Animal Testing: Subtitle
Every day, animals suffer for our own benefit. There are policies in place, that require inspection and registration of testing facilities, compliance with specified husbandry standards, and efforts to minimize animal pain, among other provisions. However, each day, an animal dies, suffers pain, or is held captive, and that poses an issue of justification. (Orlans, F. Barbara) Furthermore, research has shown that in various animal testing facilities, not even the minimal standards set by the AWA are being met. Under federal law, it is not illegal to burn, starve, shock, poison, isolate, brain damage, or force an animal to be addicted to drugs while undergoing animal testing.
Animal testing was meant to be for scientific
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Furthermore, an animal’s biology is different from a human’s biology, therefore, the testing on humans is still going to be dangerous. (Animal testing is bad science). Over the years, we as humans have become more and more callous to the fact that over a million animals (mice, rabbits, frogs, monkeys, fish, guinea pigs, dogs, etc.) are killed every year for our own cosmetic reasons. These animals are forced to go through unbelievably inhumane conditions. Per Peta, before they are murdered, they may have their skulls drilled into, their spines crushed, their skin burned off, or even immobilized for hours. Rabbits are given shots to test for skin irritation levels, leaving them screaming and kicking until they eventually break their back or neck. (America 6) There are some chemicals tested on animals, that cause minimal discomfort of the animals. However, there are a number that will cause extreme, long lasting pain. To make things worse, animals are not given any type of pain relief. (Issues & Controversies) "They're scalded by chemicals on their skin and eyes, shoved into tubes no larger than their bodies and forced to breathe noxious fumes." (Issues & Controversies) It is
Somewhere, in the United States, an animal is in terror. It cowers fearfully as scientists hold it down, and a doctor grips a massive, sharp needle next to its neck, ready to inject the animal with a lethal dose of a new, experimental drug. The animal is one of 26 million other creatures facing the same, painful, fate annually (The Hasting Center). Animal testing is the downfall of humanity, a practice of humans testing chemicals, drugs, and cosmetics on animals. Animal testing is an atrocity that is an unnecessary and dangerous ordeal to the subjects being tested on. The fact that it is cruel, is highly inaccurate, and that there are many other ways to achieve the results being pursued all
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” (Mahatma Gandhi). Scientists have been using animals for biomedical research for centuries. They provide a source to get information scientists can not get without harming humans. A lot of debate is spread about whether it is good or bad. Animal experimentation is a controversial topic because it is helpful to humans, but it is also cruel and inhumane.
For many years, animal testing has been very widely accepted in the world for the
Animal testing has been a controversial topic for many generations throughout the world. People against animal testing say that animal testing is cruel and inhumane and
Have you ever been watching your favorite television show, and all of the sudden a failed drug commercial comes on? An example of this could be Vioxx. How would you like to know that this was tested on animals? If you are unaware Vioxx caused over 100,000 people to suffer severe heart attacks. Yet Vioxx was extremely successful in the animal test trials. Doesn’t that show you how different us animals and humans are, and how pointless this dangerous routine is? Now how do you feel to know that animals are also being killed everyday because of animal testing? In one test run on average of the LD50 test, more than 50 percent of the animals die. The LD50 test is a test that forced 60-200 animals to do this. How would you feel if a rabbit, like a pet you own, was getting force fed this? Nowadays scientist limited this test to 6-10 animals, but that’s just this test. I still believe no animal, should die this way whether it’s cosmetic, medical, or everyday chemicals like paint. (Added the ways I meant.)
For centuries humans have dedicated their time and research to animal experimentation. A large number of these animals are being utilized and taken from their homes involuntarily. They are abused, mishandled and harmed for our own benefit to create products such as cosmetic supplies, vaccines, and medication.
Should animal testing be a research method in today's society? This has been a rising topic of today’s society, especially in the United States. Many would support this question as it has been used as a research method for scientific and commercial products to ensure safety for humans when they receive the final product. However, others would argue against animal testing due to its immorality of the researcher’s actions towards the animals as well inaccurate results received from the studies. While animal testing has benefited medical science in the past, but using animal testing today is seen to many as cruel and inhumane due to the rise of alternative testing strategies that result in fewer expenses and less damaging to animal kind.
Every year, a total of one million children die from pneumonia. If you multiply that number by one hundred, you will have the number of animals that suffer painful deaths due to medical experimentation in U.S. laboratories each year. This number includes animals of all types, from mice and rats to fish and birds. These animals are typically used because of tradition rather than actual scientific reasoning, making their deaths all the more cruel. Animal experimentation is not only unethical, but ineffective and expensive. It should be phased out and replaced with technological alternatives.
Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. What do they have in common? Maybe that they could all be common house pets, but it could also be that they are some of the animals that are commonly tested on for biomedical purposes as stated by the Humane Society. In the topic of using animals for biomedical research there are two definitive sides. Those opposed to animal testing state that it is unacceptable and unnecessary due to the fact that it only leads to the torture and death of millions of animals. Those supporting this animal testing believe that it is a key benefactor to advances in the medicinal industry. Animal testing is the necessary evil that helps further society’s knowledge in the biomedical field.
Since the discovery of disease, medical professionals have been looking and testing for cures. When looking for a cure or treatment for a disease you go through a series of steps. These steps are full of possible treatments, looking at your progress through a microscope, and then finally testing your possible treatment on live animals. I believe that this step is crucial to finding treatments because although the possible cure works perfectly in a petri dish may in fact be poisonous to living people. Animal testing for medical research is also impacts the effectiveness of prescription medication and even it finds treatments for animal ailments.
Experimenting on animals dates back to the roman times, but since then the animal experimentation industry has grown massively and is now a multi-billion dollar industry. Every year millions of animals are killed in laboratory experiments worldwide. Animals are sometimes skinned alive and left to bleed to death. I decided to conduct this research because I worry about animal welfare. There are many different scenarios in which animals are experimented on. These include Medical research where testing on animals is not aimed at finding cures but finding ways of improving treatments to reduce things such as side effects. Medical testing on animals has and will continue to help the future of medicine. Genetic engineering is the fastest growing area of the animal experimentation franchise, already there are thousands of genetically modified animals. Product testing is where products such as makeup
While many people see animal testing as a necessity, there are a few that stop to consider the truth. Though animals are different from people, they still have feelings. As people know how pain feels, it’s the same for animals. Animals may be for legged, furry creatures, but they are not immune to pain. They can tell what’s going on, even though people refuse to believe it. While they feel pain, it may be for no reason; scientists and animal advocates have voiced their concerns on how animals are not reliable for research. People and animals have different chemical make-up and the results of animal testing has hindered progress. What is not safe for animals,
There is no surprise when we hear that for years humans have used animals in their experiments for the benefit of science, but as humans learned more about the differences and similarities between themselves and animals the experiments have become more evasive leaving the animal being tested on in a deplorable state that usually leads to permanent disability or death. In the process of advancement, new and much more reliable alternative methods of testing have been found. Using an alternative method does not just save the animals but can also save millions of lives in the process. Animals should not be used in tests for scientific research.
You are walking down the aisle in your local drug store and you spot a new brand of waterproof eyeliner. You pick one up and scan the back of the product to see if it matches what you’re looking for – long lasting color. But you do not notice the absence of a little symbol on the back: a small rabbit or ‘V.’ This means that before the eyeliner came into your hands, innocent animals were put through tests like acute oral and dermal toxicity tests where they experienced diarrhea, convulsions, bleeding from the mouth, seizures, paralysis, and eventually death (New England) to ensure the safety of this product. Cosmetics are just one of the areas in which animal testing occurs. Throughout history, animal experimentation has benefited humanity through new discoveries. However, many people tend to either ignore or forget the large number of animal subjects that have suffered serious harm during the process of experimentation. Over 115 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, abused, and killed in laboratory experiments each year around the world (“Animal”). There is no valid reason why any living thing should be subjected to cruel punishment and unwanted torture just to serve another being’s needs. Therefore, no animal should be used in research or in testing the safety of products.
Observation and experimentation are how we as humans have been able to learn more about ourselves and the world and universe we live in. One of the most common methods of experimentation is animal testing. However, there are controversies surrounding animal testing. There are some that believe animal testing to be cruel and overdone, advocating for the eradication of the practice and further reliance alternative research methods. Groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and other animal rights advocates fall in this category. There are some that believe animal testing to be an invaluable resource and should continue, such as some scientists and research groups. However, there appears to me to be a consensus that is closer to the middle: the belief and understanding that while there are benefits to animal testing, there are flaws in the practice and there should be changes to increase its efficacy while we simultaneously explore alternate testing methods. Many scientists and the National Institute of Health (NIH) subscribe to this idea. I aim to explore the benefits, problems, and implications of animal testing in order to reach a more informed conclusion about a position that is most validated by the information I have used.