Aries Today you’re likely to feel threatened by somebody in the outer circle. Perhaps, a loud and outspoken colleague or a friend your spouse has been spending too much time with. Tune in and ask yourself if you’re operating from the place of the green-eyed monster monster? Know that you are you—and that’s your superpower. Taurus Waiting for your very own eureka moment? The truth comes to you in the form of revelation. Use your inherent intelligence to solve this one. The news is also likely to come from another party. Stay sharp and mindful when interacting with others. Gemini Oh, the gift of passion and the spark of creativity! Make today about the pursuit of the things that set your soul on fire. This passion is sure to make it’s way …show more content…
Oh, the joy of having your best people around! Partake in the merriment. Indulge in the luxuries of life. As you do, practice gratitude for all the abundance that’s being given to you. Sagittarius Got your eye on that rare amethyst ring? Thinking about taking a trip to Paris or indulging in a Masterchef meal? You deserve the luxury of the wealth you’ve amassed. Take the day off, Sagittarius. It’s time to enjoy all the good things in life. Capricorn This is the very end of the cycle. The dark phase that you’ve been in comes to an end welcoming the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel. Where do you want to take your life from here? Focus your energy on transformation. Aquarius Step into the spotlight, Aquarius! A project you’ve given your heart and soul into reaches the stage of completion bringing you both success and recognition. Stop to breathe for a moment and then get back to work. There’s yet another success story waiting to be written! Pisces Put the television off, Pisces, and write your own romcom instead! Aren’t you tired of playing your emotions down? Aren’t you tired of holding back? Give your relationship the gift of open and honest communication. See how your partner responds to your
Once downstairs they all got settled in and Aries started up again, “Okay back to the whole Saturn thing, I think that its very important for us to discuss-” She was cut off by Pisces, “ITS SHELBY DAWSON!!” Aries looked over at the TV, “Hey Aries, you might want to check this out” Libra said hiring the TV. “In latest news there was a meteor shower last night, but this was not an ordinary meteor shower because the things falling from the sky were not meteors, but people, we’ll give you more on this when we come back.”. “You don’t think that they’re constellations, do you?” Virgo said worried. “Man I hope not, we already are so busy with Saturn’s attacks and all the other planets, the last thing we need is something else to worry about.” Aquarius
What a busy time for the Capricorn! Your ambition is finally paying off. Something you thought was in the distant future will come to fruition sooner than you expected.
We see in one instant the passionate vision and the blowout. Not that we cause things to fail, you understand.”. The zodiac signs play a symbolic and thematic role, providing a framework for the progression of the story and offering deeper insights into the characters and philosophical underpinnings of the
Pisces, Feb. 19 to March 20: It might not seem like the answer at the time, but honesty always works out for the better in the
In astrology, Aries is considered a new beginning and, in turn, begins John Gardner’s novel (Heindel 163). This chapter focuses on the cyclical nature of astrology. According to Grendel, this is the twelfth year of his “idiotic war” (Gardner 5). He notes that this year will, more than likely, be just like all those
Aries is trying to lead, but it's hard to be a leader when there are no easy answers, and every move feels wrong. Clementine is desperate to find her brother Heath, but it's impossible to know where he'd be, even if he is still alive. Michael is still haunted by the memories of his actions during his harrowing struggle to survive. And Mason is struggling with something far worse: the fear that he may be a danger to his friends.
It’s important not to lose your cool at a drop of the hat. A quick tip- delegate tasks to others too for speedy results. ________________________________________ Taurus: January is all about the union and the balance between two people. If you are in a relationship then I am seeing you would up your game. The guidance is also asking you to nurture
To begin this letter, I would like to thank you for donating prayer and money to support Diamond Willow Ministries. You were very much a huge part of my recent trip there, as well as the boys camp that took place through the ministry.
But, the time has come. They day of reckoning has finally arrived for all of you. To channel a bit of Nietzschen Philosophy, I have stared into the abyss, and the abyss has starred back at me.
Aries are vulnerable, but not helpless. They can stand up and fight their own battles. Like babies, they are trusting and fearless, until bitten. And even then, the memory of the hurt is soon forgotten, and the rams get up to try once more.
You either learn & seek the truth, or remain a victim of it, gain the knowledge, we as humans are programmed to always reach for the dangling carrots, from birth to death, as our euphoric dopamine & serotonin synthesis seems to always gravitate towards solace.
I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, aries rising. I like astrology, talk to me about it and that'd be cool. I like to make friends but don't be surprised if I'm super awkward at first.
When I was little, I really didn’t know what astrology was or what your zodiac sign was. When I was growing up, I finally figured out what it all meant and how it worked. From that point on I was instantly clicked. I loved reading my horoscope and when ever I did read it, nine out of ten times it would be right, and that’s why I loved reading my horoscope. It was just something I did every morning, and then I would go throughout my day. Then at night when I would be back on the computer, i would reread them, and realize that most of the time those things did happen, or I did feel that type of emotion.
Artistic, creative, and one of the most sensual lovers in the Zodiac, the Scorpio is the most dynamic signs. The charm, the mystical glances, the aura is so attractive that people are drawn to you like moth is to flame. Unforgiving, bold, cool, particularly head strong, the Scorpio can have a dangerous dark side. Withdrawn and secretive, Scorpios are known to be the best friends you could ever ask
Stars are great, they are great for looking at, for studying, and for naming. But they are not good for living your life and letting them tell you what your day or week or even life will be like. Every time she visits we will be sting on the couch not doing and she will be on her computer looking at some family member's horoscope. She would ask me when I was