
Persuasive Speech Outline On Equal Pay

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Unequal Pay….debunked
Topic: Informing about why it is reasonable for women and men to not have equal pay
Organization: topically
Specific Purpose: To inform about the differences in men and women wages .

A. Attention getter: Here’s the actual truth about the Gender Pay Gap
B. Relevance: In our current society, with the rise in feminist rants, it’s hard to discern what should be listened to, or what is simply another way in which to portray men as bigots.
C. Credibility statement: Attaining my credibility from the famed Steven Crowder, political activist, and comedian, who hosts a weekly talk show, on politically conservative media. In addition, acquiring most of my percentages from the American Association of University Women, or the AAUW, the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls, and several other very credible resources mentioned in my references.
D. Central idea: I would like to inform everyone on why it is reasonable for men in general to be paid more than women over their lifetime.
E. Initial preview: Men choose higher-paying jobs, women for the majority tend to work part time jobs as compared to men who usually work full-time jobs, women also for the majority have more caregiving responsibilities.

Transition to 1st main point: Men choose higher paying jobs

II. …show more content…

According to the Center of American Progress, In 2013, in households with children younger than 6 years old, employed women spent 38.4 more minutes per day caring for children than employed men; they also spent 41.4 more minutes doing household activities, such as cleaning and cooking. Women are also more likely to leave the labor force to take care of children or other relatives, which affects their workforce experience; differences in experience explain 10.5 percent of the wage gap. While this is often a choice, it is influenced by family needs and by societal understandings of women’s responsibilities when it comes to housework and child care

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