
Persuasive Essay's Animal Testing: Subtitle

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Animal Testing: Subtitle
Every day, animals suffer for our own benefit. There are policies in place, that require inspection and registration of testing facilities, compliance with specified husbandry standards, and efforts to minimize animal pain, among other provisions. However, each day, an animal dies, suffers pain, or is held captive, and that poses an issue of justification. (Orlans, F. Barbara) Furthermore, research has shown that in various animal testing facilities, not even the minimal standards set by the AWA are being met. Under federal law, it is not illegal to burn, starve, shock, poison, isolate, brain damage, or force an animal to be addicted to drugs while undergoing animal testing.
Animal testing was meant to be for scientific …show more content…

Furthermore, an animal’s biology is different from a human’s biology, therefore, the testing on humans is still going to be dangerous. (Animal testing is bad science). Over the years, we as humans have become more and more callous to the fact that over a million animals (mice, rabbits, frogs, monkeys, fish, guinea pigs, dogs, etc.) are killed every year for our own cosmetic reasons. These animals are forced to go through unbelievably inhumane conditions. Per Peta, before they are murdered, they may have their skulls drilled into, their spines crushed, their skin burned off, or even immobilized for hours. Rabbits are given shots to test for skin irritation levels, leaving them screaming and kicking until they eventually break their back or neck. (America 6) There are some chemicals tested on animals, that cause minimal discomfort of the animals. However, there are a number that will cause extreme, long lasting pain. To make things worse, animals are not given any type of pain relief. (Issues & Controversies) "They're scalded by chemicals on their skin and eyes, shoved into tubes no larger than their bodies and forced to breathe noxious fumes." (Issues & Controversies) It is

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