Topic: Homelessness
General Purpose: to inform
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to get involved with the fight Homelessness.
Thesis/ Central Idea: fighting homelessness is the first step to build a healthy society.
I. INTRODUCTION- Attention Step
A. Attention Getter- homelessness prevents people from having the basic and the fundamental layer of human needs. B. Establish Credibility- recently I have studied the effect of homelessness on individuals. Increased rate of homelessness in the country made me interested in the subject. I was reading an article about homelessness and how it affects not only the individual who suffers from it, but it has a great effect of the society in which
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I’ve spoke about homelessness on the consequences of this issue on individuals and more importantly own societies. Moreover, we have established a plan to overcome this issue to prevent it from increasing. Finally, we talked about how to effect a change on this matter. B. Visualize:
Increased in homelessness issue will dramatically effect the society we are living in. Increasing in crime on the hazard of spending diseases I’ll couple of the most important effects of increased homelessness. To live in a healthier society and to enjoy a crime free Community we need to Weekly homelessness issue. C. Challenge to Act: homelessness is a global issue that also hits close to home. It it Effect us directly without being homeless people. This issue is increasing I’m in need of a rapid intervention. I have provided you with the tools to help affecting a change, I now challenge you to use them to help in the fight against homelessness.
WORKS CITED Ellen , B. L., DeCandia, C. J., & Beach, C. (2013). America’s Youngest Outcasts: A Report Card on Child Homelessness. THE NATIONAL CENTER ON Family Homelessness. The American Institute of research.
Issa, Mario, & Mimi. (2007). Effects of Homelessness. Retrieved from Homelessness:
“One diverse population that has continued to increase over the quarter of a century is composed of people who are homeless” (Baggerly & Zalaquett, 2006, p.155). Homelessness has become a growing problem in society because more and more people are finding themselves to be homeless and not knowing where to turn. Many people do not
The Problems and causes of homelessness are closely intertwined, with many of the problems of homelessness also sharing common source with the causes of homelessness. Narrative comments are included. There are three central themes that are highlighted in the cases. Mental health plays a large role in the cause and problem of homelessness as displayed by Stephanie’s experience as “her parents asked her to leave home. Stephanie had suffered from anxieties and bipolar”. Abusive relationships are also experienced frequently amongst the participants illustrated by Lauren and her children as it is noted “her husband was manipulative and abusive to her and the children”. Exposure to drugs is another theme of homelessness demonstrated by Elle’s
Homelessness is an issue in American society today that affects anywhere from 800,000 to 3.5 million people. There are a substantial amount of people that are without shelter, food, or employment, and there are numerous other people affected by poverty and homelessness. People living in nearly every city in the United States are affected by homelessness due to the large amounts of homeless individuals living on the streets and begging for money, food, and other necessities. The issue of homelessness has been a constant problem since the conquering of the New World, and soup kitchens and homeless shelters have not been able to fully end homelessness. Especially today, with a lack of affordable housing and high unemployment rates, homelessness is prevalent.
This article seeks to clarify the reasons of homelessness happens, and how it is at the present being managed out in public policy. Triggers and indicators of homelessness are investigated and it is demonstrated that triggers are quite often intensified, showing a huge number of variables that prompts homelessness. The way of life and group encompassing the homeless lifestyle is viewed as assuming a critical part in how the individual adapts to their homelessness. This article succeeds by proposing what could be done to improve the situation of homeless people by shaping public policy. This article that prepared by Philips, Kaitlin will definitely be useful for my writing assignment 4 because, there are information regarding my topic and she explained and also included causes and solution and also, she mentioned health issues like mental illness that homeless people encounter. I liked how this article is divided by
In an authoritative and scientific voice, the author refutes the common belief that vast majority of the homeless are semipermanently distressed. Real experience and direct quotes from researchers help to convince the readers that the root of the problem is the people who are chronically homeless. With the use of statistics on this particular group of the homeless,
The issue of homelessness has been called as one that is "highly ambiguous and intangible" (Neale, 1997, p.7). Wright defines the homeless a "diverse, heterogeneous lot. No single catch phrase or easy myth can possibly describe them all" (p.46)
Homelessness has always been a major social issue for cities across the nation but in recent years it is reached astonishing proportions. In this essay I will try to summarize ten recently published articles and each of the authors view of homelessness. First I will discuss some of their opinions of the causes of the recent increase of homelessness and who or what is to blame. Next we will look into just a few of the effects of homelessness, both to the homeless and those around them. After that we will explore possible solutions that have been tried or proposed.
Homelessness is often accompanied by many other problems such as mental disorders, substance abuse issues, isolation from family and friends, and poor general health. Often time’s people that suffer from homelessness experience a lower quality of life than those who have a place to call home.
Homelessness is one of the tragedies that one can face unexpectedly as well as where one can choose. Being homeless is often defined as “sleeping on streets” and most people in the society only regard homeless people to be uncouth, uneducated and drug addicts that are epidemic in the community, where many do not put into context any other reason as to why people become homeless. However, individuals who chose to live on streets have placed this kind of bad reputation to homeless community and thus the society cannot be fully blamed for the judgment they give a person that is regarded as homeless.
Thesis: Homelessness has become a growing problem in our communities, but we can take action by engaging in conversations with them, donating, and volunteering our time to benefit ourselves while making a difference in out communities.
Homelessness is the condition of people without a permanent place to live, such as a house. People who are homeless are unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure housing. It has been a problem for a long time but it has become a social issue from the past few decades. People think about homelessness as one’s personal problem and seek them to face it. Moreover, the majority of the people think that the only reason behind being homelessness is their choice and just laziness to do any work and lead to a better life. But that’s just one incomplete perception about the homelessness.
Homelessness is a critical issue that requires everyone’s attention. Hundreds of thousands of homeless people live on the streets as their shelter. Historically, homelessness has always been a problem in society. Homeless people were known as “the wondering poor”, “sturdy beggars”, and as “vagrants,” but it was not until the late 18th century that homelessness because noticeable to society. Homeless person is anyone who lacks adequate shelter, resources, and community ties. People who are homeless can be categorized as chronic deinstitutionalized or temporary
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
Due to the relative nature of culture and language, the definition of homelessness varies across the world. What is a common thread among nearly all definitions is the difficulty in locating and retaining permanent residence and integration into normative society. (Elliott & Krivo, 1991, 114) Some of the stereotypes about the behavior of homeless people are true.
What do people think of homelessness? People think that they are people who can’t get a job and are too lazy to work.Seeing people on the streets, some yelling at others, some sleeping on the ground with no roof over their head,digging in the recycle to get as many bottles they can for money.Imagine living on the streets with not much food to spare or and love to spread,just concrete maybe a cardboard and a small blanket is all homeless will have. We can do so much more to help them. We can give them food drives, make apartments for them, get the education they need and so much more! It would be like having a baby born and teaching its way to a good life. Homelessness is a big global problem and we can solve it just by donating,caring, volunteering,and helping the whole world become a better place and having fantastic lives. This paper will discuss about homelessness, it will be discovered in it’s history,effects, and solutions.