Persuasive Speech
Title: Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants?
Speaker: Kevon Jones, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University student
Specific Purpose: To persuade and influence the beliefs of the audience concerning the educating of undocumented children.
I. Introduction/Attention
A. Attention getter: Since the beginning of time, The United States has been a nation of immigrants seeking freedom and better economic opportunities. According to Network Lobby, “History tells us that from the beginning immigration is beneficial to the country when we have a system that allows them to migrate freely and legally become a citizen of the United
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Eligible individuals must be age 35 or younger, hold a high school diploma or GED, and pass a criminal background check … Permanent residency may be offered to those who choose to complete two years of military service or two years of higher education. Early versions of the bill failed in 2001 and 2007…. As of 2016, the DREAM Act has not been passed.”
D. Our country is supposed to be one about opportunity, neglecting to provide an equal chance for these children to learn would contradict the notion that America is the land of opportunity.
(Internal summary: In addition, it does the country no good to prevent children from receiving their education because we are the future nurses, doctors, and teachers.)
(Transition: Now that you understand this need, let’s talk about immigrants paying taxes.) III. Satisfaction
A. Many American believe illegal immigrants don 't pay taxes. They say, why should we pay for the education of some immigrant child? We need to spend our tax dollars helping our own children.
B. According to The Washington Post, “It’s a myth that people who are undocumented don’t pay taxes,” said Cathryn Ann Paul, as she helped immigrants fill out tax forms at CASA de Maryland, a nonprofit group in Langley Park.… Federal law
Connect with the Audience: United States is one of the most a diverse countries in the world, we shouldn’t discriminate each other. We’re all the same, regardless of the race, gender, and religion. Immigrants came here because they just wanted the same opportunities as you. Establish Impact: If we decide to ban every single illegal immigrants in America, many families will be forced to be separated. Children that were born here will have no parents growing up, or they will be sent to another country that they don’t even know.
Undocumented students are becoming a growing outrage in the United States. It has been a constant battle amongst the students, the schools, and the Government. According to, statistics shows that 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools each year ( graduating high school they face legal and financial barriers to higher education. This paper will address the importance of this growing outrage and discuss the following that corresponds to it.
“Marisela paid state and federal taxes, even though she would never collect social security payments—she was padding the fund for Americas legal retirees.” (39) This quote proves that the image that most Americans have toward illegal immigrants is a distorted. Many Americans argue the fact that Illegal Immigrants do not pay taxes and take away from our economy but that is not necessarily true. The only time that is true is when they work “under the table”, which means that they do not pay any taxes to the government for their wages they get paid straight cash from their employers. In this specific case, Marisela is paying taxes to the government because she is paying taxes to the United States; she is contributing positively to the economy and paying into social security. She is paying into this even though she may never be able to benefit from it. Marisela is doing everything right by working and being a productive member of society, this includes paying her taxes, she is not trying to get out of that by working under the table, as some Illegal Immigrants do. The only problem with what Marisela is doing is that she is working under a false social security number, but if she was given the same opportunities and privileges as document immigrants she would not be using fake identification to be able to work.
Specific Purpose: To persuade the members of my audience to support that undocumented students should have access to in-state tuition.
not only benefits the U.S., but it benefits the immigrants themselves. In continuation, Davidson states that over the years, “undocumented workers have contributed up to $300 billion, or nearly 10%, of the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund.” Just these numbers alone show how much immigrants are contributing to the U.S. To support this conclusion, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) concludes that immigrants contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they actually receive in benefits. (OECD 2014) In other findings by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), undocumented immigrants contribute in state and local taxes. ITEP estimates $11.74 billion are collect per year and, shockingly,
In the other hand taxes, although there is not a definite evidence, some sociologists say that illegal immigrants sometimes end up paying more taxes that American born citizens do. However, there is proven evidence that states such as California is experiencing
First, illegal immigrants benefit the government budget surplus just like an American Citizen. For a fact, most illegal immigrants that work in the United States pays taxes like American citizens and don’t rely on government programs like welfare and food stamps. For instance, I asked my parents how did they filed taxes back then? My father told me that back then in the 1980’s they could not file taxes because illegal immigrants did not have a social security number. Nowadays, the government provides ITIN number for illegal immigrants that are working in the United States for them to report and pay taxes. Not only that, but they also pay for
There are currently twelve million undocumented immigrants in the United States who are being taken advantage of by employers because of their legal status. These illegal immigrants are in constant fear of being deported because of their legal status; so they often take jobs that pay under the table and hold jobs that are below their ability. The issue here is that taxes are going unpaid. The United
2017 and still the hate-filled comments a float our children’s heads and our parents ears. It seems we are taking steps back instead of forward. Even in the United States, “The Land of the Free” we hear it by the one who is in Charge. What have you done Mr. Donald Trump? Filling our children’s heads with the ideas of the past. See when we all first got here we came for the same thing, only difference is the year. Yet people are being judged and labeled by the mistakes of the few. We all came for bigger and better things. There is no need to lie, everyone has a “bad apple” in the bunch. But why Mr. President must you label all of us the same.
Secondly, the local citizens have also expressed their thoughts that some of the illegal immigrant work in America and send the wages back home tax-free which leads to the negative sides of the country’s economy. In fact, it is cleared that there are no free things in this world and human needs food and drink to survive. Therefore, it is undoubtedly that the illegal immigrant has spent money in the states for one’s essential and sales tax has included in every single bill. This has shown that the money has not flow out from the country. Meanwhile, the illegal immigrant has never refuse to pay taxes but to work harder and get better wages, grab every single opportunity they can to live a better life. According to CBO forecasts, granting immigrant legal status would “reduce the federal deficit by $685 billion” (Rana Foroohar 24) and “U.S. would add $1.5 trillion to the economy over years”. ”(Rana Foroohar 24) Therefore, Americans can think that the higher wages the illegal immigrant workers earns, the more taxes they have to pay which translates into more tax revenue and increases consumer purchasing power which would certainly benefits the public treasury and the American economy as a whole.
America should not be living in fear because of a demagogue, but the reality is that America is, and it has affected many of us. Those who came to America for better living are in fear of getting deported, many people feel the need to hide. Many people don’t do things they use to because of fear that someone is watching. Trump has promoted inequality and has used it to his advantage. He has deceived us as a country and as lied to the people. We have seen more and more people being vocal and using their right of speech to yell and tell immigrants to go back to where they came from. The American people have been abusing our right and freedom to speech by telling others how we feel and think.
Right now, I feel that we are adding fuel to the fire of hatred, fear, and destruction: A fire burning with so much intensity that it sheds light on the darkest of secrets. In this case its immigration. During a time of natural disasters immigrants shouldn’t be subjected to mistreatment and the threat of deportation. Checking papers is an unnecessary matter to be concerned with when your house is submerged under water or your family is missing. The main concern should be helping people. Citizenship status shouldn’t be an issue because we are all humans and it’s our duty to be there for our fellow man. No matter what the situation maybe they have the right to be here, just like any other American.
Like any citizen, Hispanics pay taxes when they go shopping, pump gas; a portion of their incomes go to social security and Medicare.Americans need to understand that deporting illegal immigrants would have a terribly negative effect on the
Secondly, immigrants do pay taxes such as gasoline taxes, and sales taxes and or real estate taxes, depending on whether he or she owns or rents a home (Aviva). Some immigrants work in the informal economy and are paid secretly in cash. Hence not having any federal and state income taxes, or social security taxes, deducted from their paychecks (Aviva). For example, babysitting and housecleaning jobs, generally use informal arrangements whether the workers are citizen or immigrant, documented or undocumented (Aviva). Unfortunately, those who work in the informal economy are not granted workers' compensation and generally get no benefits from their employer (Aviva).
This means they are contributing to the upkeep of public facilities, such as roads, police and fire departments, and many even pay property taxes that contribute toward the schooling of their children. The non-partisan National Research Council found that they contribute on average $80,000 more to the federal treasury than they consume. A reason why some do not pay taxes is they are fearful of deportation and won't risk the government attention that will come from filing a return even if they might qualify for a refund. The government wants illegal immigrants to pay taxes but they have refused for years to come up with a plan to legalize them so they can have the benefits they are paying for when they pay their income taxes. Instead they have wasted time arguing about unimportant and unnecessary