As Leonardo DiCaprino said, “As a UN messenger of piece I have travailed all over the world for the last 2 years have seen city’s like Beijing chock by industrial pollution. Accent boreal forests in Canada that have been cleared cut and rain forests in Indonesia that have been incinerated and indimeck farmers whose crops have literally been washed away and America I witnessed the sea level rise, flooding the streets of Miami and in Greenland and the artic I was astonished to see the ancient glaziers are rapidly disappearing well ahead of scientific predictions. All that I have seen and learned on my journey has absolutely terrified me, now think about the shame that each of us will carry when out children and grandchildren look back and realise that we have the means of stopping this devastation but simply lack the political will to do so, yes we have archived the Paris agreement more countries have come together here to sign this agreement today then for any other cause then in the history of human kind and that is the reason for hope. …show more content…
A massive change is required right now one that leads to a new collective consciousness a new collective evolution of the human race aspired and enabled by a sense of urgency from all of you we can congratulate each other today but it will mean absolute nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historical agreement after 21 years of debates and conferences it is time to declare no more talk no more excuses no more 10 year studies no more allowing the fossil fuel company’s to manipulate and dictate the science and policies that effect out future. The world is now watching you will either be lauded by future generations or vilified by them, you are the last best hope of earth we ask you to protect it and you and all living things we cherish are
As the world looks on, people start to realize that the problem of environmental pollution is a global
“Scientists have been warning about global warming for decades. It's too late to stop it now, but we can lessen its severity and impacts” - David Suzuki. Global warming, a primary topic of debate in various conversations throughout all levels of government, has been an issue for countless years. In fact, of the 134 years recorded, the 10 warmest years have all occurred “since 2000, with the exception of 1998 “(NASA). Solving a global issue such as this is not as easy as it may seem; however ,The Paris Agreement vows to do just that by setting a plan to limit global warming to well below 2°C in “the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal” (Europa). Before signing off on such an agreement one must analyze the many negatives
In the rhetorical situation, representatives from the United Nations, leading scientists and other sources of activists speak amongst one another about natural disasters caused by the human’s wreckage of the planet and other long-lasting effects that could possibly happen if they do not set up standards across the board of the world.
Although the discussion of climate change and environmental policy has been occurring for over thirty years, few coordinated measures have been implemented. Many of the international environmental treaties proposed today still lack effective enforcement mechanisms and prevalence in societal structure. This indicates that global citizenship has in essence failed to mobilize any substantial effective action or social response in regards to climate change. The focal point of this argument is to take the stance that global citizenship, alongside global environmental policy has failed to take action against salient ecological crisis that have global reach and potentially life-threatening consequences. Additionally, possible solutions to correct gaps in policy and popular public opinion are presented as alternatives to combat climate change and strive towards more active commitment
Naturally the capitalistic world that we live in breeds competition, in turn leading to powerful private interests. This has resulted in powerful industrial partnerships with political figures. In order to bring our society forward we must act for change, to encourage modernization, overcoming the stacked odds. The only way to influence our country’s dependency on carbon-based energy is to make way for environmental advocates at all levels of policy. The Paris Climate Change efforts have us headed in the right direction, even though they hold no legal international clout. Individual countries are held responsible through the social pressures created by groups like the UNFCC, along with renewable industrial interests, has led to country social responsibility. Country social responsibility has been promoted by voluntary climate efforts, which resulted in ambitious goal allowing countries to claim leadership on a global issue. Our efforts would ideally result in net-zero emissions in developed and developing countries alike by 2050. The technology is available, but modernization has a social aspect as well. This is essential to promote environmental policy, in order to pressure industrial powers. We can only be successful if we change our current social patterns into virtuous environmental forms.
The world has seen a significant amount of change in its weather pattern lately. From the three hurricanes two that hit the United States with so much force and devastation, that produced more than thirty inches of rain at one point, followed by storm surges that wipe out many homes. The tornados and winds in these two hurricanes were so overwhelming for anyone to fathom. To a country that lies in the Atlantic Ocean was hit so hard by a hurricane it was leveled to the ground and probably take a year or longer to get it up and running again. Across Asia the temperatures have been extremely hot for the summer, they have felt the heat, that their drought could be extended into the fall with no relief in sight until fall. The majority of the countries across the world believe that the climate is changing. Most of them want to unite to help slow this process down and try to protect this planet for future generations. Air pollution is the biggest contributor of climate change. We as humans release so much emission into the air that it causes more greenhouse gases. Which makes the pollution worst. What is causing these gases most of the pollution is caused from coal burning and mining. Where every country has become so dependent on these fossil fuels. If the countries could find an alternative for the need to use this resource we would be able to help cut down our greenhouse gases, that is putting our air at so much risk. Just do not blame the coal companies for what they
Have you heard what is happening to the environment? Like how Greenland loses is 286 Gigatonnes of ice per year! And as of January 22, 2017, it has lost 3778.7 Gigatonnes since 2002! Why you ask? It’s due to Climate change. Climate change is a serious problem in our world, It can either end it or make it prosper that is why I chose to research it. Climate change won’t just effect on a country or continent, it will affect the whole world, and we are a part of that world. So, I decided to research it to see what we as humanity can do about climate change. To help I asked myself more questions such as “What will happen if we don’t intervene?”, “What is the source of the problem?”, “What are our choices as humanity?” After my research, I believe that there is a way to stop climate change and to do that we as humanity need to work together.
According to an article focused on environmental awareness, “the world’s average surface temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last 1000 years” (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to “prevent major climate change” (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective
More than 95% of scientists agree that fossil fuels does and will continue to cause Earth's temperature to rise to an unhealthy extent. Prohibiting (or greatly limiting) the use of fossil fuels will help not only the environment but also our economies and society. By setting a global standard, we can gradually decrease our dependence on these harmful gasses. However, nations and corporations reluctance to comply with these proposed regulations will eventually cause a global catastrophe. If the only way to prove that this unwillingness can be detrimental to the globe's health is by showing them the consequences firsthand, then the next generation will be negatively impacted by our
Millions of people, including American citizens are being killed and displaced by this changing environment. The ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising. Deserts are becoming drier, while oceanside areas are being ravaged by tropical storms. Our world is turning into a chapter from the Book of Revelations. But, we still have time to halt this apocalypse and to preserve this planet, our home. In the past few years, we as a people have made tremendous strides of progress. But, we can’t stop now. We must continue to push forward. And we must fight for our planet and those who are unable to speak out. It is the job of this generation to act now and change the course of history.
The only argument which is produced from this topic, is what to do next, this has been the ongoing question which drives my claim. Why do anything at all if one does not know what to do. For most activist, a solution which is provided is one of unknown side effects. What is seen on the surface of any solution give is a sacrifice of a system which has progressed in an exponential way. Why break something which is not broken, the trust if any, which should be given should be alongside the evolution of technology. A technology which in the past century adversely benefited the world, with a basis of knowledge which is just breaching the surface. Effects of technology in a changing world where “Child and maternal mortality rates have plunged. Access to education has soared. Deep poverty is in sharp retreat. Despite the 24/7 distilled drama online and on TV, violence on scales of war to homicide has been in a long decline…” (Revkin). Rather than blame the man for its flaws, we should be praising ourselves for its progression, solving problems which had been plaguing man for centuries, and progressing beyond limitation placed on man in the past. The solution to this the current problem of climate change, should be through the trust of our very own minds, through our progressions of our knowledge, comes the progression of our technology, benefiting the problems of our world. Trust the process, trust your fellow man or woman. “After tens of thousands of years of scrabbling by, spreading around the planet, and developing the tools of increasing sophistication, humans are in surge mode and have only just started to become aware that something profound is going on.” (Revkin). As we have in the past, we will weather the storm, and looking back ten years, twenty years from now, we will be looking at the effects of climate change as a figment of the past. A problem which seems minor to a new kind of climate change which man will make up to
Everyday, people are waking up to climate change. What scientists predicted decades ago is happening now; we have little time left to preclude desolation. The governments look on the world is an hallucination. Those in power have not yet woken up,from their “dream world” to see the harsh reality we live in, and those that have are unwilling to act. In September 2014 there was the ‘‘People’s Climate March’ which was shortly followed by the ‘Time to Act on Climate Change March’ on March 7th 2015 which brought people together again on the
Environmental issues such as climate change affect life on Earth every day. As Leonardo DiCaprio discusses in his speech during the Paris Agreement for Climate Change Signing at the United Nations, the only way to diminish global warming, one of the most critical issues of this generation, is to take unprecedented action. By informing the audience with an effective strategy, DiCaprio persuades the delegates to make the right decision that will mold the future. His evidence compliments the coherent use of ethos, logos, and pathos. Climate change is a universal matter that can either persist, or be put to an end.
December 12th, 2015 was a historic moment on a global scale. That date marked the conclusion of the Paris climate agreement which accumulated the approval of hundreds of countries including many major ones. The main goal of this agreement was to drastically reduce carbon emissions and slow the average world temperature. Specifically, by 2020, they idea was to keep global average temperature “to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels” (Diane). Currently, we are not doing too well to achieve that goal. As prominent scientist James Hansen puts it…
I hastily walked to the podium and even forgot to take the speech that I had prepared. “The debates among countries are constructive. I find out that each bloc seems to have their draft resolution ready. However, has any of you ever considered that is the conflicts between two blocs really irreconcilable? What is our universal goal? I paused for a while and continued: “The environmental damage that caused by developed countries cannot be ignored, but nowadays developing countries are also responsible for environmental