I have many views regarding this topic. Over time, gun violence has made people become more on notice in how they can not trust others. In this paper, I will present my audience about this on-going issue to why it is indeed trending. This would be a great research essay because I must be able to establish clear factual information as its main priority. Nevertheless, gun violence needs to stop. My evidence will help prove my overall research. I think this way because I am a human just like anyone
Since 2013 there have been 268 school shootings in the United States alone (Everytown for Gun Safety, 2017). School gun violence is becoming increasingly probable. It is imperative that our government and our citizens come together to create a solution and implement a plan to prevent and stop the occurrence of school gun violence. The solution, for some, is to bring more guns into the picture by arming teachers, principals, and other school officials, or place armed police officers at school sites (LaPierre, 2015). For others, the solution is to make even stricter laws regarding gun use or to get rid of these weapons altogether. These certainly are drastic options; I must say that I do believe the true solution is to increase the focus on mental health services and by extension, mental health awareness. There is simply not enough focus on the mental health of our youth and of our students. Mental health services are the most important step to making schools safer, because this solution touches the entire problem of violence at its root level.
Gun ownership is embedded in the fabric of America. The United States has the highest gun ownership rate in the world with 88 guns per 100 people. This is a staggering amount of firearms in the U.S. which our forefathers would 've never imagined when writing the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Not everyone interprets this right the same way. Regulating and restricting the use of these firearms brings up opposing sentiments from those in favor of gun control and those who oppose
Gun control should not exist at all in the United States. Mass shootings have almost become seen as normal event in the United States. What people do not understand is that gun control is not the answer; there are countries with little to no control that have fewer shootings. According to The Washington Post,Finland is ranked number 4 in countries with the most guns despite that they only had 24 homicides by firearm (“Gun homicides and ownership by countries” n.pag.) . In the article Did Gun Control Work In Australia “it is shown that gun control has reduced the problems but it still has not completely got rid of all firearm deaths”(Matthews n.pag.). The number of murders, homicides, or suicides do not go up due to people just owning more guns. Clayton Perry, a staff writer at the University of Maine, even points out “Stricter gun laws were in place during the Assault Weapons Ban between 1994 and 2004, but that didn't stop the shooters at Columbine in 1999 ”(Perry n. pag.). In Iceland, thirty out of a hundred people own a gun and they have zero homicides caused by guns a year(“Gun Homicides and ownership by country” n. pag.). In this day and age, everything is unpredictable, guns are a form of protection for everyone and there should not be restrictions on protection. The U.S. Department of Justice released a data brief that states, “ On average in 1987-92 about 83,000 crime victims per year used a firearm to defend themselves or their property”(Rand BJS Statistician n. pag.). The National Sheriffs Association released that the average police response time is at eighteen minutes while the average school shooting only last twelve minutes (“Embracing Technology To Decrease Response Time” n. pag.). Gun control should not exist because other countries do fine without it , high gun ownership has no link with increasing death rates , and guns are not harmful when instructions are followed.
What makes gun control reform even more difficult is that many Democrats themselves can’t support gun control without risking their seats. Many representatives or senators come from districts and states that vote Democrat for different reasons, such as union strength in the Midwest or rising immigration numbers in the Southwest. However, states like Wisconsin, Florida, or New Mexico also are strong supporters of guns, putting Democratic lawmakers in a precarious position (Scher 2017). This split in the party makes it nigh on impossible for bills to get anywhere. Indeed we saw this to be true after the Sandy Hook shooting. Senator Dianne Feinstein has been a passionate advocate for gun control nearly her entire tenure as a Senator, becoming one of the leading Democratic senators in the push for gun control (Friedman 2013). Feinstein represents a state where gun control measures such as assault weapons bans are extremely popular (California), so there is no constituent fear from her to back off gun control (Wheaton 2017). After the Sandy Hook shooting, Senator Feinstein introduced a new Assault Weapons bill to replace the previous one which had expired in 2004. It made the sale, manufacture, or transfer of 150 semi-automatic weapons illegal, which had features like magazine releases and thumbhole stocks, restricted large capacity magazines, and used a one feature test to determine whether or not a gun was an assault weapon (Feinstien 2013). Democratic majority leader Harry
School should be a place of peace and opportunity, but gaps in the system of gun control threatens the safety of faculty and students. School shootings have killed a total of 297 lives, young and old (Slate Magazine). Gun control has been a continuous nationwide debate for many years. It seems that no one wants to take a stance against guns unless they are personally affected. In order to take control of the matter and prevent more incidents from continuing schools need to change. To achieve a safe environment in schools need to educate faculty, safe and students, heighten security, and assess mental health issues.
Every so often the media and news feeds flood with reports of a mass shooting. Families mourn. In the days that follow, calls to action can be heard, and there is a demand for change. Sometimes minor legislation passes, but in the United States extreme change is rarely seen. Other developed nations provide an opposite comparison. Following the Port Arthur shooting in Australia and the shooting in Great Britain, both countries organized for significant gun reform.
The Second Amendment states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The right to bear arms allows citizens to own and carry a fire arm. Not because it looks cool but to protect citizens from an oppressive government. It’s good to know if something drastic happens some citizens can protect themselves from others who are dangerous. The United Sates is one of the largest countries with the most firearms, and with that being said gun violence has gotten out of hand. This doesn’t mean that the second amendment is the cause of it.
Imagine somebody breaking into your home with the intentions of hurting you and your family and trying to take all your valuables that you own in your house, and not having anything to protect your loved ones. Without the protection of a firearm, the intruder could injure or kill all members within the household easily. In the United States, according to the Bill of Rights, a citizen has the right to bear arms, however, recently people have started to believe that guns only incite violence and therefore gun laws need to be more strict. Although, If you own the firearm for the right reasons and go through the process of having a carrying license, then that is within your rights to protect yourself and be able to own the gun. Therefore,
There have been a lot of shootings and there has to come a day where everything has to stop gun violence. Recently there has been a shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada. There was recently a mass shooting on October 1, 2017. At about 10:08 p.m. a country concert was active in Las Vegas. Everybody was enjoying their day and the music, they were having so much fun but little did they know what was about to happen. A shooter came out in front of 22,000 people from the 33rd floor. Killing at least 59 people and leaving 500 wounded. It was a very sad thing to hear because there was so many people who lost their life without even having any clue that they were going to die that day. So many people as well got seriously hurt during this incident that this one man caused. There was innocent people who shouldn’t have gone through what happened that day. Now there will be more security to make sure things like this don’t happen anymore or to at least help gun violence decrease. They listed this as an attack but it should be counted as a terrorist attack no matter the color of skin.
Imagine heartbreak, loved ones dying, and losing hope. This has transpired for many in America today, all because of gun violence. It has become a great problem for our society in recent years. Data from Every Town Research has shown In their article Gun Violence by the Numbers “...that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns...For every one person killed, two are injured” Many will deny that gun violence is a dilemma, but it is. Most do not realize this but, over 62% of the deaths are suicide, and just over 1,642 people killed by gun violence were unintended. There is something very wrong here, and something needs to change quickly. If so many of these deaths are incidental, and suicides; There is clearly a correlation between something in our society today, and the terribly high rates of suicide which need to be addressed. I contend we need to get out there and instruct our youth, and adults on how to handle situations with a gun. Additionally, we should discover what is causing so many to feel as if suicide is the only way out of the pain, and suffering from a long unsatisfactory life.
October 1st, 2017. On the night of this horrific date, 59 civilians were killed and 527 were wounded at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, shot by a 64 year old man on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort. When his room was searched, investigators found 23 firearms in his room, many of them long range rifles outfitted with scopes and bump stocks, which allowed the guns to fire hundreds of rounds per minute (Goldman). From this unspeakable atrocity, an abundant perspicuity is created, portraying that gun control laws are unable to prevent many violent actions, including mass shootings and other horrific events. Even a drastic increase in gun laws cannot prevent men that have irreproachable records from acting recklessly, or predict
Gun control for who? Given the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, Nevada, where a lone gunman killed over 50 people and injured hundreds, the discussion of gun rights a dispute in the country’s storied culture wars will fail in any substantial changes to current laws. While I strongly dislike hearing of senseless deaths, especially when they seem preventable with proper legislation, however I know of gun control problematic racist past; not everything is black or white.
A world of potential destruction may or may not be preferable to one containing concentrated power to murder a community. Gun control policies, a controversial issue discussed in modern society, can become the difference between the safety and assurance of civilian lives, or a destructive and lethal environment for families. Through multiple researches and debates, conclusions have been expressed on whether or not gun control policies should be preserved, or terminated in communities. Although some believe they are unnecessary and somewhat dangerous for the defense of individuals, others believe that it influences the peace as well as assurance for society. Being a highly evaluated issue in modern communities, gun control includes benefits and costs, with the positive outcomes evidently higher than the consequences.
Gun control in america has been a problem for many years now. We have 24 hours in a day which may seem like a lot but it’s not. Most people either go to work for half of the day or they are enrolled in school which leaves us with only a limited amount of time when we get home. Most likely the people who do buy guns does neither of these two things. Guns should not be allowed to american citizens because you never know what they are pondering about using the gun for. The best part about not allowing guns for citizens to use is that the rate of robborys, break ins, or even murders will decrease in america. This will make the jobs of police officers easier and more efficient. Guns should only be used for the army so they can protect our country.
Our second amendment right, the right to bear arms. This is something that is special, and something we hold dear to most Americans and then there are the people infringing on those sacred rights to bear arms against a radical nation, criminals, or anyone who chooses to cause harm. And this is happening right here in the united states in Chicago. Gun control is too strict in Chicago and should be changed, because for one, it doesn’t work, criminals get their hands-on weapons either way, and people need a way to defend themselves, which goes along with the 2nd amendment. We need to be ready for anything, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The great body of our citizens shoot less as times goes on. We should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys, and indeed among all classes, as well as in the military services by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving peace in the world... The first step – in the direction of preparation to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come – is to teach men to shoot!”