Marijuana is a magical plant that has been used and accepted in every culture it had been introduced in up until it was made illegal in the United States. In fact, after declared illegal, the use of it greatly increased and has been rising ever since. It's legalization is sweeping the world, and now in California marijuana is a legal, regulated substance available to those over 21. I've heard some false information going around and I'd like to clear the air about it. These are the raw facts with absolutely no bias. Myth: Marijuana is extremely addictive. Long term marijuana users grow dependent, suffer from withdrawal, and often need professional drug treatment to break their marijuana habits. Fact: There is no physical addiction to marijuana. …show more content…
Fact: Marijuana is generally NOT a gateway drug. However there are people who are thrill seekers looking for the next high who think marijuana isn't extreme enough, and ultimately will go about searching for the next high. Those people usually do start out smoking marijuana. Marijuana is only a gateway drug if you have the kind of personality that is always looking for experiences that are bigger and better. Myth: Marijuana makes you Anti-motivational Fact: People who are intoxicated constantly, regardless of the drug, are unlikely to be productive members of society. However, most marijuana users aren't intoxicated constantly. In a test study, occasional marijuana users were exactly as productive as non-users, and in some cases, they were even more productive. Often, the motivational issues that come from marijuana come from the culture that cannabis is associated with. Myth: Marijuana Kills Brain Cells Fact: Marijuana does NOT kill brain cells. Period. End of story. Myth: Marijuana Impairs Memory Fact: Marijuana users have the same (if not better in some cases) long-term/short-term capability as any non-user. However, while under the influence, a marijuana user will have trouble with short term memory and recalling past …show more content…
While I may be young (20 years old), I am far from being liberal, and far from being uninformed. In fact I consider myself a strict conservative. I believe in the ideals of limited government and promoting citizens to be independent contributors to our nation's economy and our nation's general welfare. Individuals know how to run their lives better then the federal government. The government should only interfere if people's rights, as defined by our Constitution, are being restricted or violated. I feel legalizing marijuana for private recreational use does not violate anyone's rights. It is not the government's job to enforce morality. Morality is subjective, so what gives the Federal Government the authority to decide what is morally right or morally wrong? If you do not share this viewpoint look at previous politicians. Former President Bill Clinton had several affairs while serving in the Oval Office, and lied under oath. Mark Foley had inappropriate relationships with young boys serving as pages for the Congressman. Many politicians are stereotyped as lying conmen who would do anything for a vote. Are these the type of people you want defining right and wrong? Another reason society should not give moral authority to the Federal Government is because it violates the First Amendment. Freedom of
“Don’t do marijuana kids! it is a gateway drug that will have you hooked!” was a popular slogan used by the D.A.R.E. volunteers throughout many schools in America. The fact of the matter is Studies have shown that Marijuana is not as addicting as made out to be. Some studies have shown marijuana is as addicting as your morning cup of coffee; which stems from habit more than a bodily craving.
In order to gain an understanding of marijuana's so called "harmful" negative effects; it should be compared to other drugs that are presently legalized in this country. In the pharmaceutical world, over-the-counter drugs are being prescribed for everything these days. Ritalin and Adderall are readily available for college students in the university health centers across the country. Kids are staying up all night studying, complaining that they can not pay attention, and are immediately referred to the prescription drugs which in many cases they do not even need. Along with the prescription drug problem in our nation, we have a serious issue concerning alcohol and tobacco. Alcoholism is killing people daily with liver malfunctions
Thesis: There is a significant amount of attention in today’s world on weather or not to legalize marijuana. The prohibition of marijuana is holding up the improvement of social and economic developments.
Today's marijuana is much more powerful and much more addictive than it was a generation ago.’" “Federal laws classify marijuana as a schedule I drug along with heroin and LSD. Although marijuana may be addictive to some, the potential for forming an addiction may be lower than with some prescription drugs.” (Live Science) Regardless, the reality is that marijuana IS a drug.
I. Attention Statement: Legalizing marijuana in Texas has been a long-standing debate since 2005. Recently, just last June, a major breakthrough has been made on this highly contentious issue. The legislature passed the bill into law on the legal use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. However, progress has yet to be made on legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes, which accounts for most of the criminal activities in our state.
“Marijuana is the most commonly used drug illegal drug in the world.” (“What is Marijuana”, 2013). It has recently become legal in a couple states, and more states are sure to follow their lead in the upcoming months. People can make the argument that marijuana does not have any negative effects, but they are wrong. Becoming addicted to marijuana is easy, and it only opens up the door for you to try other harmful drugs once marijuana quits getting you high. You need to know the whole story, how people become addicted, the negative effects it has on your body and mind, and what you can do once someone you know has become addicted.
A. We need to petition to pass legislature that legalizes marijuana for patients that need it.
Humans have been using medicine to salve our wounds, physical and mental, since near the beginning of our species. It is something we used throughout the ages though we haven’t always used the same means achieve it. We’ve used “magic” elixirs, prayer, mercury, lobotomies, and other things that just weren’t effective methods of healing anyone. Today, we have vaccines, pills, antibiotics, and other medicine that has kept us going thus far in life. The medicine I want to inform you about today is Marijuana. Marijuana holds many medical uses.
“Weed is addictive and is gateway drug. You shouldn’t smoke it.” This is a common misconception about Marijuana that a variety of people believe. This is because they do not know the history of it and what is in the Marijuana that makes it, what people say is “addictive.” They also probably do not know that there are disadvantages and advantages of using Marijuana. At the end of the day, it is really the choice of the user. But people should become more aware of where Marijuana originated from, what it is made from and the pros and cons of smoking it if they choose to.
Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant used to produce hemp fiber and as a psychotropic drug. There are many ways to consume the plant, but most often, it is consumed through a cigarette. Over many years, marijuana has been looked at as a gateway drug and something attached to violence and addiction. Users of marijuana have been stereotyped to abuse the drug to get high rather than to medicate their bodies. The hip-hop and hippie communities shed a light on marijuana that gave society a good excuse to view it negatively. Many have overlooked the benefits of marijuana by being blinded by the stereotypes society has created. Despite the negative outlooks, there are an abundance of benefits that using
Every time you hear the words smoking marijuana what is the first thing that comes to your head? Maybe your first thought is that’s gross or what productive person does that? A lot of people have the notion that marijuana is just for the main purpose to make people “high” (a feeling of high attitudes and euphoria) that is why it is still considered an illegal drug in some states. Today I want to inform you that this natural drug is doing miracles for people with many serious health diseases. There are over 420 diseases that medical marijuana has improved these patients live for the better and many people have come to agree that this natural plant is actually a secret drug to happiness.
Thesis statement: I encourage you to enter a marijuana dispensary and inform yourself of how marijuana can be a better choice for pain relief than
I have personally experience in using marijuana before. I was absolutely freaked out the first time I tried but some of my friends were just acting normal.
According to TREATMENT EPISODES DATA SET (TEDS) 1992-2002, SAMHSA, 2006, Marijuana is addictive. More teens are in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Several teens begin using substances when they are introduced to marijuana. Marijuana is referred to as a gateway drug, and many teen users begin using because they are depressed, having family problems, or any other struggles they are experiencing in their lives. Teens begin smoking marijuana, thinking they are not going to become addicted. Truth is marijuana use by teenagers who have prior antisocial problems can quickly lead to addiction. Therefore, if you were to begin using marijuana, you should be aware that you can become addicted.
Close your eyes and imagine for a moment. You now have a child who suffers from extreme, almost constant, terrifying seizures. Unfortunately, none of the medicine prescribed in the past has worked. In fact, some medication even makes the seizures worse. Suddenly, doctors discover a medicine that has the potential to reduce seizures and sometimes stop them all together, therefore improving your child’s quality of life. They have turned that medicine into safe drops, vapor, and pills. Would you want to at least give the medicine a try? Would you want to give your child some relief? If you answered yes, then you have just proven that it is not the medicine that people feel uneasy about, it is the stigma of the name of plant the medicine comes from, marijuana.