
Persuasive Speech On The Positive Effects Of Legalizing Weed

Decent Essays

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the positive effects of legalizing weed Central Idea: Today I will discuss the positive effects of weed legalization Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. Attention Getter: Have you ever wanted to fly in the sky? Have you ever wanted to visit outer space? Have you ever wanted to talk to your favorite cartoon character? There is a way you can it’s called marijuana. II. Relevance: Today I would like to discuss the positive effects of weed legalization. This has been a controversial subject for a very long time due to the effects the plant has on the human body and mind. III. Credibility: Many researchers have discovered that Colorado and Washington have benefited from the legalization. IV. Thesis: Today I will discuss …show more content…

Imagine a bank is being robbed on one side of town and someone is smoking weed in their living room on other side of town. Now imagine police officers going to arrest the people with weed instead of stopping the bank robbery. This type of scenario happens every day and it’s a huge waste of time. 2. Police officers would be able to focus on my important issues B. Think of all of the time and money the economy could save if we don’t have to set up court dates for people with arrested for possession. 1. Prisons are already overcrowded as it is. There would be more space for criminals who have committed actually crimes. 2. It is very expensive to house inmates. We could save both time and money if we didn’t have to arrest criminals for possession. The government could focus more on more important issues (Transition: I have spoken so far about drug arrest now I would like to talk about crime and the mental effects of using marijuana) III. According to Uniform Crime Reporting data for Denver, there has been a 10% decrease in overall crime. A. Relaxing 1. Nobody has ever died….Smoking marijuana eases pain 2. When you smoke weed you just want to relax and watch cartoons all

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