Kylie Schempp
MWF @ 12-12:50pm
Dr. Royse
Adopt a Pet!
Attention Getter: Imagine living on the streets, constantly looking for your next meal and never knowing the feeling of companionship. This is the life of stray animals.
Credibility Statement: No one really knows how many stray animals roam the streets, but it is predicted that there are more than 70 million stray cats in the United States alone.
Central Idea (Proposition): By adopting pets from the American Humane Society or other important rescue shelters, together, we can reduce the amount of stray animals on the streets. It is estimated that there are over 11 million Americans that support the Humane Society.
Preview of Main Points: If you adopt pets from the Humane Society,
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The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states that only 7 million stray animals are placed into shelters out of the increasingly large number of stray animals in the United States, each year.
1. Unfortunately, this is the end of the line for most of those animals. But some are very fortunate and the chance of them being adopted into a good home with food, water, and shelter becomes a reality.
2. Also, you are not only diminishing the amount of homeless animals on the streets by adopting pets from the local rescue shelter, but also significantly enlightening the lives of those animals you adopt.
B. Studies show, that the 7 million animals that make it to the shelter are 50 percent dogs and 60 percent cats and are sadly, euthanized.
1. The animals in the shelter are euthanized when the shelter has decided that they have reached the maximum capacity of animals, when they start to suffer from illnesses, or when they start becoming aggressive and hard to
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By adopting and rescuing animals from the Humane Societies, you are essentially saving their life.
II. Adopting a pet from the Humane Society, does not only benefit the animal, but it also benefits you as well.
A. Pet stores are usually there to make money selling their animals, so their price is guaranteed to be much higher than the adoption fee at your local shelter.
1. Adoption costs include more than just the price of the animal. The amount of money you pay at an animal shelter covers neutering, and any vaccinations or treatments that may be required to keep your new pet well and healthy.
2. Adoption also greatly benefits the animal, and it can also have a very positive influence on your own life.
3. In the process of choosing to adopt from a shelter, you may find your new best friend or the newest addition to your family. Whether it is a fluffy cat, a lap dog, or any pet, it can add something to your life that you had been missing your whole life.
(This is where I would talk about animals being in puppy mills and cruel facilities…but, this is too sensitive of a topic for me to handle when doing a speech.)
To be more specific, animals get abused or abandoned every 10 seconds which shouldn't be happening. Overall about 7.6 million animals go into shelters nationwide and out of those only 3-4 million of them get adopted every year. Not only do 2.7 million dogs and cats get killed every year because the shelters get too full and there aren’t enough homes to adopt them but in high kill shelters animals get killed if they aren't adopted in a certain amount of time. Around easter time people buy chicks and rabbits, and often abandon them, not realizing they still need care and they also will dye these animals different colors thinking it will do them no harm but in reality it does. That is why in some states that is illegal. Abandoning animals in many states is a crime. 1 out of every 10 dogs get a home they will always live in which means that most dogs do not get a home that they will always live in and less than 20% of cats and 15-20% of dogs get reunited with their owner after they are lost. Homeless animals outnumber humans 5-1 which are a lot. One way to help animals is by adopting abused or abandoned animals. People can also donate to charities that help abandoned animals. Many animals go to shelters because they get left behind by their owners or they were found on the streets. Most pets that are stray were kept indoors. There are about 70 million stray cats in the united states. Animal Abuse and abandonment are
This causes a vast number of unadoptable animals to be euthanized. ASPCA states that approximately 3.9 million are dogs enter shelters nationwide every year, almost 1 out of 3 dogs will be euthanized. 2. The overpopulation problem is worsened by the existence of puppy mills. The ASPCA estimates “there could be as many as 10,000 puppy mills in the United States.”
Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats.
“Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats” (Pet Statistics). Many animals are rescued and taken to shelters all around the United States. These shelters provide all the resources and take care of the animals until they are well or adopted. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA, is a non-profitable organization that is dedicated to preventing animal cruelty. You should donate money to the ASPCA or even adopt a pet if able to because it provides money to the animals to give them the necessities they need, it supports the animals that have been poorly treated, and it helps get animals out of poor
The sad reality is that there are too many homeless pets than there ones with loving homes to care for them. Also according to humane, “2.7 million adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States simply because too many pets come into shelters and too few people consider adoption when looking for a pet.” When you adopt, you not only save a life, but you also free up a cage for another desperate animal to be adopted. By adopting, your money goes towards spay and neutering, pet education, running the shelter, and also puts an end to cruel puppy and kitten mills, which saves countless more animals by doing
In the United States, about 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters every year. The overpopulation of these animals and the fact that they have no homes leads to about 40% of them being euthanized (ASPCA). This is a global issue, but the root of it can be found within the local community at The Humane Society of the Ohio Valley.
As we grow up in life, we often wonder what it would be like to have a pet. Some parents will go out to the far limits to get that one of a kind dog. Others will just tell their children that having an animal takes responsibility. Whether it is one or the other, we still have that thought in our head. In this paper, I want to look at one place where a child or parents can get that chance to make that dream of having a pet at home a reality. I welcome you to the humane society of San Diego. I often said to myself, this is where are the stray animals go. Not true, when you take a look some maybe stray but others come from a home that just plain got tired of them. Let me show you the journey of what the humane society of San Diego can do when it comes to looking at that pet to come home with you.
Animal shelters, giving hope to a weak life, giving hope to a soul not able to save themselves from torture and heartache. Thanks to animal shelters like the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) over 1.4 million dogs now have a healthy place to call home. There are between three and five thousand animal shelters in the United States, with an annual intake of five to seven million animals. There are a lot of step that an animal shelter must take before putting an animal up for adoption. The actions and reactions of the animal, allergies, and overall well being and treatment to heal and protect from then on.
Countless lives locked away in cages and forgotten about have overwhelmed our society, it has left blood stains on our history as a species and if history has taught us anything, it’s that we have a choice to change our ways of adjusting to situations. A war which was fought in pursuit of ending such criminal means, yet we as human beings do little to nothing to end the horrific crimes of animal deaths in shelters. It is no secret that this world has become infused with problems that have extended from one side of the globe to the other. Amongst these problems lies a terrible truth: nearly every year, sums of almost eight million cats and dogs have been placed in shelters around the world. Out of these vast numbers, half will be
Well, luckily, there are shelters in different places that help animals that aren’t able to take care of themselves. Did you know that every year 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters in U.S.? If you think that figure was huge, now imagine around 1.5 million of them are being euthanized every year because the shelter doesn’t have enough money or volunteers (ASPCA) to take care of them. However, this number can be significantly reduced if we start to make a change. With my speech, I would like to persuade you to from now on look for pets in a shelter instead of a pet store. In order to do this, I will provide information about the differences between shelters and pet stores, reasons to adopt a pet, and how to do it.
Secondly, there are already lots of pets in animal shelters. According to Kristin Lewis she states that” Animal rights groups points to the thousands of shelters overflowing with dogs and cats in need of homes.” What that is trying to say is that why not save money and go get an animal from one of the thousands of shelters
According to the Human Society’s website, there are over 2.7 million adoptable cats and dogs that are euthanized each year.
Choosing to buy an animal from an animal shelter is less expensive, and will save an individual more money than purchasing a dog or cat from a pet store. Buying an animal that already has it’s required shots, spay or neuters saves the owner money as well. Also, if the animal has diseases such as heartworm, intestinal parasites, or dental
Of those 7.6 million animals 3.9 million are dogs, that's more than half of the animals. Of the 3.9 million, 1.2 of the dogs are put to sleep and about 1.4 million are adopted. Although these numbers may vary over time it gives people a good idea about the adoption rates happening now. That’s why people should adopt animals instead of buying from a breeder to decrease these numbers! Although buying a brand new puppy from a breeder can be great, adopting a dog from your local animal shelter can be much more gratifying.
The number is shocking, six to eight million. That is how many companion animals enter in shelters in the U.S. every year. Three to four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year. What is worse, is that only half ever leaves alive. Every local animal shelter is filled to capacity with cats and dogs of all ages and breeds; some are lost or abandoned, but all are unwanted. Each one has a story to tell, a tale of joy or sadness. Some are confused, unsure why their owner dropped them off and never came back. While others are thankful for a bowl of food or clean water after wandering the streets for months without anyone to watch over them. Breeders, lost and abandoned animals, and social attitudes are some of the most significant causes of companion animal over-population in the United States.