A survey from http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-boxing-be-banned, looking at boxing as a whole, shows that 46% of the people who voted, voted for boxing to be banned as opposed to 56% of people saying it should not. The arguments below debate whether boxing should be banned. Most apply to both the professional and amateur sectors of the sport and the arguments would also to other forms of the sport such as cage-fighting and ‘bare knuckle’
Not just MMA but martial arts, so if you have to ban MMA you have to ban all martial arts. People all over the world love to watch MMA and other fighting sports. People who join know what they are getting into and people have to start to learn from your mistakes, so in essence it is their fault in getting into either a cage and fighting someone. There is no reason for it to be illegal. No illegal activities happen during the matches and everything is consensual.
Boxing had always been around in which its origin started back in Ancient Greece where Greeks found the sport of violence very entertaining (Hirsley par. 17). Despite its huge popularity at that time, it soon died off with the rest of Greece to where it would not be revived until the 1600’s. Medieval Europe played around with the idea of boxing, but it would later perish due to the rise of the Salem Witch Trials (Hirsley par. 18). Boxing would then come back around once more, but only this time being the most effective. The 1920’s eventually came around, and with the rise of entertainment, boxing was born again. It was previously
The MMA community has been shocked recently with the news regarding usage of IV fluids for rehydration. The UFC’s new anti-doping program, led by USADA, has announced that the use of IV fluids as a rapid rehydration technique will be banned starting October of this year. Numerous MMA fighters are starting to express their concerns regarding this new policy stating various health and safety reasons.
In 1997, the injury rate predicted in the sport of boxing was 7,257 injuries and 10.8% of those injuries were estimated to have affected people between the ages of five and fourteen. 1.3% of those injuries were predicted to be in the ages between zero and four, and 55.8% of those injuries were in the group of ages from fifteen to twenty-four.( National Electronic Injury Surveillance System et al., Estimates for Sports Injuries 1997) Boxing can be a safe and fun sport as long as it is practiced and played properly. Boxing should not be banned because it can help relieve stress, and like running it is a good addition for getting in shape. It should also not be banned because boxers know the risks and they still choose to do it ; it is their
Imagine the adrenaline one receives when getting prepared to fight in a boxing match. They strut to the mat and can hear the crowd vigorously yelling and screaming. The bell rings and the two begin punching. One severe punch is thrown at the opponent’s head and the person immediately falls to the mat. The crowd goes wild and the coaches and trainers all run out to the mat to check on the man down. The person gets back up and will try to fight until a victory is resolved. However, this particular match, the same person is hit once again and falls down. The match is over and the winner is announced. Doctors check the athlete and it appears as if he is speechless. Minutes pass and finally they can get a response. He does not remember
Many people argue that competitive sports raise numerous amounts of pressure on the youth making them distracted from things such as their education and because it can cause severe injuries, but some people argue that youth should play competitive sports because it teaches major life lessons that can help with many different aspects of their future such as college, getting a job, and many more. Playing competitive sports also improves your physical strength, another physical aspect of playing competitive sports is decreasing your chance of being obese or having disease. If you don't prefer to play competitive sports there are alternative options such as biking or walking to school. In an HT Health article “Sports Seen As Key Weapon in Fighting Teen Obesity” it says that in a study with 1,700 kids, ten percent walked or biked to school 3 ½ days a week,, in the study they found that biking or walking to school lowered the risk of being obese by 33%. I argue that kids should play competitive sports because of the important life skills taught through these sports and the physical benefit of playing sports. In this paper I will explain how communication, time management, and lowering the risk of being obese; supports my claim, “Kids should play competitive sports”
Good morning class, the purpose of my presentation is to debate the issue of whether horse racing should be banned, in which I contend that flat racing should not be banned in Australia. Horse racing has a rich culture that comes with it and is a major part of Australian history with the first official race meeting having taken place at Hyde Park Sydney in October 1810 making horse riding almost as old as this country itself, Horse racing also benefits Australia by inputting Billions of dollars into the Australian economy and supplying hundreds of thousands of jobs, also, thoroughbreds are bred to race and by outlawing racing, all thoroughbreds would suffer a huge drop in economic value and far fewer would actually be bred.
Banning sports is not an answer. Why are there so many people that want boxing to be a banned sport? Boxing is a violent sport that many people like watching for entertainment. Many people love watching the knockouts and people just fight each other. There are also many people that do not like the sport because of the violence and the dangers that people can die in the boxing ring.
I believe that High school football should be limited. Kids could get very sincere results from the concussions and the effects from playing football that could change their lives. Doctors say head concussions for younger kids are worse and more damaging because their brains are not fully grown and that means they can’t fully heal yet and younger kids younger kids have weaker neck muscles so their necks might break trying to brace for impact of another person while tackling for the ball or their heads smashing back into their helmets while going against someone (blocking someone).
Boxing Should Not be Banned In recent years, there have been many campaigns to try and have boxing
sports section, para. 3). Campbell identifies the opportunity of personal gain that singular competition offers. The individual quality of wrestling combined with its capacity to also serve as a team sport have equipped its participants with personal benefits that are unique to the sport alone. Wrestling is known to be a sport of equal opportunity because it invites athletes from different economic backgrounds and provides the opportunity for women to succeed in the sport as well. As explained earlier, the sport does not require a large amount of extra accessories in order for a participant to compete.
What side are you on for the better sport, wrestling or playing basketball. I’m a wrestler and I'm here to tell you wrestling is better than basketball for many reasons. I’ll talk about how it gets you in better condition mentally and physically. How wrestling makes you a more driven and focused person in the present and future of life. How wrestling makes you tougher and more competitive than the average person.
Do you have a passion, something you love to do more than anything? Imagine people trying to stop you from doing what you love because they think it’s not useful or a waste. Some people say competitive sports cost too much and they are way too dangerous for young kids to participate in. However, for many youth, competitive sports play a positive role. When kids play competitive sports, they are happier and they learn how to be healthy. Also, they learn life lessons that they will need for the future.
Boxing - a violent cage fight, or a crowd pleasing sport? Boxing is a high intensified sport that can be seen as helping the fighter in life or permanently damaging the fighters future. Many say that boxing is one of the safest sports; however, boxing can leave permanent brain damage from constant punches to the skull. The sport boxing is for managers to earn money while their fighter is in the ring fighting against another human until one gives up, or gets knocked out. A fight could be the end of one’s career, or even one’s life. Boxing should be banned because the money earned does not trump the risk of death, the mixed messages from fighters in the ring confuse the laws regarding assault, and the constant punches to and athletes head leaves permanent damage.
Boxing, also known as pugilism, is a very old and famous type of combat sport which was invented few centuries BC. It is an ever-changing sport which develops into different styles through time and it is regarded as one of the most popular and exciting types of sports nowadays. Some people make it their profession and fight for prizes, and money while some enjoy it as a hobby and a way to be physically active and have a healthy lifestyle. As it is a very entertaining kind of sport and it is part of the Olympic Games, the sport has garnered many fans worldwide. A lot of people prefer watching it and following championships and different athletes.