
Pet Friendly Pethick

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Pet Friendly by Sue Pethick is an entertaining book about Todd Dwyer, a millionaire app designer and Archie, a dog who Todd adopts after his Uncle Bertie passes away. Just when Todd seems to have everything perfect in his life, a billion dollar business sale and the impending proposal to the girl he believes will make him the happiest man alive, Todd’s life is thrown into chaos with a little help from the mischievous pet. The story begins at the funeral of Todd’s uncle, a retired circus clown named Uncle Bertie and Archie’s original owner. Brief tension unfolds between Todd and his sister Claire when they learn that Fran, their mother, has decided to give the talented Archie to Todd. Claire, convinced that Todd’s live-in girlfriend and future …show more content…

The inn widely regarded as haunted and listed on the NRHP – National Registry of Haunted Places just happens to be hosting several ghost hunters from the SSSPA - Society for the Scientific Study of Paranormal Activity. Concurrent with Todd’s visit, several ghostly incidents occur including a missing sandwich, strange howling, ominous scratching in the walls, and blood-curdling screams from the housekeeper who claims to have seen a ghost in the laundry room. The ghost hunters request a séance in the Spirit Room to investigate the occurrences. Emma reluctantly agrees as she and Todd believe Archie may be the ghost that has peaked so much interest. Additionally, she is concerned due to the fact that the room is located directly under a damaged portion of roof. Just as it seems a connection has been made with a spirit, the roof collapses and in falls Archie, Clifton Fairholm, and a copious amount of missing food. Emma discovers that Clifton has been hiding supplies and embezzling money from the business for years. The injuries are minor except for Todd who is trapped under a beam. He is rescued and it becomes evident to Gwen that Todd and Emma are still in love. Todd is taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries while Gwen seeks revenge by taking Archie to the humane society demanding the vicious dog be destroyed immediately. Todd learns of Gwen’s treachery and, with just seconds to spare, rescues

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