Homosexual marriage is blasphemous
Same sex marriage will never be justifiable as it contradicts to moral law. Marriage has dependably been an immense piece of human connections. It is a sacred vow between a man and a woman, the bonding of two individuals together for emotional support, moral support as well as the rearing of children. Most of society looks at marriage as a holy union of just one man and one woman. But as of today many couple have been married in same sex, and many people also accept it. Yes, you have your freewill to love others but believe it or not we cannot change the fact that man is for a woman only. Same sex marriage is immoral and it is not like accepting homosexual marriage can cause positive impact in our country therefore same sex
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It is not even written in the holy bible that either both man or woman can marry so we don’t have any reason to legalize it. Legalizing same sex marriage will start the corruption of the minds of the people specially the children, if they will not show the proper values and principle of marriage to the young generation who else will? If we will allow same sex marriage illegal endorsement the level of promiscuity, mental health, monogamy, HIV/ AIDS will increase due to the risky behavior of the homosexual couples.
Before we can understand same-sex marriage, there are 2 things that we must understand. First is, that God created humans in his own image. In Genesis 1:27 it is stated, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them…” When God created the living creatures, he only spoke his command before it appeared before him. However, when God created mankind, he created us through his own image. This shows that human kind is special towards God, as he personally molded humans to suit his image. Second, God
There are two main reasons why many religious groups are against same-sex marriage. The first argument is that people who are gay are not able to procreate. They do not have the correct corresponding body parts to make children (Waldman, 2003). Anyone who has taken sex education knows that humans can not reproduce without a male’s sperm and a female’s egg. Roman Catholics believe God created marriage as a lifetime union between one woman and one man with the purpose of having a loving relationship and for procreating, caring for, and teaching children (Charron & Skylstad, 1996). Sex that does not occur with the intent of procreation is not approved by many faiths. In Judaism, for example, there is an important Bible passage that supports this idea. The story of Onan is about Onan sleeping with his dead brother’s wife. In order to prevent having children, Onan does not ejaculate inside of his brother’s wife. Instead he ejaculated on the ground. Because
Using the biblical marriage chart, you can see that there are several forms of marriage in the bible. For example, a man can take on multiple wives. Solomon for example had 700 different wives. In addition to that, Jacob had 2 wives himself. The father of the 12 tribes had more than one wife and that was fine because it counted as biblical marriage. Another example is that man can have a wife, plus other concubines. Solomon was documented having 300 concubines. In Deuteronomy 22, if a virgin is raped, she must marry her rapist. This constitutes as a biblical marriage. As Robert Cargill writes, if you’re against same-sex couples getting married, be ready to defend all forms of marriage that are sanctioned in the bible
“We the people of the United States, in order to from a more perfect union”. This sentence is used in the preamble of the Constitution, signed on September 17, 1787. It was designed to show us our new formed governments and how they would protect us, showed us the power the government had and didn’t have. It also granted our rights; amendments in the Bill of Rights. But is the term “We the People” still a valid term to use in 2016? We are no longer “We the People” here in 2016. Today, there is an open topic of the LGBT community; whether there should be legal marriage. The topic of Trans bathroom, saying they shouldn’t have the right to use the bathroom with the gender they identify their selves as. Also over the last few years there is an
SPECIFIC PURPOSE (5): To persuade the audience that homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children
Since the Bible is silent about same-sex marriage, we are forced to develop our own ideas and stances on the subject which in turn causes all of the controversy in today’s society. Christians also have different views on this subject simply because of the fact that people are changing and not settling for traditional ways. From this we see that there is not a set Christian view on same-sex marriage. Homosexuals are not asking for special rights but are more so asking for equal rights, rights that their heterosexual counterparts are not denied. However, it is also crucial that we have an open mind to both sides of the argument in order to place ourselves in a predicament to make a well-educated decision on our stances regarding an issue. If we as a people are closed minded and set on a particular idea or way, then we will not advance and continue to evolve, but will rather be stuck in a one-sided
Same sex- marriage is still the topic of many peoples conversation across the country. Citizens, divided by politic party, are very passionate about how they feel about it. The president didn’t approve of it at first, but now he finally accepts same- sex marriage, the Judicial System uses its power to dictate to the States, forcing them to accept same- sex marriage. Both houses of Congress continue to debate what marriage means.
Have you ever thought how unfair gay people have it? Some of them can’t get married, they have to hide their relationship, and some or even scared to go in public places. People treat the gays how the Germans treated the nozies, it’s unbelieveable. So I am here to get more in detail, to find out why Same-sex adoption is wrong, Sodomy laws and what, Immigration rights for gay partners means.
Same-sex marriage good, or same-sex marriage bad? Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. For thousands of years, law and custom enforced the subordination of wives to husbands. But as the women's-rights movement gained strength in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, wives slowly began to insist on being regarded as their husbands' equals, rather than their property. The movement to obtain civil marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples in the United States began in the 1970s. On June twenty-sixth, 2015 same sex-marriage became legal. Now, same-sex marriage rejects the natural law created by God. This, along with many other reasons is why same-sex marriage should not be legalized because, God created men and women and by this he established the first coherence of marriage, traditionally marriage has been between a man and a
When it comes to trending social issues, I always find myself asking "Who should I stand up for?" It's hard to pinpoint exactly who when it seems the everyone is throwing up their hands and claiming they are victims. Recently, a local woman decided that it was her job as the hand of God to violate federal law. I've heard the rallying cries of people who feel that she is a "true victim of liberalism".
An issue I picked is a political issue that is happening today. How has the issue I selected changed our country? Well the issue I selected was gay marriage. It has changed our country a lot. It had a huge effect on the country on legalizing it. People have been trying to legalize gay marriage since May 18, 1970 and it finally got legalized June 26, 2015 all across the country. I'm going to discuss how legalizing gay marriage changed the country and how it is wrong.
The concept of marriage is in danger of being misunderstood due to same-sex couples wanting to be married and acquire the same benefits as heterosexual marriages. The fundamental purpose of marriage is uniting a man and a woman in a worthy cause to preserve human civilization. If everyone was homosexual, then how could our species be repeatedly produced? This problem could end human existence. Besides, even those who are not homosexual have restrictions on marriage so they can not assume they are being discriminated upon. Restrictions are created to keep the balance and concept of the idea from being muddled. Their sexual orientation has nothing to do with why these rules were put into place. As a result, homosexual individuals have the right to marry along with everyone else as long as the restrictions are not crossed. All rights are equal among the people even when dealing with marriage. Just because somebody has different
Therefore, same-sex marriage is totally the opposite of the traditional institution of marriage; those are two things that cannot have the same rights, and actually God made us to be heterosexual no homosexual.
As the society changing, the history of marriage also changes. Marriage is legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, but do those two partners always have to be a man and a woman? Most people believe that homosexuals should be granted equal rights as heterosexual couples. Being as an important social issue, same-sex marriage has become a hot topic of public debates in the recent years. For over the past decade, public support for the same-sex marriage has quickly risen. The United States is one of over twenty countries that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized in all countries for several reasons, such as being an issue of equal rights, separation of church and state, no negative effect on the heterosexual communities, increasing in child adoption, and decreasing divorce and suicide rates.
Same sex marriage has been widely looked down upon for ages. People say, “It’s not the traditional constitutional marriage”, or “Children need a mother and a father”. It honestly doesn’t matter. If two people love each other, they should be allowed to marry. It’s just as simple as that. What other reason do you need? If two complete strangers of the same sex want to be together for the rest of their lives, we should let them.First, denying some people to marry is discriminatory. Judge Sarah Zabel of Miami-Dade Circuit Court ruled the gay marriage ban of Florida unconstitutional. She stated that it, “serves only to hurt, to discriminate, to deprive same-sex couples and their families of equal dignity, to label and treat them as 2nd class citizens, and to deem them unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society.” In other words, you’re looking down upon same sex couples that want to get married as if they’re lower than you; that they don’t deserve the same rights as us. Same sex couples would be able to enjoy the same benefits as heterosexual couples if they were able to be married.Furthermore, the General Accounting Office made an assessment in 2004 about the benefits that heterosexual married couples have that same sex couples could not. Some of these benefits include hospital visitation during an illness and the option of filing a joint tax return to reduce a tax burden. Imagine not being able to see your significant other in the hospital
and a wife as a woman. Same sex marriages are morally and ethically wrong, and