Persuasive Outline- Childhood obesity Attention I. “Take the TV set out of children’s bedrooms. Teach them to eat only when they’re hungry. Don’t restrict playtime as a punishment.” These are among the recommendations that Lean Birch, chairwomen of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), said in her study in 2011 of analyzing what should be done to prevent obesity in kids age 5 and under. The audience analysis questionnaire result showed that 73% of us here are concerned about childhood obesity as a community issue. Let me tell you this, 1 in 5 kids in the U.S are obese before they go to kindergarten and according to the results of the survey conducted by Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity in 2010, 60% of the cause of the rise in childhood obesity is food marketing. Children ages 2 to 11 saw on average of 12 food advertisements on television per day. Need I. …show more content…
I believe there is a problem with childhood obesity at a rapid increase scale. II. This topic is seriously important because it targeted children and effect their lives. Children who suffer from obesity will live shorter life than their parents do because of the health problems that obesity cause. Children may suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes which consider an adult diseases as well as other psychological problems such as: sadness, stress, and low-self-esteem. You will be interested and concerned to listen to my speech because you do not know may be someday you will help overweight or obese child and rescue his/her life. III. Today, I will prove to you why childhood obesity is a community issue or a problem, what the more effective suggested solution is, and what actions you can take to participate in preventing this problem. IV. First, I will show you the seriousness of the problem and how it is in a rapid increase. A. Childhood obesity is a serious problem that affects children from all ethnic backgrounds. However, Hispanic children are tipping the
Many Americans are suffering from nutrition issues. There are approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents aged 2-19 years that are obese (CDC). The proper health and nutrition for children is very critical to their growth and development. The media and its promotion of junk food is one way that affects obese children. Within this paper, I will discuss the long and short term impacts of obesity on children, their growth and development, describe a specific child who is affected by obesity, and give three ways to combat obesity that involves collaboration among schools, families, and communities.
Child obesity is a condition characterized by the child having too much fat in the body to an extent of his or her health being in danger. “Obesity is the result of a chronic caloric imbalance, with more calories being consumed than expended each day” (Pulgarón. Pg 18). Childhood obesity is considered one of the most widespread issues in the United States that need to be diminished. Children have to realize that what they eat actually affects their body. If children have the habit of eating sweets and fattening foods, the chances of them being diagnosed with type II diabetes increases significantly. If a child is obese, they have the risk of being diagnosed with many other illnesses and the cost of treating these illnesses are high unless the parent has any type of healthcare. “Obesity imposes substantial negative external costs on society.It raises the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancer, and the vast majority of the costs of treating these illnesses are paid for by health insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid” (Cawley. Pg 465). I am proposing a solution to stop the increase and also prevent childhood obesity. This proposal will consist of spreading awareness and knowledge to not only children, but also their parents about this prevailing problem, and how to prevent it. This proposal is mainly directed to elementary school children and their parents.
There have been studies conducted to find out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov & Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the world and can lead or result to other health complications later in life. The crucial breakdown serves as an implication of outlining childhood obesity, collaborating problems of the disease and resolutions, as well as applying critical thinking to give a complete approach to deliver information on childhood obesity. This will be done through citation of scholarly articles, samples and other modes of supporting details.
Childhood obesity has quickly became one of the biggest health issues in America. Without correctly addressing the source of this problem, it will not be solved. It is important that America begins to categorize this issue like it is, as child abuse. The government should intervene in incidents where childhood obesity becomes an issue because it can cause long term health consequences, economic financial costs, and early depression. An important factor in finding the solution is to know that the nation has not always suffered from this epidemic.
Since 1980 the rates of child obesity have more than tripled which has caused a growing pandemic of childhood obesity in the United States. Out of all the young children and adolescents within the age group of two through nineteen about 12.7 million are obese. That is the equivalent of about 17% of America’s population that is suffering from childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is too prevalent in all American households. Childhood obesity is detrimental on a national scale, since it has been growing at a steady rate in the United States of children not reaching the daily-recommended physical activity, the absence of a balanced diet with overconsumption of eating, and more critically the increase of type 2 diabetes.
I write to you today in order to urge you to do more about the rising problem of childhood obesity. Until now, Australia has completely underestimated the role and scale at which obesity is at work in our country, not only with our adults, but also, and especially, with our children. From 1985 to 1995, we witnessed a large increase in the number of obese 5-6 year olds alone, from boys jumping from 10.7% to 20.5% and girls from 11.8% to 21.1%. Between 1995 and 2007-8 there was only a slight increase from 21% to 22%. In 2011-12 the number was 26%. Many statistics show that from 1996 onward, the childhood obesity rates in 5-6 year olds have plateaued. However, this does not mean Australia is doing enough. While there has been only slight increases over the years and nearly unnoticeable change, the rates remain high and cause concern, and therefore must be addressed accordingly.
More than 3 million children are born with child obesity also known as pediatric obesity. I think it is a very serious matter. Everyone wants to have a healthy, beautiful new born baby. It can affect their health and others around you. Which is why it's best to keep yourself and others in shape for the safety of your child.
Tommy Anderson, a pudgy young boy, casually walked home from school. As he rounded a corner, a large billboard with four obese children staring down at him caught his attention. The words “Fat kids become fat adults” written in bold text near the bottom gripped him tightly. Tommy glanced down at his own, bulging stomach; shame oozed its way into his body. He looked back up at the ad, and met the stare of the children displayed on the billboard. The shame flooded out, quickly replaced by a sense of defiant determination. Tommy decided he did not want to be a fat kid any longer. This moment, though he did not know it at the time, would change his entire life. That night, Tommy went home, talked with his parents, and started a diet and
Childhood obesity has become one of the greatest health challenges in the world and will more than likely go on to be the country’s most important health problem in the future. It occurs when children have excess body fat due to their poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States that is putting children at risk for poor health. Like many other serious health conditions, childhood obesity can have immediate and long-term effects on a child’s health.
In this day and age childhood obesity has almost become a normal thing to see especially here in the united states. It’s so easy to stop by a drive thru and pick a quick meal for you and your child for a fairly low cost when on the run. Many of us have been guilty of picky up or child, brother, sister, or daughter after school and swinging by fast food restaurant for a quick meal. It sometimes maybe done out of laziness, lack of time, or because it’s a lot quicker than cooking up a healthy meal and then having to clean up the mess.
Based on an graph from Cynthia Ogden et al from Jama Network, it showed that boys of Hispanic race aged 2-19 years old, are the most obese of all other races. However, we will be focusing on all races and genders because of equality and the mass amount of childhood obesity in general.
Thesis: The purpose of my speech is for you to be more aware of Childhood Obesity, and how we can prevent it and reduce the percentage.
In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem in American society. In the past three decades, the rate of overweight children has increased by 300%. This is an alarming rate that is only climbing higher. Every member in society should take steps to becoming healthier. This would help the present generations as well as future generations to come. The lifestyle of Americans keeps us too busy to be a healthy society.
Childhood obesity isn't a big deal to most people, when you ask them about it they'll generally give you an answer “their a growing boy.” People have the ability to change when being overweight, except most of the time they choose not too? Childhood obesity is abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that impairs the health of an individual. There are several health consequences, such as; “cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, musculoskeletal disorders, cancer, and disability.” When you become overweight or obese you begin to not be able to walk to the bathroom or to be able to get out of bed. You become so overweight that you cant even stay standing for two minutes. Becoming overweight is the result of a combination of several
Ladies and gentlemen I am here today to share with you my input on the vast increasing population of children that are becoming obese today. It is an issue not usually discussed or considered to be an issue in today’s society but I feel is a huge concern in our country.