
Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Within the prison walls of every zoo sit tortured souls with empty eyes and broken spirits. Zoo animals don't only experience boredom, discomfort and depression, they also experience death, or loss of a friend or family member. This is called zoochosis a condition when animals tend to either hurt themselves out of boredom or stress. The worst part is, zoos make people pay to watch all of this. Picture this, you're walking down the streets of san francisco, with your friends and family, when suddenly you're surrounded by large object and loud noises. Next thing you know you're in a small cage with people looking at you, roaring sounds fill the air, and youŕe alone. No real family, no friends, just you.

Most of the animals in zoos don't have enough room to roam around in. For example, wild elephants in Africa travel up to around 50 miles in a day. But in zoos don't provide nearly enough room. Movement is very important because it tones muscles, strengthens bones, and over all keeps the animals happy and healthy. People say that the cages are more than 1,000 times smaller than what they need. The smaller the area the less there is to do. For me when I go to zoos I just either see them sleeping, or pacing, and sometimes I don't even see the animals. Even if they stuff a bunch of toys in there it's not like they are going to be entertained forever, you would have to keep changing …show more content…

Zoos argue that keeping animals in the zoos are teaching not just kids, but adults too about animals and the wild. They also think they are saving endangered animals even though almost every zoos have common animals like bears and tigers and alligators, why not get some real endangered animals not just the most ¨popular¨. They are enslaving them. More often than not they replace the old animals with the baby animals by breeding them. Then later either sell the old ones to circuses or slaughter them. Zoos are just doing this to gain more money. Education? I think

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