As Kobe Bryant said; “Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they taught me: commodity, humility, and how to resolve differences”. (Kobe Bryant). Sports are all over the world and range from many activities such as hockey, basketball, football, cricket, swimming, and bowling. I as a youth participated in many different sports including volleyball, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, and gymnastics and with all of these sports I was able to grow my confidence, determination, and leadership that I now carry with me through life. All children benefit by being involved in a sport at some point in their life. Today I will discuss the Health, social and psychological benefits and Educational benefits that come from children participating in sports. Not every sport is for every child and not everyone is amazing at sports, but all children should experience sports and find a sport they love. With sports children can grow into healthy and athletic adults as well as successful humans with high positivity in physical activity. Sports enhances the physical and mental developments of children and aids their growth as they get older and become adults
I. Children grow with the help of sports. Children's health, social, and psychological benefits are adapted at higher rates with the participation of sports. Sports positively affects aspects of children's development with themselves and their esteem, others around them, the idea of working towards a goal and what it takes
By playing sports, children learn that they do not work alone, but they are part of a group that must cooperate to achieve a common goal. As the American Academy of Pediatrics says, sports teach children such skills
Your up to bat, fans roaring as your team is rallying the score is 9-8 the other team is winning bases loaded 2 outs, your heart is racing as the pitch is coming, you swing bat and the ball is hit deep, the baseball is going farther and farther away from the left fielder and is is dying down at the wall the left fielder at the wall, jumping at the ball it hits his glove you don’t know if you won or lost you stand halfway to first base, the left fielder throws his glove on the cold hard dirt and is walking away it’s gone you throw your bat on the ground and trot around the bases. Your team jumps out of the dugout with water bottles and waits for you at home plate you start from trotting to running as the fans go wild, and you touch home plate and you in the middle of the circle yell in joy and jump around as you get splashed with water and still wet you don’t care because you are in the moment as you celebrate your first of many walk offs. But in baseball it takes hard work and effort to get like that. It all starts with getting geared up with your equipment and to start with the basics like being hit ground balls and hitting yourself. You have to know what baseball is or else your stuck. You should start the basics and work your way up. You have to know the rules but if you don’t memorize them or follow them, then you can get suspended or even they just move up a base. Baseball, “America's pastime” can be a rough journey but it is truly worth it once you get used to it.
If we’ve learned anything from last night’s game against the Warriors, it’s that the Nets can hang with the best of them. Despite the visitors ultimately running away with the game, the first half remains a huge reason for future optimism. Still, the Nets don’t have time for rest. Tonight is the second night of their back-to-back, and they’re traveling to Cleveland to take on the current NBA champions, the Cavaliers.
It’s been debated that having kids participate in sports can be either a positive or negative factor in a child’s development. Is participating in sports a positive outcome in a youth’s development? Through my own personal experience and through the research that I have conducted I believe that participating in sports is a true benefit to a child’s development. Participating in sports can contribute to a healthy individual, developing problem-solving skills, social interaction, promotes following direction and rules, goal setting and creating plans, promotes self-esteem, reduces stress, helps academic success, and a higher quality of life.
Sports can be viewed as a learning environment that helps individuals learn life lessons, foster strong work habits and develop core values all the while learning a sport skill. Youth sports that truly benefit young athletes should be structured to emphasize participation more than just competition. Children enjoy a sport more when they are able to have fun (Humpries). Despite many excesses some sport programs still manage to promote important virtues like self- confidence, teamwork, personal responsibility, coping skills, and persistence. Through sports kids can learn to stay organized and learn how to prioritize (Ferguson). Sports enables development of physical skills and increasing proficiency makes kids feel good about themselves. It teaches kids that failure is something to overcome and and not to fear (Meyerhoff 8-9). Youth sports has many aspects that are truly benefiting for children, but these benefits are slowly being clouded by the negatives that are prominent in today's youth sports.
Did you know soccer is the number one sport in the world with more than 4.0 billion people worldwide that play? Most people just think soccer is kicking a ball around and running, but it can be more complex than that and there's more to it then just kicking a ball. I'm going to walk you through the key steps to becoming a successful soccer player.
How can sports help a student’s performance in school? To be able to play sports in school, students need to maintain their grades, thus motivating learners to do well in school (Harris). In addition, a sport allows a person to come out of their comfort zone to meet new people and build up their self-image. Athletes also experience positive health benefits. Especially at a young age, playing sports can help to reduce diabetes, heart diseases, and other sickness that could be very harmful to students (Morris). Sports is something all students should participate in because of its positive effects. Therefore, schools should require students to join at least one sport. Participating in sports will help students build their academic success, develop character and improve their
In the past 30 years, the direction of sports within the youth has drastically changed. In the past, young athletes aimed to play in several sports. Now, athletes focus themselves in one single sport and year-round extensive training has been encouraged by most adults in a young athlete’s life whether they are a parent or a coach. Allowing the youth to participate in sports is frequently considered “a great way to develop leadership skills” and “an appreciation for individual and team accomplishments” (Sailor). Along with the rise of Sport Specialization, concerns pertaining to a child’s physical and psychological health have begun to increase as well. Early Sport Specialization may lead to greater risks in a child’s life such as injuries,
Positive Psychological Effects. Along with a child’s physical health, research shows that a child’s psychological well-being will improve through sports as well. An article on Health Fitness Revolution mentions that playing sports heightens the athlete’s morale through the different ways the athlete helps their team (“Top 10 Benefits of Youth Sports”). More specifically, an article on Psychology Today says that a girl who participates in sports generally has a more positive view of her body, even if she doesn’t “conform to society’s very rigid standards of female beauty” (Lindholm). When children feel confident about themselves, they ultimately feel the same about their whole life as well.
Youth sports are important for a variety of reason. They provide students with physical, psychological, academic, and social benefits. Some psychological benefits of sport include gaining self-esteem from intrinsic motivation, developing social skills, leadership skills, and teamwork. Another important psychological benefit includes avenues for young people to take initiative, meaning that they can commit energy to a goal over time. This can transfer over many areas including school, work, and sport. There are also academic benefits. These benefits include but are not limited to ties with physical activity and a higher
It is important for children to be involved in sport because active participation helps children develop skills. Research shows that there are many physical benefits to youth sport. Some of the developments that a child can make from participation in sport are agility, coordination, endurance, flexibility, speed, and strength (Taskforce, 2013). The research from “Maximizing the Benefits of Youth Sport” says that there are more specific developments that children develop from sport. The specific developments include: enhanced functioning and health of cardiorespiratory and muscular systems, improved flexibility, mobility, and coordination, increased
Children who participate in sports are developing rapidly in sports skills, sportsmanship, and psychologically, but does this come from organized sports are just nature’s process. Children develop emotional and social benefits from participating in sports. Children experience character and leadership development through peer relations leading to an increase in self-esteem and a decrease in anxiety levels. Children will get opportunities to experience positive and negative emotions throughout their practice and games trials. It is important for the coach to understand the “psychology of youth sports and physical activity participation” (Weinberg & Gould, 2011 p.516).
One thing that is a positive outcome in sports is the overflowing happiness people get when they participate in competitive sports. One example is that “children who were involved in sports were more assertive, had greater confidence in their skills and physical appearance, and reported more positive feelings than those who didn’t participate. (Merkal, Donna, Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes, 201, May 31).” If children hold an extreme love for the sport they play, most children use that sport as an escape. Playing sports blows off steam and helps people relax. “Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ,Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity, 1998).” Playing sports can help bring families or other kids together to build strong bonds. “It appears that US children are healthy and happy as they engage in this traditional pastime, and families report higher levels of satisfaction if their children participate. (Macdonald, Brian, Kids in Sports, Part 5: Can sports help shy kids to make friends?, 2009).” A pat on the back from a parental figure is enough to keep kids going and doing their best. Because sports make children happier, they are more prone to keep playing which all in all makes children happier and it teaches kids to do what makes them happy. With suicide being the second biggest fatality for adolescents doing what makes them happy can be a life or death situation.
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND: When a child actively participates in sports, they are able to learn life lessons in a fun and positive atmosphere.
Sports may not be all that good for children. Some people might say that sports can cause injury, children won’t get a chance to play if they are not very good, or children may be made fun of for lacking skill in that particular sport. I believe that participating in sports has a much more positive impact on children. Sports can help children’s health approve, help them develop new friends, and can help improve the children’s self confidence.