
Persuasive Speech On Child Punishment

Decent Essays

Imagine this scenario: You have asked your 5-year-old son several times not to play with your laptop. But he sneaks into your room as soon as you are back from office, digs the laptop out of your bag and starts fiddling with it. You enter the scene, you notice that he has disobeyed you again, you lose your cool and you beat him with your leather belt. He screams for some time and resigns to a corner of his room leaving you in peace. After a few minutes you go to his room, console him, give him a chocolate bar and he gladly forgets the entire episode. You may wonder what is wrong with this scenario since it has a happy ending. Well, everything.
Why parents use physical punishment as a means of disciplining?
Now, like many other Indian parents, you too ask: So what? What is wrong in spanking or beating as long as it is done with good intentions? Using physical punishment to discipline children might not seem unusual, especially if you have been beaten by your parents in your childhood. Your grandparents …show more content…

You do the same when he shows aggressive behavior, refuses to listen to you, hits others, throws tantrums or acts fussy about his dinner. What does it mean? It means you are using physical punishment as a common solution for all your child’s problems. Now ask yourself this. Do you use Paracetamol when you get a headache, an allergy, a fever or an upset stomach? Or do you use different medicines for different illnesses? By the same logic, isn’t it wrong to assume that physical punishment will take care of all the behavioral issues of your child? Just as different illnesses require different treatments, different behavioral problems of your child should be treated with appropriate disciplinary measures. You may be able to silence your child for a few minutes or induce fear in him through beating. But when it comes to correcting wrong conduct, let’s face the truth, your method will not give you a long-term

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