
Persuasive Essay Smoking

Satisfactory Essays

Smoking laws in Queensland are extensive and most have been in effect since 1 July 2006. Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed public places . It is permitted in residential spaces, along with specific outdoor public spaces such as beaches, children's playgrounds , sport stadiums and at outdoor eating and drinking venues. It is also allowable within 4 metres of public (i.e. non-residential) building entrances. In 2010 it became illegal to smoke in a car when a child under the age of 16 is present. In 2011 Brisbane City Council banned smoking in the CBD shopping strip Queen Street Mall.

Anti-smoking laws in Australia vary between jurisdictions. Smoking in enclosed places, including workplaces and pubs and clubs has been banned in all states …show more content…

Smokers need to be more aware of this .

A study to find out WHY people still smoke and production of a a relevant program to deal with the issues these people are facing ,would be very helpful. It is my belief that people use smoking to help find alternative ways to deal with stress,boredom, procrastination,and life issues. Associated repercussions that need to be addressed by smokers are change in diet, exercise and activities they associate with smoking--ie coffee/cigarette or social drink/cigarette.

Rewarding people who make the effort to be smoke free and also rewarding other employees who help with this process would mean a better, healthier and more productive workplace for everyone. I would suggest giving every employee a day off on their birthday. In conclusion I am against smoking in the workplace but see a need for non smokers to help smokers kick provide any sort of assistance required to make a happy workplace. Smokers do need to be made aware of the effect the smoking has on others and and the enviroment, and that they are valued in the work place and society only then will any changes take

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