There is talk of every American being insured, yet what is the cut off line for those insured? Surprisingly, the line has been drawn further to include pets as part of the population that is insured. Of course pet insurance is not a requirement, but it is an option. How does one come to the conclusion that their pet needs insurance? There are various factors that affect the buyer’s decision process to purchase pet insurance other than their economic position. In the United States, the purchase of pet insurance will continue to grow as emerging generations consider their pets members of their family. With regards to who purchases pet insurance, a person’s economic standing is not a strict requirement to purchase it. Although someone’s economic standing can be a factor to purchasing the insurance there are other factors such as cultural and personal beliefs. In the United States, culture regards their animals as part of their family. Therefore, as new generations emerge there is more concern for their pets as they treat them as a human being that have necessities. Furthermore, in …show more content…
If they were to determine that they need the insurance they would then search for the best prices and would value alternatives based on who has the best coverage for their pet. The purchase decision would be made based on how much the consumer is willing to pay to insure its pet. The post-purchase behavior of a customer would be determined once the insurance is used, then would a customer be satisfied with what they paid for or be disappointed with their coverage. According to BenefitsPRO Magazine, the demand amongst millennials for pet insurance has increased as they begin to opt to own animals over starting a family. The change in generation creates a demand for pet insurance to be offered by employers in order to retain the new
The famous president, Franklin D. Roosevelt , once stated "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." (Leuchtenburg 16). As one of the best known presidents, and as some might argue, one of the wisest presidents, his decisions and legacy continue to impact the life in America today. Born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882 to a wealthy and prominent family, he lived a life filled to the brim with luxury. He was, however diagnosed with polio in 1921. As the only president to be elected as president for four separate terms, he served from 1933 to 1945. He could not, however complete his fourth term, for he passed away on April 12, 1945 of cerebral hemorrhage. As a child, he attended the Groton School of Boys, which prepared him for the incredibly prestigious, Harvard University.
Lawn signs, television advertisements, billboards, and political rallies are some of the key components of a successful political campaign. A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the democratic public that is voting for its elected officials. These seemingly trifling parts of a campaign cost money. Money equals power, is the political mantra in today’s society. Campaigning can cost millions of dollars, and it is logical to believe that only those with the means have the ability to participate in the race for leadership. In a democratic society such as ours, every person has the right to vote and stand up for what they believe is right. Every person, from Donald Trump to the regular middle class citizen,
Pets. Loving, furry, fun. A furry companion in about 37- 47% of all households have dogs and 30- 37% households hold felines in the United States alone. But at what costs comes with owning one of these adorable animals as pets and is it worth the trouble? “In The Last Meow”, Bilgers shares his opinion about whether or not we’re spending too much money and effort owning a pet. The answer to the question is, “yes” Americans spend an abundance of hard earned income a year even if the pets can still die within a year. I own two pets, so I can see where and why people would try to save their pets and prolong how much they live. On the other hand, why try to extend their life when our beloved furry family member is in agonizing pain and suffering more than half of the time?
Factors that determine a person’s ability to be medically insured depend on their location, their financial standpoint, their physical ability to get medical help, or because of personal cultural reasons. According to Barton’s, 96% of people who are 65 years or older have financial access to health services by using Medicare. 84% of those who are younger than 65 use healthcare that is provided by Medicaid, a private health insurance, government-sponsored programs, or programs provided by their workplace. Therefore, 16% of the population is left uninsured. Some choose to be uninsured while others cannot afford it or cannot reach health services due to where they live. Certain people do not have health insurance because their jobs do not provide
In the article, “Life Insurance Lapse Behavior” (2013), Stephen G. Fier and Andre P. Liebenberg have discussed how life insurance policy lapses can be detrimental to the insurers and to the insured. The authors have emphasized how large income shocks can result in volunatary life insurance lapses and they have also stated that voluntary lapses occur due to the decision on the part of the insured to compensate financial losses (Fier & Liebenberg, 2013). The purchase of a different life insurance policy can also result in voluntary lapse of a specific life insurance policy (Fier & Liebenberg, 2013). It is to be noted that like life insurance, health insurance is also important. In the article, “Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January – March 2012” (2012), the authors have revealed how the U.S. populace’s concern for health insurance did rise since 1997. The authors have pointed out that in 2012 the rate of health coverage of children and adults were much higher than what it was in 1997 (Cohen & Martinez, 2012). This trend shows that Americans have become more health conscious than
Many pet owners perceive to say that having a pet is the best thing in the whole world. In the United States, about 63% of households have a furry friend to call their own. They come in many different colors and sizes that make them unique and fun to play with. However, owning a pet anywhere can be very controversial. Some people think that owning a pet can throw away most their money that they earn on a day to day basis. Even if that might be true, pets can also benefit people in many ways that is worth spending a little extra money. In my opinion, I think that everyone should have a pet of their own because they can improve health, can provide entertainment, and create a special friendship or companionship with its owner. (6)
Thesis Statement: Many people purchase dogs without considering how these pets will be cared for.
It is estimated that approximately forty four percent home homes in america have own a dog and thirty five percent own a cat (ASPCA). Such large numbers are not caused by novelty alone. Whether it be a cat, dog, bird, or horse there are advantages to taking care of another animal and the companionship it provides. The physical, emotional, and financial effects of ownership can range from the presence of a comforting friend, to even the motivation to exercise. However, pets of any kind are not always cheap and you will have to be prepared to pay the cost of food and vaccinations regardless of the type of pet.
Im gonna talk about why my book is valuable. Critics states that my book has no valuable meaning to tell the world and that there is no skills involved in drawing comics. There is a valuable meaning to the book and I will show you and tell you that it does have something valuable to tell the world. I believe that my book does have a valuable meaning to tell the world and that is that revolutions brings sadness and horror but also brings destiny.
During week four, while doing an analysis on potential or existing competition we found pet health insurance has an increase in the United States where pet owners are starting to purchase health insurance for their dogs and cats. Even though pet insurance has increased in the United States, it still doesn’t compare to the pet insurance that pet owners have for their pets in Europe. There are only 1% of pet owners in the United States that have health insurance for their pets compare to Europe pet owners. In Europe, there is an average of 5% of pet owners that have health insurance for their pets. Pet health insurance will continue to grow in the future because many pet owners consider their pets as a family member. The bond between a
Over portion of the populace in America claims either a canine or a feline (Newsweek, Paragraph 1). Pooches and felines have been family pets since the beginning of time. In the course of recent years, numerous cardiologists and therapists have found that owning a feline or pooch can diminish the danger of contracting many types of coronary illness and more mental ailments, for example, discouragement.
The effects of pet ownership have been shown to be beneficial for humans as well as animals in need of a home. People purchase pets for a variety of reasons, spanning from a need to get more exercise, a desire for companionship, to a desire for unconditional love. Other people simply just love animals and their lives feel complete without a furry friend. However, not all of the causes of pet ownership are positive. Some people purchase a pet because they think the animal looks cute but abandon the pet after they discover the hard work it requires to train it and keep it healthy. Other people do so out of ego, such as purchasing a large, vicious pet they hope will intimidate others and later find they cannot control. The motivational causes of owning a pet will determine the eventual effects of ownership.
A recent study at UCLA found that 37% of Medicare patients who owned pets visited their doctor less frequently and seemed to tolerate stressful events better (Whitaker). These are only the physical benefits.
The spending was an increase of more than 4% over 2015. For 2017, it estimated that $69.36 billion would be spent on our pets in the U.S. Estimated Breakdown: Food $29.69 billion, supplies, & medicine $14.93 billion, vet care $16.62 billion, live animal purchases $2.01 billion and other services $6.11 billion. In addition, the total number of pets owned in the U.S. is broken down as follows: Birds 20.3 million, Cats 94.2 million, Dogs 89.7 million, horses 7.6 million, freshwater fish 139.3 million, saltwater fish 18.8 million, reptiles 9.4 million, and small animals is 14.0 million. We would provide services to all these animals but the horses. The pet business is booming, a great opportunity for Greenwood and LPP. Lastly, millions of people own pet, a great opportunity for an area that is in need for a service like this. 76 percent said they are more likely to “splurge” on their pets than for themselves, including for expensive treats (44 percent) or a custom bed (38 percent), according to a 2014 study by Wakefield Research. The opportunity is there.
Pet protection takes care of the expense of veterinary treatment in the occasion of a guaranteed creature falling sick or being harmed in a mischance.