Plastic Surgery is not Optional
Thesis statement: Plastic surgery should be treated as an important field of medicine because it helps children born with birth defects and repairs injured or destroyed body parts.
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that plastic surgeons do more than optional cosmetic surgery.
Attention strategy: Whether it is a soldier with war wounds like a disfigured face or blown off body parts, a breast cancer patient with the loss of her breasts, a severely burned individual from a car crash or an infant born with a birth defect, plastic surgeons treat the injury or condition.
Credibility strategy: Unfortunately, many people, including some in the medical field, think plastic surgery, while important
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Birth defects affect one in every 33 babies born in the United States each year according to the Centers for Disease and Preventative Control (Facts…). A. Plastic surgeons improve the appearance of children born with birth defects as well as body functions like breathing, hearing and speaking.
1. James Weatherwax, an 11 year old boy, who suffers from Apert Syndrome, lived with his fingers and toes fused together and fused bones to his skull (Murphy).
2. Surgery opened up his airway and repaired his disfigured face. B. Plastic surgeons require not only exceptional technical skill, but also care and understanding of the child’s overall wellbeing (Plastic and Re… Duke).
1. The treatment of plastic surgery can give children born with a birth defect a confident view of themselves.
2. However, some parents decide the surgery is more dangerous than the birth defect and choose not to have surgery. C. Plastic surgeons treat defects such as cleft lip and palate, apert syndrome, and facial paralysis as well as congenital hand, foot and ear deformities (Plastic and Re… Duke).
II. Accidents, bombs and life-threatening diseases can happen to anyone at any given time.
A. Plastic surgeons are trained specifically to treat an injury due to burns, muscular deformities or bone
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B. Plastic surgeons rebuild breasts that are lost due to breast cancer. 1. Elizabeth Anderson, a 47 year old fitness instructor lost both of her breasts one month after her cancer diagnosis and felt like absolutely nothing with scars on her chest (Rice).
2. Eighteen months later, after seeing another Radiologist, she underwent breast reconstruction; she felt whole again.
Transition Sentence: Anderson says, “That’s all I wanted, is to be normal again.”
C. In Pittsburg, plastic surgeons used an experimental therapy from pig tissue to help regrow part of a thigh muscle that a veteran lost in a blast in Afghanistan (Marchione).
Summary statement: In order to give patients the best possible outcome from their surgeries, plastic surgeons and experts from all fields of medicine need to work together as teams. Where this approach has been implemented, it has led to a better understanding and realization that plastic surgeons are a necessary part of the medical
In Shortcomings, Adrian Tomine writes about Ben Tanaka’s relations with women, indirectly commenting on relationship between different races. An overarching theme through the novel is the gendered double standard that Ben holds when it comes to an Asian person's relations with white women versus white men. A double standard is defined by Merriam Webster as: “a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another; especially: a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men” (“Double Standard”). The second half of this definition is the most relevant part of our analysis of Ben. When Ben visits Miko in New York after she moves, he’s upset when he sees her on the arm of someone he assumes to be a white man despite having been with a white woman himself. This double standard that Tomine portrays reflects both Ben’s own perspectives and his inability to see past gender and race. Another important aspect to keep in mind is the use and danger of fetishization as talked about in Shortcomings. A fetish, according to Merriam-Webster, is: “An object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression” (“Fetish”). The most important part of this definition is the second half, as Ben’s fixation on white women interferes with his sexual expression. Shortcomings emphasizes double standards and fetishizations through the repeated illustrations of women and through a comparison to Alice’s lesbian relationship to prove why Ben treats women in the book the way he does.
Plastic surgery is the first thing people would think of when they’re feeling down on what they look like. For many people, plastic surgery is considered to be very beneficial. It could release people from anxiety and allowed them to take on obstacles that they’ve never tried before. Some celebrities on television may look like they’re in their late 20s, but they’re actually in their 50s. Plastic surgery is a treatment that gives aesthetics look or replaces a broken/burned part of a person’s body.
Thesis: The cosmetic, issues, and beauty. We need to understand every possible outcome while considering plastic surgery
Plastic surgery reasons are not only reasons for cosmetic surgery because many people need cosmetic surgery to recover normal life from injury or burn. In the U.S. today, this is a serious issue to recent wars. In the U.S. war veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are sometimes injured or burned. Plastic surgery can give them normal face, hand or life again. For instance, since 2001, about 900 U.S. service members have been injured with severe burns in Iraq and Afghanistan and many of these burns are on face (Dao par. 6). Of course, other people suffer burns or face disfiguring due to fires or accidents. Also, other people are born with genetic problems, like disease disfigures about the face or body and birth defects that is making a face or body look not normal.
Thesis: Plastic Surgery has been a problem in American society. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of their body, their looks, or be insecure about any body part because everyone is beautiful in their own way. Problems of plastic surgery include expenses, health issues, and medical malpractice.
The abuse of plastic surgery over the years has gotten out of control. Due to the high demand for fillers, laser, and Botox, physicians perform cosmetic procedures that are non-surgical with no training. Society has unofficially banned wrinkles, fat deposits, and sun-damaged skin. An ethical concern for patients and healthcare providers is that these so-called problems should be enhanced and dealt with rather than result in aesthetic surgery. Although body image is important to certain people, the outer image does not define a human being. “The real value of a person cannot be reduced to his/her appearance, and medicine as an art, should feel the obligation to resist these modern ideologies and should attempt to help people get a more authentic attitude about themselves.” (Mousavi, 2010) If a person is unhappy with himself or herself, they should rely on a more natural solution. Aesthetic surgery should only be an option for people that have suffered an accident or born with a deformity. Having small lips, tiny wrinkles, beauty marks, or dark hair is not a deformity, they’re simply things the body produces over the years.
There was an interview conducted by and Dr. Howard T. Bellin last year. In this interview many different questions were asked about self esteem and the appropriate age for plastic surgery. Dr. Bellin believes that a person’s self esteem can benefit significantly from plastic surgery. One of the major surgeries that he does would be the rhinoplasty. He does this operation on teens. There is a general debate about what age is appropriate to let your child have plastic surgery. Sometimes parents believe that their child may be too young or perhaps too immature to engage in surgeries that seem to be for adults only. Plastic surgery can fix some problems but is not a “cure”. Cosmetic procedures are becoming much more common among teens now a day and are helping them through everyday life and help them fit in. There will always be a debate on this situation but it is important to look out
Usually, plastic surgery can be associated with individuals that tend to be self-conscious or have low self-esteem. Acquiring cosmetic surgeries can significantly boost a person’s confidence and self-image. Normally, beautifying procedures are seen to improve psychological damage. Plastic surgery can be beneficial for mental health. Although this may be true, plastic surgery has become an addiction. The perception of beauty should not be held at the hands of surgery.
In a society so consumed by the ideology of beauty, it makes sense as to why so many women these days undergo cosmetic surgery. The definition of beauty has long been obstructed and changed. In the past, if you look at the woman, you will see they are curvy, during this era being thin meant you were poor where as a beautiful and wealthy woman would be plump because she could afford fine dining. As society has changed, being slender has become the new trend, creating the idea that in order to be truly beautiful one must be thin. The movie stars in Hollywood, although most people realize the beautifying changes that are made to the pictures, this idea of 'beauty ' and 'desire ' still lingers in the mind of whoever comes across it. Our society is bombarded with several different ideologies of beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beauty standards that have been set should not be what are shaping people around the world and influencing them to go through with plastic surgery. The use of plastic surgery has changed from a medical procedure used to reconstruct the wounded or people with birth defects to reconstructing something people do not like about themselves. Plastic surgery was used during WWI in 1910 and after the war, skin grafting grew. The first training program in the United States was in 1924 thanks to Dr. John Davis. In 1950-1959, plastic surgery was used broadly to repair cleft pallet. It wasn’t until about
One can argue that when one changes their outward appearance, all those compliments the person receives, can change their personality a bit. For example, a person that used to be very self-conscious about how they look would now become slightly more outgoing, because they feel better about themselves. When someone gets more attention from the opposite sex, after having done the surgery, that person would feel happier. Most people use facial plastic surgery for “correcting feature defects or improving the appearance; for example, removing birth marks, moles, scars and correcting disfiguring defects.” (Singh, 1)
In recent years plastic surgery is something that has become a very popular trend, and also where many young people are even lining up for it. Plastic surgery is to reconstruct or repair parts of the body, especially by the transfer of tissue it can be used for treatment of injury or cosmetic reasons. It enhances one’s physical appearance, allowing him or her to achieve a look he or she desires. For example, a women’s buttocks can be enlarged or reduced, or a nose can be straightened or lifted. Many people find themselves changing their bodies and wondering if perfecting their appearance would make life a bit more perfect. Plastic surgery can enhance someone’s level of confidence and boost their self-esteem, but it is something that can have very serious consequences people need to be aware of.
MedicineNet analyzes mental health risks as a result of unrealistic expectations of surgery. When a person engages in plastic surgery on the wrong grounds, they tend to be unsatisfied with their results. This causes stress and sometimes depression on the patient, which can also affect their physical health, due to delayed and/or prolonged healing time. It is critical for plastic surgeons to be specifically trained in psycho-therapy. During an initial consultation, the doctor must first determine whether the patient is emotionally stable. They look for things such as age, development, mental illness, whether the patient is realistic towards the outcome, whether the patient has recently undergone any sort of traumatic event, or any other factor capable affecting their mental health. Once this is assessed and the patient is cleared for surgery a whole new array of problems arise.
Plastic surgery manly used for correct deformity since birth or tissues damaged because of illness or any anther several situations , most of plastic surgeon's works for appearance and function restoration such as : trauma , hand fractures , congenital deformity( ear reconstruction ,cleft lip and palate ) ,cancer ,and post cancer cases like mastectomy for breast reconstruction , facial reconstruction , burn and scar revision and peripheral nerve repair and many of cases which called cosmetic or aesthetic plastic surgeries it's used to help the patient to achieve what he think it is the desirable look for him ,also for increase his self esteem and satisfactorily toward himself such as: thighs lift , tummy tuck , fat liposuction breast lift and eyelid lift and much more different surgeries. In the past years there is noticeable progress in the plastic surgeries in different areas such as : flap physiology, bone biology , tissue engineering and craniofacial .(1)(3)(5)
Plastic surgery is not the best choice for anybody because you never know what your final outcome is which Allison A. stated in 2008. Doctors cannot guarantee you will come out successfully from the surgery room. She also said that it is like a game where you do not know if you win at the end of the play. People turn to cosmetic products for better appearances but when it’s not enough or not satisfying to them, they turn to plastic surgery. They never think about the consequences of what they want to look like or the dangers and risks that are involved. Veronica S. (2007) believes that cosmetic surgery is more harmful than it is beneficial. Unnecessary surgery seems to put women in danger for the sake of Hollywood beauty. We all handle healing differently. Some may heal well and some won’t. Hykra (2005) states that if you have pre-existing health conditions cosmetic surgery can be really dangerous. He also reports that people with heart condition, diabetes, or if you are a smoker, or have allergies you may experience complications that others may not.
We live in a society where people worship beauty. As far as recorded history people have gone to extremes to seek beauty. From foot binding in China to wearing strangulating corsets in Victorian era. People from different race and culture have experimented in every way possible way to look beautiful prior to this popular age of plastic surgery. It’s very common to hear people complain about their appearance, whether it’s their crocked nose, thin lips or flat chest. Remarkably, plastic surgery has been the solution for people who complain. Most people tend to think of plastic surgery as only cosmetic surgery and not as reconstructive surgeries. Plastic surgeries seems to be an invention of modern technology; however its roots lie in the ancient history of India. An Indian surgeon contributed towards the establishment of plastic surgery, it was intended to correct physical deformities acquired during birth, accident, disease or war. These surgeries did not gain the popularity it has today until the First World War. It was during the late 60’s, when doctors started realizing the endless possibilities of plastic surgeries. With the help of this surgery a trained surgeon can replace an amputate body part, remove skin cancer, get rid of unattractive scars and visible birthmarks or rescaling a nose or enhance body parts. Today more and more people from different age groups opt for plastic surgeries to obtain dramatic physical changes. These surgeries were envisioned to restore