
Persuasive Speech On Animal Abuse

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Animal abuse is an issue people hardly look at. People are not being informed enough to the abuse of these animals. Not just dogs and cats are being abused, wild-life such as zoo animals and show animals like in circuses. Animal cruelty is a problem that’s rapidly growing, animals around the world are being starved, beaten, or just left to die. There are many different types of animal cruelty, the more common ones are mistreatment, abandonment, and scientific research. Animals who are in zoos and circuses are forced to live in small cages or captivities, some of these wide-range animals don’t have the space they need for what they are built for, like running freely and to just be able to roam, hunt etc;. These animals goes through pain and suffer everyday, it’s time we put these abuse to stop.

Many people have gone to a zoo at some point in their life, some say it's not just a trip for a fun day but “it is a chance for many people to get relatively close to animals they are unlikely to see elsewhere” (animal facts pg.1). Most individuals are against animals living in captivity and being “paraded” in front of people, Others believe that for some animals, …show more content…

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