
Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement For Plastic Surgery

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Plastic Surgery is not Optional
Thesis statement: Plastic surgery should be treated as an important field of medicine because it helps children born with birth defects and repairs injured or destroyed body parts.
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that plastic surgeons do more than optional cosmetic surgery.
Attention strategy: Whether it is a soldier with war wounds like a disfigured face or blown off body parts, a breast cancer patient with the loss of her breasts, a severely burned individual from a car crash or an infant born with a birth defect, plastic surgeons treat the injury or condition.
Credibility strategy: Unfortunately, many people, including some in the medical field, think plastic surgery, while important …show more content…

Birth defects affect one in every 33 babies born in the United States each year according to the Centers for Disease and Preventative Control (Facts…). A. Plastic surgeons improve the appearance of children born with birth defects as well as body functions like breathing, hearing and speaking.
1. James Weatherwax, an 11 year old boy, who suffers from Apert Syndrome, lived with his fingers and toes fused together and fused bones to his skull (Murphy).
2. Surgery opened up his airway and repaired his disfigured face. B. Plastic surgeons require not only exceptional technical skill, but also care and understanding of the child’s overall wellbeing (Plastic and Re… Duke).
1. The treatment of plastic surgery can give children born with a birth defect a confident view of themselves.
2. However, some parents decide the surgery is more dangerous than the birth defect and choose not to have surgery. C. Plastic surgeons treat defects such as cleft lip and palate, apert syndrome, and facial paralysis as well as congenital hand, foot and ear deformities (Plastic and Re… Duke).
II. Accidents, bombs and life-threatening diseases can happen to anyone at any given time.
A. Plastic surgeons are trained specifically to treat an injury due to burns, muscular deformities or bone …show more content…

B. Plastic surgeons rebuild breasts that are lost due to breast cancer. 1. Elizabeth Anderson, a 47 year old fitness instructor lost both of her breasts one month after her cancer diagnosis and felt like absolutely nothing with scars on her chest (Rice).
2. Eighteen months later, after seeing another Radiologist, she underwent breast reconstruction; she felt whole again.
Transition Sentence: Anderson says, “That’s all I wanted, is to be normal again.”
C. In Pittsburg, plastic surgeons used an experimental therapy from pig tissue to help regrow part of a thigh muscle that a veteran lost in a blast in Afghanistan (Marchione).
Summary statement: In order to give patients the best possible outcome from their surgeries, plastic surgeons and experts from all fields of medicine need to work together as teams. Where this approach has been implemented, it has led to a better understanding and realization that plastic surgeons are a necessary part of the medical

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