
Persuasive Speech On Euthanasia

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As we have explained so far throughout our speeches, we think that for the people that are suffering because their treatment is not working, that they should have the option of euthanasia.Under such circumstances, because they are suffering and nothing is working they should have a choice - that means it is of their own will - to die a painless death with the assistance of a doctor. We believe there are too many stories of people who are suffering and want the pain to end but can't die with dignity. Some of them end up committing suicide on their own.
Adam Maier-Clayton is someone who had a mental illness called Somatic Symptom Disorder. This is a disorder that causes the brain to sometimes make people experience severe physical pain. Maier-Clayton had a YouTube channel in which he would describe his mental illness. In one video, he stated, "If I had pulled out this book and started reading, within five minutes the pain in my head would be so aggressive I would have to stop reading, and go and do deep breaths somewhere." He would experience pain throughout the entire day, the level of which would change depending on the situation he was in. His treatment wasn't working, and he didn't apply to the assisted suicide law. He didn't want to experience the constant pain anymore, so in April 2017 he committed suicide by himself. If he was allowed to die, he could have died next to his family. But he couldn’t tell his family. If they had known that he was going to commit suicide and

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