
Persuasive Speech About Sports

Decent Essays

As Kobe Bryant said; “Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they taught me: commodity, humility, and how to resolve differences”. (Kobe Bryant). Sports are all over the world and range from many activities such as hockey, basketball, football, cricket, swimming, and bowling. I as a youth participated in many different sports including volleyball, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, and gymnastics and with all of these sports I was able to grow my confidence, determination, and leadership that I now carry with me through life. All children benefit by being involved in a sport at some point in their life. Today I will discuss the Health, social and psychological benefits and Educational benefits that come from children participating in sports. Not every sport is for every child and not everyone is amazing at sports, but all children should experience sports and find a sport they love. With sports children can grow into healthy and athletic adults as well as successful humans with high positivity in physical activity. Sports enhances the physical and mental developments of children and aids their growth as they get older and become adults
I. Children grow with the help of sports. Children's health, social, and psychological benefits are adapted at higher rates with the participation of sports. Sports positively affects aspects of children's development with themselves and their esteem, others around them, the idea of working towards a goal and what it takes

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