When people think of crafting, they think of craft fairs in small towns, of mothers and grandmothers manning booths with hand-sewn clothing for American Girl dolls and beeswax candles and hand-knitted mittens and hats - and they're not totally wrong. But these days, everyone is crafting.
Thanks to the proliferation of "do it yourself" blogs on the internet and online interior design magazines, crafting is bigger than ever. It's become something that's no longer reserved for grandmothers who spend their days sewing quilts while they watch episode after episode of General Hospital. In fact, many young people have taken up crafting, having figured out that making great gifts and things for your home is so much easier and better than buying them.
This year, instead of gifting store-bought gifts, consider making things on your own. When you've crafted something that you give your friend or your family member, it's made with love. You've put time and effort into it, and that often means much more to someone than something you bought at the local mall. Luckily, you can get all the craft supplies you need online! Here are
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Most moms have cookie cutters galore, but did you know that you can also use cookie cutters for crafting, not baking? Sure, you'll use them at Halloween, and again at Christmas, and again at Valentine's Day and on Easter Sunday - but why not use them to help the kids learn their shapes? They can trace around the cookie cutters, even use them to create made at home Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree. Bone-shaped cookie cutters can be used to make treats for your furry friends, and any fun shape can be used as either the basis of an ornament for your tree or an ornament itself - simply add some paint and glitter! Many people think that cookie cutters are limited to baking only, but that simply isn't the case. There's lots you can do with cookie cutters - the fun doesn't have to
Thesis: To show my audience how easy and inexpensive it is to make your own holiday wreath at home
Hello, my name is Susan Stewart. I am a member of the Wheatland High School Grad Night Committee. The committee is comprised of Volunteers who plan and facilitate the Safe and Sober Grad Night event for Wheatland High School graduates. Committee members are meeting with local community businesses and leaders like yourself, to ask if they would be interested in supporting an event aimed at keeping our local teens safe on such a celebratory night.
Many schools entered a fashion design contest to make outrageous objects out of everyday items. Students are required to use one recycled item over and over to make a design that functions, as opposed to fine art. (Jones 18) All of the students had creative ideas, and embraced the fun factor completely. One student made a dress of of plastic bags and floating toy fish. Other students created even crazier items. A chandelier made out of hamster tubes, and a dress fashioned out of soda cans are just a couple of the students’ crazy projects. Everyday items can be created into fun and intriguing art
The preservation of traditions and skills is an important part of our community and family history. As Rose stated in “Let the Good Times Roll”, “It is the harmonic convenience of our food, our music, our creativity, our eccentricity, our neighborhoods, and our joy of living. All at once” (361). During the fall of every year, towns across Georgia host a festival of some sort. Whether it be the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain Park or the Friendship Festival in Social Circle, local artist and craftsmen come together to display and sell their handmade items. Ranging from patch worked quilts to bird feeders to hand smocked children’s
Having a present interest in vintage and retro fashion led me towards the idea of a vintage themed art piece. I contemplated a range of ideas and after some compromise, I decided to work with the theme ‘vintage’ by devising ideas around crafting everyday objects into a piece of art. Vintage items, including, classic books, cameras, type-writers, cushions, buttons, prints, wall paper, etc. were all considered. I wanted to expand on my knowledge and talents, therefore, I decided on sewing a stylised and imaginative artwork combined with the use of appropriate, complimenting materials.
Quilts have had many purposes and meanings all throughout history. They were used to shield individuals from the cold in the harsh winters, they were used for fashion, or they were made just to pass time. Over the years the purpose and meaning changed for the making of quilts. In early modern times women expressed their feelings and love by making quilts, which they had the pleasure to pass down to their sons or daughters. Quilts that have been passed down through generation to generation have some of these meaning; love, bond, and trust. My Avid class is making a quilt to represent the bond, respect, and trust we all formed together. We have all been entrusted to make a piece of decorated fabric with symbols that represents my class and I.
Culturally, the symbolism of a quilt is understood to be an heirloom piece that is closely guarded and highly prized. The ownership of the quilt and the generational lines it passes down is known before the piecing is begun. Stitching the pieces together is done by groups of women. The tiny bits of cloth each carry a memory, one from grandpa's shirt, one square from an aunt's Christmas dress, a piece from the flannel nightgown a mother wore as she pulled her sick child close to her bosom. The pieces are carefully and artistically pieced together into a collage of
She was fortunate in that her grandparents owned a bookstore that sold crafting materials, so she had access to modeling clay, paints, inks, pastels and more. Her first foray into polymer came when she wanted to decorate some boxes that she had made and was searching for wood clay. Polymer fit perfectly into her plans, and a few months after she started, she realized that this was what she had been looking for and began to create beads and jewelry.
Although these magazines present a new visualization of craft and women, by putting forward the same theoretical ideas found in women’s magazines of the early 20th century, than pretty no longer makes the cut for what qualifies as significant for craft in the 21st
I'm not sure if you remember me, but back in November you reached out to me on behalf of Patty Morris for possibly joining the team.
Quilting is an artform that has been passed down through generations. The origins of quilting is still unknown to the public but it is known that it has been around for centuries. The art has traveled through sad and happy times in our world 's history, and it will continue to do that in the future. Quilting is defined as the joining together of layers of fabrics with lines stitching to form a bed cover, warm garment, or for decorative effect. Quilting has been pegged as being an older person 's activity or boring, but that simply is not true. More and more American children are being enrolled into sewing and quilting classes each year. (Creel;Hall)
The Arts and Craft movement was a social and artistic movement, which began in Britain in the second half of the nineteenth century and continued into the twentieth spreading to continental Europe and the USA. Its adherents-artists, architects, designers and Craftsmen sought to reassert the importance of and craftsmanship in all arts in the face of increasing industrialization, which they felt was sacrificing quality in the pursuit of quantity. Its supporters and practioners were united not so much by a style rather than the common goal- a desire to break down the hierarchy of the arts and to revive traditional handicrafts and make art that could be affordable to all.
To begin, collect all the supplies go to the supply closet and or store and grab the martials, such as; scissors, and clear tape, but if you want to add some pizazz get bows or ribbon and maybe some to and from
“Kids are too obsessed with their selfies and not what is going on around them!”
“Today U.S. citizen’s produce over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, before recovery, which is close to one ton per person”, says Jay Withgott’s 6th edition book. The world is growing in population and people are just exceeding in the amount of waste they are adding to the Earth. Waste is defined as any unwanted material from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste is an extensive problem in the United States, but so is Industrial solid waste and Hazardous waste. If everyone repurposed items that can be reused, we would be saving plenty of resources. Recycling is the one of the best ways to get rid of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into materials that can be reused as a material or for a new purpose. Per the North Carolina Data Waste Management, the amount of trash North Carolinians throw away, would fill enough Dumpsters to line the length of North Carolina’s Interstate 40 more than six times in one year. That is almost 2,750 miles of dumpsters each year. We are going to focus on how recycling saves energy, conserves waste by reusing materials, and protects natural resources if recycling materials are being used. This relates to the protection of land and ecological resources and why one should recycle.