Purpose: I want to persuade my audience that sugar is a dangerous drug that is damaging America?s health.
Thesis Statement: We need to know why we are addicted to sugar, how can stop the addiction, and the positive effects kicking the sugar habit will have on our lives.
Attention: Are you a sugarholic? Do you eat refined sugar everyday? Can you go more than one day without eating some type of sugar containing food? Have you ever hidden candy in your home in an effort not to share them with anyone? If you have you are not alone; I am guilty of my own questions. Sugar addiction is the most prevalent, widely practiced and legally accepted addiction in our society. Through my research I have found several books written on the sugar addiction
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Having natural food in your system can cause positive reactions in your body. In turn creating a healthier you.) Satisfaction Step: A. The Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program by Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons. Suggests seven simple steps to kicking the sugar habit.
1. Eat breakfast with protein.
a. Dr. D says sugar addicted people do not normally eat breakfast.
b. Which means by 10 a.m. we are reaching for the most convenient thing to snack on.
c. Which is usually some sugar loaded substance.
2. Keep a journal.
a. Write down what you eat.
b. And how you feel when you eat it.
c. That way you can keep track of your sugar cravings.
3. Three meals a day with protein.
a. Dr. D believes protein stabilizes blood sugar.
b. Reducing the amount of sugar cravings.
4. Take Vitamins.
a. A multivitamin a day keeps the doctor away.
5. Shift from ?whites? to ?browns?.
a. White foods such as bread or rice generally under the same type of process as sugar to get its color.
b. Robbing it of its nutrients.
c. Wheat bread and brown rice are more natural products.
d. They are healthier for the body.
6. Taking out the sugar.
a. Now you watch your intake of sugar.
b. This step should be easier because you have been training your body not to crave processed sugar substances.
7. Enjoy the healthier you.
(Transition: You don?t have to adopt this plan, any plan that concentrates on eating a well balanced diet can help.)
Sugar is not the horrifying monster that everyone thinks will hurt you. Sugar isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is, it's actually good for you in different ways. It helps you focus, sugar is not addictive, and it doesn't cause serious diseases.
Thesis: Overall, recent studies have shown that sugar substitutes isn’t and can cause potential health problems.
I learned more about the effects of sugar, than I ever have. When sugar is consumed it is converted to insulin in the pancreas. We americans are consuming so much sugar that excess insulin is being produced. Excess insulin is then converted to fat. This helps contribute to the rising obesity crisis. We can’t stop eating
Defining a sugar-addiction is similar to identifying an addiction to other substances. Addiction to substances similar to heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes are defined by a pattern within a twelve month period. Three out of seven symptoms: increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, using the substance more than intended, an inability to control the use of the substance, expending effort to obtain the substance, replacing important activities with the use of the substance, and continuing to use the substance despite its negative consequences could indicate addiction of the substance (Tufts University 4). Sugar-addiction is a complex issue, when it comes from sugar, since it is a substance that is in countless foods that are eaten.
The author’s evidence states that people were “warned about the evil effects of sugar for hundreds of years with no positive effect on our health,” and the tells the audience how the goal of this is kind of rhetoric.
There are plenty of reasons and research studies that show how destructive sugar can be for your health if not managed properly, “and unfortunately our standard American Diet is anything but balanced.”(Konie 1) Americans don’t manage their sugar levels, let alone manage their sugar intake. The exponential growth of obesity in underway and the main cause. Sugar. Many people don’t understand this but sugar is perfectly fine as long as you can control it, many also don’t realize just, “how dangerous the extremes can be.”(Konie 1)
As we hear of more studies exclaiming alarming findings of negative health concerns related to obesity and our continuously growing percentage of obesity in our country, particularly childhood obesity, sugar is in the spotlight. We often hear of dieticians and weight loss experts warning us that we
Summary: This documentary showed how sugar is as addicting as cocaine. By 2050, one in three people will be diagnosed with type two diabetes, where in 1980, there was zero reported cases. Companies know this information and reduced the fat, but doubled the sugar in their product.
Recent evidence linking sugar to non-communicable disorders shows that we need to rethink and re-evaluate what we know about sugar and how we consume it. According to the World Health Organization, sugar should not be more than 10% of the calories you consume daily. This is about 30-50 grams or 6-10 teaspoons of added sugar, depending on the age. Are all types of sugar bed? What are the common sources of added sugar? Are you concerned about eating too much sugar? Should you? Consider the answers to 3 most common questions about sugar and their answers
This is a fact that is not only staggering, but also shocking that we’ve let this happen to the modern age what with all the technology that could perhaps help reduce this. Paragraph 3’s testimonial is in short order, the UN says that sugar is now in the same league of products as tobacco and alcohol, especially when consumed in large amount, can pose a serious health threat, however it is OK, but only if used in moderation.
Sugar was a high in demand, and dominating industry for many reasons. It was a natural preservative that was edible, it was often used for decorative purposes and it was also believed to have had medicinal and magical properties. People of all ages and classes currently consume sugar, however this wasn’t always the case. Shortly after the Europeans became introduced to the existence of sucrose and sugar cane, it
The topic that I will be writing for the research paper is sugar and diet. I want explore more how does sugar play a role in our everyday diet. Growing up in my family, my mother has been always emphasize the importance of health. In the household, we do not store any unhealthy snacks or sugar added drinks, however, I do love sweets. I think sugar can bring people happiness, but i also understand overconsumption of sugar will also bring physical health problems. Therefore, I want to discover specifically on what is sugar exactly, how much sugar we consume everyday, and what can sugar do to our body.
Today in our society sugar is accepted and consumed in large quantities. According to the United Stated Department of Agriculture the average American consumes between 150 to 170 pounds a sugar a year (that’s 30 five pound bags). I myself have undergone an experiment to go without sugar for a week to identify the effects it had on my body first hand. I will present you with findings I have found and hope you learn a little more about this substance we put into our bodies so readily and willingly. Today I will talk to you about the physical effects, mental and emotional effects of sugar on the body, and the proper intake of sugar.
Sugar is, and has always been, unavoidable; conversely, sugar has not always been toxic. Naturally abundant and technically enhanced, this substance has followed in the footsteps of tobacco and alcohol, becoming just as unhealthy and ultimately lethal. And, without the implementation of government
There has been a scary statistic, one out of three people have obesity because of sugar. Sugar has a negative impact on our bodies it can give us type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.