of school it not only effects them but the people around them; even if they do not personally know them. When students drop out of school they are causing negative effects on the national economy, “local, state, and national tax revenues also suffer when high school dropout rates increase.” Many of the students who drop out of school are also wither unemployed or making over five thousand dollars less than someone with at lease a high school diploma (Alliance for Excellent Education). In order to

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