Within the prison walls of every zoo sit tortured souls with empty eyes and broken spirits. Zoo animals don't only experience boredom, discomfort and depression, they also experience death, or loss of a friend or family member. This is called zoochosis a condition when animals tend to either hurt themselves out of boredom or stress. The worst part is, zoos make people pay to watch all of this. Picture this, you're walking down the streets of san francisco, with your friends and family, when suddenly you're surrounded by large object and loud noises. Next thing you know you're in a small cage with people looking at you, roaring sounds fill the air, and youŕe alone. No real family, no friends, just you.
Most of the animals in zoos don't have enough room to roam around in. For example, wild elephants in Africa travel up to around 50 miles in a day. But in zoos don't provide nearly enough room. Movement is very important because it tones muscles, strengthens bones, and over all keeps the animals happy and healthy. People say that the cages are more than 1,000 times smaller than what they need. The smaller the area the less there is to do. For me when I go to zoos I just either see them sleeping, or pacing, and sometimes I don't even see the animals. Even if they stuff a bunch of toys in there it's not like they are going to be entertained forever, you would have to keep changing
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Zoos argue that keeping animals in the zoos are teaching not just kids, but adults too about animals and the wild. They also think they are saving endangered animals even though almost every zoos have common animals like bears and tigers and alligators, why not get some real endangered animals not just the most ¨popular¨. They are enslaving them. More often than not they replace the old animals with the baby animals by breeding them. Then later either sell the old ones to circuses or slaughter them. Zoos are just doing this to gain more money. Education? I think
Zoos have always been criticized because some claim that animals are being abused and mistreated due to the lack and care of certain zoos. However, zoos actually help many animals with research and are critically important for conservation purposes. People need to understand that zoos have programs that breed endangered animals as well as rescue programs for exotic animals that people are no longer able to support. Also, they have many hands on activities that allow people to get more connected to animals. In addition, zoos do not only focus on animals. They focus on environmental problems/concerns as well. Zoos help us stay educated about environmental impacts and animal care.
For years, zoos have been at the center of many controversies, as many believe them to be unsafe and unhealthy. Despite these negative claims,these menageries are beneficial to both humanity and the animal kingdom. Officially recognized zoos educate the public, all while providing care for and conserving wildlife.
In the article “The Reality of Zoos”, author Michelle Carr mentions a condition common among zoo animals called “zoochosis”, which is characterized by actions such as swaying and rocking due to the loneliness and disinterest these animals feel after being taken from their natural environments. “This condition is so rampant in zoos that some zoos give animals a mood-altering drug, such as Prozac, because the public has started to catch on,” states Carr. In some cases, zoo animals go as far as to risking their lives in an attempt to escape. Carr also discusses an example of a gorilla named Jabari that tried to break free from his enclosure, only to end up getting shot by a police officer. “A witness later confessed that teenagers were taunting him by throwing rocks,” reveals Carr.
The exhibits are also very fascinating, and after going to the zoo you can catch a glimpse of a certain animal's way of life. Without zoos we wouldn't have the unbelievable experience of seeing Earth's most beautiful life forms. Zoos keep endangered species safe, and out of harms way. We need to start caring about the life forms on this planet. Showing each animal compassion, and love. My knowledge on zoos has been stretched after my reading analysis today. Based off of the articles, "The Stripes Will Survive", "The Zoos Go Wild", and "Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment", we can truly get in-depth analysis about the role zoo's
Zoos may seem fun to visit and exciting to see the animals; but what you don’t see is the suffering and depression that lies in these helpless creatures. There are many arguments whether or not zoos are good or bad, and if they should be removed or kept. Several think that zoos should be abolished or at least very much improved, due to animal cruelty. While, others want zoos to stay because it is beneficial for the animals and people. I strongly believe that zoos aren’t good for both the public and animals for numerous reasons.
In some places of the zoo, the animals are set free and you can touch them. There is also a show with a talking parrot in it. The show always entertains the audience, because the parrot does cool tricks. One of my favorite things out of the zoo was the dinosaur world. In the dinosaur world, there are tall dinosaur that will spray water on you and there will be a pile of dirt and little kids can find bones there.
Think about having to live your whole life in a cage, where you are surrounded by people you are not familiar with. Would you like that? But this is how live is for animals in the zoos.
Feeling trapped, in a cubicle with bars on all four sides, being taken away from your home, and not knowing where you are. That's what animals that are enclosed in the zoo feel when they are taken away from their natural habitat. Some animals start to act out and do what they do best, by being the exotic and wild animal they were born to be. That is until there is human interactions involved with the animal. Such as the gorilla Harambe, he was in his enclosure when a little boy fell into the pit. The gorilla then went to the child and was interacting with him in the way he knew how, which lead to him being shot.
All the animals are suffering in the zoo. They could pass away without their friends or their family. Some animals could get sick. They could get lonely and depressed. They could eat whatever they want. They could play with whoever they want. They don’t get to eat what they want.
When people think of a zoos they are to think about all the cool animals and their trainer doing tricks with them right? No, that is totally wrong. Most of the zoos don’t even care about the animals, all they care about is their paycheck and more money. Zoos usually want babies in the zoo because that is what people are attracted to more. When they grow up and aren’t as cute they are sold to other places for big money. The reason why they would have to sell them is because when they are smaller they attract more attention and make them more money. When they grow up they aren’t as playful and enjoying to watch so they sell them to get money to get other baby animals so they can make more money.
Zoos are the underrated American pastime. They’re not attended as much as baseball or football games yet almost everyone has been to one within their lifetimes, whether it be through a class trip or a family get together, zoos have always been there for our entertainment and learning needs. They’ve become major centers of learning and conservation and the zoos we have today transform the minds of the young children that attend as well as aid in the preservation of as many possible species that they can. Yet, zoos have not always been this way. Up until the 1930’s, zoos have been fairly cruel, inhumane places that have focused solely on profit rather than the wellbeing of the animals they house making many zoos places that animals go to die
These animals are not experiencing the feeling of living in an open natural place, although zoos make every effort to expand, it is still not enough to compare with the open vast wild where animals once used to live. For example In the wild elephants walk about 30 miles a day in herds, in zoos they don’t get enough space for their 30 mile walks and only get a couple of other elephants to be with. This is unnatural and unfair.
Keeping animals locked in cages, bored and cramped up in such a small space is an awful sight to show the children. It creates an image in the little minds of children that animals are to be treated like they don’t matter. They say Zoos are a place where children can learn about the wild, exotic animals, but in reality it doesn't teach them anything only that they are meant to be caged up, which is wrong. Also, it is really painful to see the animals bored and lonely, so why should people keep letting them do this to these beautiful creatures. Animal captivity for entertainment should end to let them go to their rightful home.
Many people believe that the zoo is a positive experience, but they are not aware of what happens behind the scenes. Animals cannot physically live in zoos due to the unnatural habitats. These man-made habitats, often cause animals to suffer due to their physical and mental needs not being met (Zoos). Most animals are put into tight and filthy cages that often cause them to go insane. Some of these animals resort to destroying themselves by chewing on their body or by pulling out their hair (Zoos and Other…). “Lions in zoos spend 48% of their time pacing, a recognized sign of behavioral problems” (Ten Facts…). No animal should have to spend their life stressing about their wellbeing. They shouldn’t have to worry about their cage not being clean, or whether they’ll make it another day. No species on this planet should have to endure the physical and mental pain that animals, held captive in zoos, have to go
A widely-believed argument is that zoos forced animals to live in an unnatural environment, making them stressed and sick. Many zoo animals live in a different environment than the one they lived in before. Animals will feel discomfort or stress, ‘...the animal will not be at peace.’(Martel, p50). Most