
Persuasive Speech Outline On Obesity

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Purpose: To inform individuals about the detriment of obesity

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter— there once was a shy little brown girl who get called names like “thunder thighs” or “fat Haitian mommy”, (those words echoed in her mind). She questioned why she was being looked at as she walked the hallways of her middle school.
B. Thesis Statement— Obesity is a detrimental issue which require health treatment, diet changes, and lifestyle changes in order to decrease disease and death rates.
C. Relevancy Statement—these days, People aren’t cooking and are eating out more often. Many of us eat fast food consistency and eat the food our schools provide. “According to US national nutrition institution eating after 8pm will make you gain weight.” …show more content…

Obesity has a far-ranging negative effect on health. Each year obesity-related conditions cost over 150 billion dollars and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the US.
B. One out of every three Americans is obese, which means more than 50% of all Americans are suffering from this life-taking disease. If this rate keeps going up then our next generation will ultimately suffer from many more diseases and health problems as well as a shorter life span.
Subpoint: The body mass index or BMI is the best simple method for measuring
How obese someone is.
A. Any level of obesity is bad for you. At a BMI of 30 you are at a higher risk of disease and have a reduced life expectancy. For most, the quality of life is reduced. At progressively higher levels of BMI the likelihood of disease increases, the risk to life is greater and the quality of life is less. If your BMI is greater than 35 you are in the high risk group and, by the time you reach a BMI of 40, the risk is nearly three times that of people who have normal weight. The risk rises very steeply as your weight

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