I remember as a little kid and now being fascinated by race horses. When I was around eight years old, my grandfather took me to a farm where they raise race horses. They were out exercising Mine That Bird and a few other horses. I thought it was so fascinating! The owner walked up to and asked if I enjoy watching them, I said very shyly,” yes sir.” He took me to the barn and let me look at all the foals and I was astonished. I got to thinking what all do they have to do to get these young foals ready to one day race? I asked Mr. Allen, and he said, “there are many things that you can do but some people don’t do the right thing and they cheat their way to victory”. Horse Racing is a gambling, sport and always has been for many years. Thousands of people each year go and watch the horseraces all over the country, even the world. There are some owners that take amazing care of their horses, making sure that they have all of the supplements that they need, they go to the vet when need, and they are properly trained to do their best at the race. Then there are some owners that just care about the fame and the money. They are the people you have to watch out for. Don’t get me wrong all race horse owners want their name to get out and the money to be going into their bank account. But, the race horse owners that just want …show more content…
They are hurting the horse more than helping it in the long run. There are dozens of illegal drugs in the race horse industry. My main focus is five of them, Anabolic Steroids, Corticost Steroids, Milkshake, Lasiks and Aces(Gustafson, 2008). These drugs are used for many different things to build up muscle, take down swelling, to make a horse’s performance better, internal bleeding into the lungs, causing, what people call bleeders and to almost make then zone out, or not make them act all crazy. These drugs could be masking a very simple problem that could be fixed or making an even bigger problem
“Very few people invest money in the training of their retired racehorses. That puts them at an extreme disadvantage in the sport horse world.” Steuart Pittman, president of the Retired Racehorse Project, said.
“Doping and the inappropriate use of normal medications present a serious threat to the integrity and reputation of our sport, because they give athletes an unfair advantage and threaten the welfare of horses.”(FEI’s Clean Sport Campaign pg1) Federation Equestre Inerationale and several other animal welfare organizations have well-established regulations trying to create a more perfect sport. Because riding in shows is so competitive riders need to understand that showing isn’t always about winning but learning for the experience of showing.
Tuesday November the 4th marked another Melbourne Cup, promising a day filled with champagne, crowds and colour. 1000s of spectators, staff and jockeys had lined up in the hope of cashing in on some success. Unfortunately this was not the case for the owners of Admire Rakti or Araldo, who tragically died after the race. This sudden and shocking news has re-ignited the issue of whether horse racing should be banned in Australia. Ironically this issue is driven on both sides by the same impulse: the love of the horse. Organisations including the coalition for the protection of racehorses along with animal welfare groups are concerned about the treatment and well-being of the horses. Similarly, horse owners, jockeys and staff’s main focus is the welfare of the horse.
The science behind evaluating racehorses is deciding which faults make a direct impact to the horse’s career. The requirements needed for a horse to succeed starts at the conformation of the foal/yearling. To which conformational faults are passed down from parents, however, faults may or may not have consequences to their racing career, and therefore different trainers/bloodstock agents may have different inceptions with regard to acceptable faults (TOBA, 2015).
“On average, 24 horses die per week on racetracks in the U.S.” (Cohen). This is due to the horrible mistreatment and horrendous training methods used on too young horses. However, the racetrack is not the only place where horses are abused. Horse shows, show rings, large business stables, smaller private barns; wherever a horse can be found, there is potential for some sort of animal abuse. There is not one certain breed or type of horse that is most commonly abused, every horse around the world can be subject to mistreatment. Unfortunately, there are not many laws that protect these horses, and some people merely turn their heads away. That is why there should be more laws against the abusive techniques applied by many equestrians in the equine
Upon one’s initial glance the sport of barrel racing might seem as though it is a very basic, straightforward, and even easy sport to achieve a high level of success. However, barrel racing is exactly the opposite. To be a highly skilled barrel racer it takes far more than just agility, strength, and trust from both the horse and its rider. It takes a great deal of patience to learn, be taught, and to have trust in every aspect of this sport. This is a fast paced sport that requires a great deal of dedication, skill, and motivation from every competitor, and horse, regardless of their age or skill level. Along with the above stated skills comes an extremely high level of danger, that I sadly got to witnessed first hand. Every aspect of this
Throughout the history of American Quarter horses the main issue of the industry is the extent amount of drug usage on horses. The use of drugs on horses can help for healing and speed up the time of injury recovering, yet most of the time drugs hurt the horses. Today, this abusive action has only increased since the founding of the association. Quarter horses are jeopardized by having drugs injected in them to gain endurance and speed, but people fail to mention the risks that can occur. Injecting horses with dangerous drugs can cause heart attacks that may cause death after their race.
Well, horses are at risk of numbers of serious infectious diseases, some of which can lead to death. Regular vaccinations can help keep a horse safe, by ensuring they produce enough antibodies to fight off specific diseases, if they are exposed to it. Vaccinations are proven to help protect against many serious equine diseases. They are often no cures for these disease, and treatment can be painfully expensive with no guarantee of success that a horse will get better. Some diseases can spread so quickly to other horses, or even in the case of the Hendra virus, it can spread to humans. “No one wants sick horses,” Timmins said. “All horse show organizers can do is put the requirements out there and hope that people comply and that they understand why vaccinations are so important. “When a horse pops with a fever at a show everyone is alarmed,” continued Timmins. “If proper vaccination protocols are followed, it is easier for us to figure out why that horse has a fever and treat them quickly and
Horse Racing is very contronsival topic. Horse Racing is 39 billion dollar year industry. This is ,major sport and has a lot revenue. There are many people who go down to track and bet on these horses as entertainment day. It is filled with good times, booze, and gambling. All the thing you need to have fun. However, what happens to the horses?
The FEI has established regulations with the main purpose of ensuring the health and welfare of competing horses. The provisions of veterinary services at steeplechases is of upmost importance in maintaining welfare, consequently each horse receives an inspection before and after each race (Williams et al. 2013). It is also required by the FEI that the following be available 24 hours during an event; a minimum of one treating veterinarian on duty at the arena during competitions, who is fully equipped to deal with all emergencies, first aid stations, ready access to an equine clinic, including x-ray facilities. The services of a farrier must also be available. (Atock & Williams
The absolutely worst aspect of Horse Racing 3D - Stay the Distance are the ads, which are invasive. As soon as you start the game, a banner popup appears, and a video add will start to play. Instead of getting started and play right away, you will have to deal with closing them first. When the race starts, there’s also a large banner ad on top of the screen. Though it doesn’t cover the track, it is quite distracting.
Horses are used for many things such as; horse racing, breeding, traveling, and etc. Now a days the number one thing that they are used for is horse racing. As americans gather around ordering their food, and making bets on horses that may win they don't seem to realize all the science and danger that is behind these hard working horses. Horse racing is dangerous, because while you are stitting in the back screaming your head off cheering your horse to win, they are manging how to maintain there oxygen, force, speed, and time. People who dont know behind the scenes of training a horse racer would'nt understand the concept of timing, constant practice, tough opsticals, and healthy eating. Horses are just like human athlets, when we are determined to win we put our all and use all of the knowledge that we were tought and it is diffuclt to do so while remembering so much when theres
There can be no question that the Hanoverian Horse represents today, one of the most prominent breeds of riding horses in the world. The stud-book comprises close to 19,000 active brood mares and 450 approved breeding stallions and covers the largest homogeneous breeding area in Europe (Hanoverian-gb.org.uk, 2017). Goodwin et al., (2008) believes that equine ethology, management, learning theory, skill, and talent combine to influence numerous outcomes in horse-rider interactions. The behavioural and learning processes in the horse are likely to influence not only equine athletic success but also the usefulness of the horse as a domesticated species (Murphy and Arkins, 2007)
Solar flares are destroying the planet and a little boy with horse hooves for his hands and feet. This month’s column interesting dreams for the end of the world and someone helping a little boy whose hands and feet are shaped like horse hooves have quite a few interpretations. Dream I had a dream last night that I arrived at a house to help someone. A lady answered the door, who looked very tired and troubled.
Many equestrians know that the horseshow world is a community where people tend to fall into the temptations of drugging the horses. The performance horse world as a community is run by money and fame that people often use as an excuse to hide what is really going on in the equine industry. Drugging horses for enhanced performance is unethical and degrades the equestrian sport and fairness of competitions. The following research looks at the bylaws, regulations, and consequences of the use of drugs and medications in performance horses in the sport horse industry. Being the winner has taken