Joanna C. Nickerson Prof. John Williams ENG 112 D16B October 27, 2015 Unkown Title As a student, it is so simple to criticize the way schools are conducted. The ideas that students have towards schools may be somewhat misguided by their varied emotions and attitudes towards their school. Many students may feel that public education it is a necessity to have in life in order to be successful, be knowledgeable, and determine what kind of student you are. For many students, going to school is more than just a part of the daily routine. A lot of students see their role in school as an importance to their life, but as well to their future success. Many of us have gotten told by parents or teacher that school is an important …show more content…
Having education doesn 't automatically make you intelligent, nor does it measure your competency. However, in today 's society, having a degree is very important for getting a good job and making money, but it does not mean that earning a degree makes you knowledgeable. In the article Importance of Education states, “Education plays a vital role in your success in the personal growth. The more you have knowledge the more you grow” (Importance of Education). If schools are supposed to help are personal growth through school. Then why do so many student lose interest in finding who they want to become or question why they are here in the first place. In the documentary movie War on Kids, Morgan Emrich a public school teacher states, “they’re taught to hate reading by being forced to read stuff that they don 't want to. It 's really rare for a kid in school to be able to choose a book that they want to read and read it” (War on Kids). As students we get force to learn what is require in order to go from one grade to another. We also get tested to see the school academic level or need to pass a standardized test in order to graduate. Our school system has taught us that we should be good at test taking, answering multiple questions, and how to write essays. For a lot of students during their high school career SAT or ACT was a really important part in their life. Many students rely on their test scores
Throughout high school and college we will go through a vast amount of testing but why? Testing is used to show a person’s amount of knowledge on a particular subject. Usually it’s for one specific subject and not a majority of them, the standardized tests include all testable subjects as in English, math, science, writing, and reading. However, before we can all begin our college careers we have to take one of two tests, the ACT or the SAT. These two tests determine the college you get into, the amount of scholarships you will receive, and even whether or not your will be accepted into any college.
Most top-tier universities use SAT and/or ACT test scores as an important factor when considering students for admissions. A perfect score is a great aid in helping an applicate standout in a highly competitive arena. Because the test scores are so important, many students begin preparation in the 8th or 9th grade and continue it throughout their high school years. Today, that prep is even more significant due to redesigned SAT, which many consider a harder test than its predecessor.
A lot of colleges and Universities believe the score of a student’s SAT and ACT will help them make better
Throughout high school and college we will go through a vast amount of testing but why? Testing is used to show a person’s amount of knowledge on a particular subject. Usually it’s for one specific subject and not a majority of them, standardized tests administered in schools today include all testable subjects as in English, Math, Science, Writing, and Reading. However, before we can all take the next step and begin our college careers, we have to take one of two tests, the ACT or the SAT. These two exams demine the college you get into, the amount of scholarships you will receive, and even whether or not your will be accepted into said college, all determined by the score you receive.
Schools today, are a place for students to come and learn as much as they can. Only by valuing their time spent there can students learn how important their education really
Anyone who has ever taken the ACT or the SAT knows how stressful and difficult the tests are. Students are forever judged because of the scores the receive by colleges and peers. The ACT/SAT are standardized tests that are meant to calculate what students have learned in previous years of high school. Colleges then use this score to determine whether a student will succeed in college. Specific problems with this process include the fact that high schoolers are extremely busy and may have other things on their minds, the tests require brutal test prep, the test can cause stress and anxiety, and the tests do not accurately gage a student’s college success. For these main reasons, students should not be required to take the ACT/SAT to get into college.
The ACT and SAT were created to accurately measure the knowledge of our children and make sure they are prepared for college, yet often times it seems to have the opposite effect. Due to the tests, some students are deciding not to go to college just to avoid paying so much money when they do not think they can do well in college courses. Even if students do decide to go to college, they may avoid taking classes with large tests due to test phobia developed from the ACT or SAT (Paul 42). Seeing such low scores in certain subjects can lower a student’s confidence and willingness to take those classes in college. By not taking certain classes, a student is limiting what major they can complete which will lowering their career options (Paul 42). We can’t let this happen to our students! We can’t let one stupid test destroy the careers and futures of hundreds of teenagers. The long term effects of the trauma created by the ACT and SAT are detrimental to today’s students.
Why is education so important? Is it because of how much you’ll make at your high end job or is it because it is essential to function as a “well-rounded” human being? Well education is important because along the way you acquire sets of skills like critical thinking, which are useful for the everyday life. However, people who do not pursue a higher education after they graduate are not less intelligent and should not be looked down upon, because schooling isn’t about what you learn. Instead it is about the abilities, the strategies like how to communicate efficiently or being more aware of things, you get after going through the system.
Firstly, a child’s future should not be based on one score. Colleges today, especially the more prestigious ones, highly stress the need for good scores on tests like the ACT or SAT. This puts more pressure on our students. It basically lets them know that if they do not do well on a test, then they can’t go to a good college and their future won’t be as successful as those who do well on that test. We tell our
Have you ever wondered why, throughout the course of your educational career, you have to take so many standardized tests and why they determine how smart you are or if you will make it in life? For most people the SATs and the ACTs are the most important and stressful tests that they will ever take. For most colleges these scores determine whether or not you get into their college or whether you are even considered for a spot at a college or university. Here are some facts regarding the SATs and the ACTs.
Education should not only be looked at as attending college and passing exams to succeed in school. Nevertheless, it should be seen as the complete development of one's personality, intellectual development, and moral evolution. The system tells everyone to learn the same material, even if the students are bored and even if they’re sleeping during class. In the article “Against School”, John Taylor Gatto states, “teachers didn’t seem to know much about their subject and clearly weren’t interested in learning” (Gatto). This shows the teachers and the students disconnect from the context because either it’s irrelevant or not being taught in inspiring ways. I believe an educated person should at least have some background knowledge for a job
With so much riding on these tests, many students become stressed and unable to perform, despite buying prep books and spending long hours studying. "I cannot tell you how many students I have worked with who are amazing in their classes but freeze when it comes to the SAT or ACT because they know how much is riding on the scores," says high school councilor Patricia Mucenski. Instead of placing significance on high school grades, which display not only a student’s intelligence, but also illustrate hard work & determination, our knowledge and future success are measured by a score on one test taken for three hours on a Saturday morning.
1.1 million American students drop out of school every year (TBF, 2012). After World War II, the United States had the #1 high school graduation rate in the world. Today, we have dropped to # 22 among 27 industrialized nations (TBF, 2012). These astronomically large numbers are why I chose this topic. Public schooling is in crisis, and more and more people are opting to go to private schools or be homeschooled. Even through all of this, there are many glimpses of hope. Many public schools are still very good, and competitive towards private schools. On the flip side, other public schools, namely in big cities, are also colossally behind the suburban schools that are competitively good. Luckily, I live in Penfield, where we have one of the suburban schools, but what if I didn’t? That’s the reason I choose this topic (I have a bit of a habit of overanalyzing things, so the “what-if” factor really intrigued me). With that out of the way, here is one of the most important decisions I will ever make: what I will do about education.
School should be a very important priority for teenagers. In high school, teachers try to prepare young people for what lies ahead in life. That includes going off to college and entering the working world. But many
Nearly 70 percent of all 2016 high school graduates were enrolled in colleges or universities this year. The majority of these students took the ACT or SAT in order to get into said college or university. The SAT was first administered to high school students in 1901. The American College Testing Program, or ACT, was created in 1959. Since then nearly all of the American youth partakes in one if not both of these tests in their academic journey. Colleges and Universities should place less emphasis on standardized test scores because these tests are biased against certain groups, add too much stress to student lives, and impede the assessment of other very important skills.