By: Skyelar Nelson
A Man’s Best Friend
Dog. Cat. Mouse. Hamster. Horse. You animal lovers out there know that the bond you make with an animal is something unbreakable. Their loyalty and overall joy when they see you just lights up your day. Think back to your childhood pet. Remember that feeling you would get when you came home from a long day of school and your pet came running up to you radiating their love for you. Immediately turning your frown upside down. Your pet is your friend not something you own. It is a needed companion that lights up your life. Imagine your childhood pet being caged, tortured, dissected, brutally murdered, or much much worse. These horrific actions are repeatedly happening to sweet innocent animals all across the globe. Which is why we need to move to gain more rights for the world's animals and stop animal testing, inhumane animal treatment in food industry, animal abuse, dog fighting, and even animals enlisted in the circus. Close your eyes. Count to 2. In that time an animal was abused by one of the heinous acts listed along with many other inhumane action. In the time my speech will take over 500 helpless animals would have been abused in the all over the world. These animals don’t have a voice to stop this horrible action being taken towards them. Be their voice. Achieve higher animal rights in order to save millions of helpless lives.
Animal Testing for any scientific or commercial use is a heinous action and should be banned because
For a long time, the world considered animal testing as an essential part for finding medical cures and for creating cosmetics. Without observing it from different aspects, people are not aware that these testing are: cruel and inhumane and they waste a lot of government money and resources. Also, there are other alternative options that can replace all the experiments that are conducted on animals. Thus, animal testing is immoral and it should be banned.
One in fifty-six kids are abused and sixty-one percent of children are forgotten about (Dreyfus). Do you not like the ASPCA animal abuse commercial well there are kids out there just like those dogs and cats that you see in the commercial. There are parents out there that have kids at a young age and don’t take care of them. They neglect them and abuse them if they are throwing a fit or at older ages not listening to the parents. Or the parent is addicted to drugs or they are an alcoholic. I have learned that there a lot of people think that there should be classes that parents should take. The information that I have found has helped me even more believe that there should be classes for the parents. Personally I have some cousins that their
Animal testing has been one of the issues that people are fighting overtime because of its moral. Even though some results of tests are successful on people, many people are still fighting for the animal’s rights. They believe that animals should have their own rights to live a free life where they belong, just like their species. In scientists point of view, animals have been one of the main subjects to test on, but a lot of them are currently looking forward to use and develop alternatives for the cruel act of animal testing.
Attention Getter: Imagine living in a space about a third the size of this room. You also share this space with 3 other people. This is what animals deal with when living in zoos and aquariums.
Today we are gonna talk about a subject that has has a very big role in promoting a bright future for wildlife in the U.S. It is something that has really made a big impact in making people respect wildlife and it beauty. The first Federal Bird Reservation was established in Pelican Island Florida, by president Theodore Roosevelt in 1903. Pelican Island was the first of many to stop the hunting of the Brown Pelican. When Pelican Island was discovered they surveyed it and said that it was 4.5 acres but that it was unfortunately never filed, so when they surveyed it more recently they measured the island to be 5.5 acres. Something not many people know and at least to me it kind of interesting is that Paul Kroegal was the first Game Warden and was paid $1 per month by the American Ornithologists' Union Bird Protection Fund.
Every 60 seconds an animal is abused. Dogs, cats, horses, and many other types of animals are being neglected and tortured everyday, yet resulting in few and minor consequences for the perpetrators. Animal abuse is prevalent in the United States and has been an ongoing issue since the 1970's, and prior to. Society as a whole has chosen to avoid the facts and arguments about animal cruelty, because to some it is seen as acceptable and typical. It becomes much more frowned upon when people actually see the results of the cruelty, especially in the media.
Animals are a big part of many people’s lives. They provide companionship; they provide daily assistance to those that have deficits and are having difficulty functioning in their daily life; they provide security and help keep a watchful eye on things, plus so much more. And yet, with all that animals do for us, there are those that are treated with such little regard, care, and cruelty. They are unable to speak for themselves and therefore, they need a voice to speak for them.
Think about how we will look back on our cruel forms of entertainment in the future. Will we be proud of the way we treated these great animals, with abuse as neglect? Today we turn our heads away from reality and what happens behind the scenes of animal entertainment. However, we can’t turn our heads forever. Around the world, there is so much more to animal entertainment than what meets the eye. These animals have been torn away from their beautiful, natural homes and brought to a prison of concrete. In these prisons, they are beaten, starved and tortured all for our money and entertainment. These animals lives should not be taken from them for us. Our money and happiness should not be worth these animal’s lives. Circus, theme park and zoo animals all suffer from aggression towards trainers, mental disabilities and physical injuries. These animals should not have to suffer any longer.
I’ve seen first-hand the benefits of adoption through working and adopting from Second City Canine Rescue.
For my speech, I decided to talk about animal cruelty. Animal cruelty or animal abuse is when animals are mistreated,beaten, and neglected by humans. Animal cruelty is a topic we all know happens in life, but we chose to ignore it. I’m an animal lover and I personally want to become a veterinarian and help animals be healthy, safe, and most importantly happy. Growing up I’ve had many pets and I’ve been around plenty of animals and just the thought of these animals, that are so caring, loving, and loyal are suffering, not just physically but emotionally as well, disgusts me.
In order to stop animal cruelty and the problems associated with it, we as a society need stronger animal rights laws.
Do animals have the right to a certain quality of life? How would your views change if our cooks got treated the same way cattle and poultry do? How would you feel about them being beaten and brought to their knees just to be detained to know how to cook todays specials? You might think that the food industry has no issues and no faults behind their tasty food, but when you open up the meat curtain, there is a different kind of world out there that is cruel and inhumane. In Robert Kenner’s 2008 film, Food, Inc., He shows the conditions that cows, chickens, and pigs have to live in. The dark and closeted homes in which the animals are closely compacted together and eating, sleeping, and walking in their own manure. As a person who would consider themselves an animal rights activist, most people would agree that the food industry treats their animals like products instead of living things.
Animals testing should be banned from being tested because it is very cruel and harmful, and also there are also alternate testing methods to use.
Most of you probably have a pet of your own. Maybe a dog named Max or a cat named Oliver. Could you imagine seeing them in terrible pain? I honestly don't think there will be one student in this class that would volunteer to let their own pet be tortured for any reason. Am I wrong?
Specific Purpose: I want to educate my audience on the various animal rights organizations and what they stand for.