Living a vegan lifestyle is all about the choices we make. Therefore, it’s necessary to read the labels on all the food products we buy in the grocery stores. Furthermore, it’s our responsibility to understand which companies didn’t use animals for testing their products. However, when I go grocery shopping I don’t always have time to read the labels on the foods I buy. Furthermore, when I’m traveling, I don’t always know where to eat. Therefore, I’ve downloaded and installed some fantastic apps on my smartphone to help me. 1. Animal Free: The Animal Free app on your smartphone will help you identify hidden animal ingredients in foods. However, the app is relatively new and currently has a few limitations. Furthermore, the information displayed
Do animals have the right to a certain quality of life? How would your views change if our cooks got treated the same way cattle and poultry do? How would you feel about them being beaten and brought to their knees just to be detained to know how to cook todays specials? You might think that the food industry has no issues and no faults behind their tasty food, but when you open up the meat curtain, there is a different kind of world out there that is cruel and inhumane. In Robert Kenner’s 2008 film, Food, Inc., He shows the conditions that cows, chickens, and pigs have to live in. The dark and closeted homes in which the animals are closely compacted together and eating, sleeping, and walking in their own manure. As a person who would consider themselves an animal rights activist, most people would agree that the food industry treats their animals like products instead of living things.
My companion animal placement was with a program that organises the fostering and adoptions of greyhounds, often getting 30 dogs into foster homes and 30 dogs into adoptive homes every month. As such, they and the veterinary clinic they associate closely with are in charge of establishing a preventative healthcare routine for hundreds of dogs through their foster programs and attempting to persuade adopters to maintain this routine.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Denver City Council, today I would like to talk to you about the city of Denver enforcing a dangerous dog law instead of breed specific legislation, because the enforcement of breed specific legislation is not the solution to dangerous dogs in the community. I plan on showing how Denver could change their law to make a difference to the quality of dogs living in this great city.
Most of you probably have a pet of your own. Maybe a dog named Max or a cat named Oliver. Could you imagine seeing them in terrible pain? I honestly don't think there will be one student in this class that would volunteer to let their own pet be tortured for any reason. Am I wrong?
Over fifty-six billion animals are slaughtered yearly for consumption, but because we are conditioned from a young age to view animals as resources, we neglect that they are passionate and intelligent living beings. Cows want to enjoy their lives, pigs want to enjoy their lives, and many other farm animals want to enjoy their lives but instead are abused and confined in small cages. Ironically, though, when someone does likewise to a cat or dog, they’re prosecuted. The sole solution to these inhumane acts is Veganism. Veganism is the ideal diet because plant-based foods are plentiful, and it recognizes the unethical treatment of animals.
Ever since forty plus years ago Agriculturalists have shown a variety of show cattle and ran ranches with them. I showed cattle for a few years throughout my FFA experience. Cattle have played a huge role in our society feeding families and other people who reside in this world. Their effect on human culture is something that we take much pride in when raising our cattle whether it is for companion or meat products. Previous cattle showman know and strive to achieve the ultimate goal: winning grand champion. This reward is earned by having the best show calf in the ring to the judge’s perspective. In order to reach this goal, the exhibitor must use proper feeding methods and show technique. (Insert thesis here.)
According to, “ Veganism represents a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, other animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, other animals and the environment.“ People that follow this way of living are called vegans. The vegan diet is more a lifestyle choice and a philosophy than just a diet. The vegan life is the best way to live because it’s healthier, helps the environment, and is kinder to animals.
Think about how we will look back on our cruel forms of entertainment in the future. Will we be proud of the way we treated these great animals, with abuse as neglect? Today we turn our heads away from reality and what happens behind the scenes of animal entertainment. However, we can’t turn our heads forever. Around the world, there is so much more to animal entertainment than what meets the eye. These animals have been torn away from their beautiful, natural homes and brought to a prison of concrete. In these prisons, they are beaten, starved and tortured all for our money and entertainment. These animals lives should not be taken from them for us. Our money and happiness should not be worth these animal’s lives. Circus, theme park and zoo animals all suffer from aggression towards trainers, mental disabilities and physical injuries. These animals should not have to suffer any longer.
I have always felt strongly about animal rights, and cruelty to animals, so I decided to do my speech on something less talked about and often avoided, which is animal vivisection- in other words, animal testing. The public are blinded by cover ups and lies that make animal testing seem a lot better than it really is which is why I think it is important to get all the facts out there and why I think it should be banned.
There are many variations of it, however most people choose not to eat, wear or buy anything that has been made or is an animal product. Some things that a vegan wouldn’t eat or wear would be animal-tested toiletries and make-up, ice-cream as it contains milk and fish as it is an animal. Going vegan can really change someone’s life, depending on many things such as the person’s personal preferences, their fitness levels and their day-to-day lives.
Imagine being born, only to live a life of torture. You are brought to a lab, and cruelly tested on against your will. Toxins poured into your eyes, painful injections to your skin, then left to die when you’re no longer useful. Although many do not realize it, people use products tested on animals in their everyday lives. For girls, many of your favorite makeup brands, such as Estee Lauder, Makeup Forever, and Maybelline take part in animal testing. Products such as toothpaste, cologne, deodorant, laundry detergent, razors, and even band-aids aren’t tested innocently, either. As a makeup enthusiast, I am passionate about how the products I use daily are tested. Today I will help you understand what animal testing is and how it started, how it’s currently affecting animals around the world, and what organizations are doing to help make a difference in the future. To begin, I will explain the history of animal testing. An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress, or lasting harm.( Animal experiments are not the same as taking your animal to the vet. Animals used in laboratories are harmed, not for their own good, and usually killed at the end of an experiment. Animal experiments include injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposing animals to radiation,
Attention Getter: Imagine living in a space about a third the size of this room. You also share this space with 3 other people. This is what animals deal with when living in zoos and aquariums.
If you don’t know much about this issue you may assume it’s only a few products that participate in animal testing but in fact it is most of the products on the Walmart and Target shelves that you shop for. These are huge monopolized brands that are using animal testing for no other reason than because it’s the “default method” to test for safety (“About Animal Testing”, n.d.). There are three commonly used methods
As long as I can remember, I wanted to do something with animals when I got older. I would dream about helping when they are in need. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian since day one. With growing up, I learned that veterinary students go through a lot to become a veterinary. Writing is very important and it's needed in anybody wants to go into. To be an animal sciences major, a lot of research papers have to be written and as well as persuasive papers.
Some would not be able to live without eating any animal products in their diets, such as, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and honey. For vegans, however, this is a normal way of life. Vegans are frequently misunderstood as either people who have eating disorders, or an unnatural passion for animal rights. It is time for people to realize that veganism, a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle, goes way beyond being skinny or caring for animals. In reality, veganism can be extremely advantageous to anyone who adapts it as a way of life and has many different benefits that come along with it.